[PDF] 2018 Montreal Guide - McGill University

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Guide du conjoint/compagnon du gouverneur 2017/2018 Page 1 Introduction Bienvenue aux conjoints/compagnons du gouverneur de district 2017-2018 En tant que conjoint/compagnon du gouverneur de district, vous jouerez un rôle important pendant les mois qui viennent Ce guide est conçu pour vous permettre de préparer ce qui sera certainement une

2018 Montreal Guide - McGill University

MONTREAL GUIDE 2018—2019 BIENvENUE à MTL Bienvenue à Montréal Montreal Quick Facts: #2 #3 Voted Best student City in north aMeriCa (according to Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)* *QS Best Student Cities ranking on February 14, 2018) Montreal turned 375 yrs oLd in 2017 #5 #4 PoPulation of Montreal 4 1 Million offiCial language is frenCh

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presented by Desautels Faculty of Management 2 018 - 2 019 M o n t r e a l G u i d e 3 may just be the on earth



Quick Facts


FAQs 6





What makes Montreal so unique?


Table of con

T en T s

45MON T RE A L GUIDE 2 018 - 2 019 BIE N v E NUE à M T L!Bienvenue à Montréal!Montreal Quick Facts:#2#3Voted... Beststudent Cityin north aMeriCa (according to Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)**QS Best Student Cities ranking on February 14, 2018)Montreal turned 375 yrs oLd in 2017#5#4PoPulation of Montreal4.1 MillionoffiCial language is frenCh(but the city is mostly bilingual)There is a certain feeling associated with Montreal that cannot exactly be put into words.ne can begin by describing it as a storied metropolis with a strong undercurrent of creativity and multi-culturalism. Even on the surface level, the diver-sity of the people and the neighbour-hoods themselves are easily recog-nizable. McGill University's main campus is located in the heart of this vibrant city and will give you access to all of its different neighbourhoods. From the thriving high-rises in the central business district, to the eclec-tic cafés of Le Plateau, or the peace-ful shore of the Lachine Canal, there is a place here for everyone. O Voted... one of the 10 haPPiest Cities in the World (according to Lonely Planet)#1

67MON T RE A L GUIDE 2 018 - 2 019 FA Q sFaQsWhat IfIdon't speak French? - What is the puBlic transportlike? (Bus, Metro, train)ontreal offers several options for trans-portation including the bus, metro, and train. Uber is also accessible in Montreal and the city also offers a self-service bike newtwork in the summer called BIXI.other FaQs & ansWersGenerAl: www.tourisme-montreal.org/Travel-Information/FAQsSTM ?bus / metro?: www.stm.info/en/info/networks/metroAMT ?train?: www.amt.qc.ca/enEven though French is the official language of Quebec, many Montrealers are bilingual, and often even speak a third language. Montreal is home to many different cultures and na-tionalities, therefore it is not an issue for day-to-day living to not speak French. However, for many jobs in Montreal, it is necessary to be able to communicate in both English and French, especially in the service industry. mWhat are the Winters like?re you scared of the snow? Don't be. In Montreal, we are lucky to experience fully each of the four seasons. With proper winter wear (jacket, boots, mittens, hat, and a scarf), you'll be all set. The city completely changes when it's covered in snow, and it's quite a beautiful sight to see. Also, there are lots of unique winter activities to look forward to dur-ing those chilly winter months including skiing, sliding, skating, snowshoeing... Even heading to the spa can be more fun!A

89MON T RE A L GUIDE 2 018 - 2 019 MU S T?D O sWeekend tripsOTTAWA ?1? Car: ~2h00m Train: ~2h00m Bus: ~2h30m QuebeC CiTy ?2?Car: ~2h50m Train: ~3hr20m Bus: ~3hr15mTOrOnTO ?3? Car: ~5hr30m Train: ~4hr54m Bus: ~5hr45m Winter sports trips (skiinG, snoWBoardinG, snoWshoeinG)MOnT?TreMblAnTST?SAuveurMOnTebellO HOW TO GeT THere? vIA Rail, Megabus, car rental.Must?do'sEat a smoked meat sandwich (Schwartz's, Reuben's, Main) Decide if you are more of a Fairmount or St-viateur bagel person! Experience the traditional Cabane à Sucre in March-April Enjoy the food trucks in the summer monthseAT pOuTine (Some recommendations): Frite Alors La BanquiseOrange JulepAu Pied de CochonWho are the haBs? The Montreal Canadian's hockey team is frequently referred to in English and French as the Habs. French nicknames for the team include Les Canadiens (or Le Canadien), Le Bleu-Blanc-Rouge, La Sainte-Flanelle, Le Tricolore, Les Glorieux (or Nos Glorieux), Les Habitants, Le CH and Le Grand Club.Go watch a Habs game Walk up to Mount Royal (or Mont Royal) for a view of Montreal010203

