[PDF] Shape optimization of a layer-by-layer constraint - imag

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These IMAG, Grenoble 1981 E Goles, Comportement oscillatoire d’une famille d’automates cellulaires non uniformes, These IMAG, Grenoble 1980 J Hopfield, Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities, Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 79 (Apr 1982) 2554-2558

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Shape optimization of a layer-by-layer constraint - imag

Shape optimization of a layer-by-layer constraint functional for additive manufacturing processes GrégoireAllaire1,CharlesDapogny2,AlexisFaure 3,GeorgiosMichailidis ,and

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C R Acad Sci Paris, S erie I, t 324, pages 1193{1199, 1997 L Desbat and L Gratton Sampling with the re ected lattice in helical fan beam ct In Fully 3D tomography abtract book, pages 229{232, 2007 L Desbat and C Mennessier E cient sampling in Doppler imaging In Sampling Theory and Applications, SampTA’97, pages 16{21, 1997

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INRIA-Grenoble, CNRS-Marceille, Univ de Franche Comte-Besancon, IMAG-Grenoble, Univ of Manitoba-Winnipeg, Autonoma Univ, Mexico City, Univ of Tennessee at Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Lab , Univ of Giessen, Chemnitz,

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a GIPSA Laboratory, University of Grenoble, France b LAGA Laboratory, Paris XIII University, France c LJK Laboratory, University of Grenoble, France Received *****; accepted after revision +++++ Presented by $$$$$ Abstract In this paper, we present a new formalism for nonlinear and non-separable multiscale representations The new

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Shape optimization of a layer-by-layer constraint functional for additive manufacturing processes GrégoireAllaire1,CharlesDapogny2,RafaelEstevez 3,AlexisFaure ,and


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