1011MON T RE A L GUIDE 2 018 - 2 019 C ULT UR ElandMarks St. Joseph's OratoryNotre-Dame Basilica Old Port Mount-Royal CrossBiosphere Olympic StadiumMontreal Botanical GardenMuseuMs (nearBy) Montreal Museum of Fine ArtsMcCord MuseumRedpath Museum (on campus) Montreal Museum of Contemporary ArtsMontreal Museums gives a complete list of museums: museesmontreal.org/en/museumshttp://museesmontreal.org/en cultureocals, travelers passing through, and newcomers cannot help but be completely drawn to the authentic culture that flows through the city. With a myriad of festivals, landmarks, museums, cafés and gastronomic experiences, there is always something to keep you interested. Lrestaurants breAkFAST & brunCHOlive & Gourmando Lawrence venice MTL Arts Café Sparrow FabergéLa Bête à PainDinner Escondite BiiruBoullion BilkDa EmmaFoxyKazu Aux vivresGreen Panther Santropol Lola Rosa Le Red Tiger Jatoba La Salle à Manger Marché des Éclusiers caFésCafé ParvisTommy Café Humble Lion (across from Desautels)Café Castel (next to Desautels)Arts Café Crew CollectiveCafé MyriadeDispatch CoffeDepanneur le pickupCafé AunjaKiffinKafein BarsAlexandraplatzDieu du Ciel! Apartment 200Le MajestiqueDarling La Buvette Chez Simone SuwuBar Henrietta0203010401. Le Quartier Latin02. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts3. La Salle à Manger04. Marché des Éclusiers

1312MON T RE A L GUIDE 2 018 - 2 019 C ULT UR E02060504030101. Escondite02. Jatoba03. Foxy04. Fairmont Bagel05. Schwartz Smoke Meat06. Tacos, EsconditeshoppinG SiMOnS The quintessential French Canadian department store.THe HuDSOn'S bAy A department store that started as a fur trading company. It is North America's oldest incorporated company. Today it sells a range of clothing, shoes, and housewares. OGilvy Iconic Montreal deparment store carrying designer clothing labels, footwear, beauty, and travel. HOlT renFreW Canada's specialty retailer of luxury brands.lOCAl bOuTiQueS m0851, Boutique Unicorn, Lowell, Boutique 1861, Matt & Nat.BookstoresParagraphe Argo bookshopIndigoMcGill BookstoreDrawn and Quarterly The Word (in Milton Park)MarketsJean Talon marketAtwater market Bonsecours market Metro Mount-Royal marketMaisonneuve market Montreal FestivalsIgloofest (Jan-Feb) Fête des neiges (Jan-Feb)Salon de l'auto (Jan) Nuit Blanche- Montreal en Lumière (Feb-Mar)Art Souterrain (Mar) Saint Patrick's Day Parade (Mar)Mural Festival (Jun)Les FrancoFolies (Jun) International Jazz Festival (Jun-Jul)Just for Laughs (Jul)Présence autochtone - Montreal First Peoples (Aug)Festival COnT'DOsheaga Music and Arts Festival (Aug)L'international des feux Loto-Quebec (Aug) MTL à Table- Resto Week (Nov) Christmas markets and events (Dec) popular neiGhBorhoodsPlateau Mont-RoyalMile EndOutremontChinatownMilton ParkOld Montreal Quartier des SpectaclesGriffintownMontreal's Most successFul industries Aerospace (Bombardier)Entertainment (Evenko, Cirque de Soleil) Communications & Marketing (Radio-Canada, Sid Lee, Cossette, Touché)Startups (Semeon, mnubo, Macromeasures, Frank & Oak, Transit) Technology, video Games, & virtual Reality (Ubisoft, AI, Go Software)Transportation (BIXI)Urban agriculture (Les fermes LUFA) lOOk AT THiS SiTe TO reAD MOre SuCCeSS STOrieSwww.montrealinternational.com/en/about-us/ greater-montreal-ambassadors-network

1415 n Montreal, each season brings new activities and ways to experience Can-ada. In the summer, the art scene moves outside for the Mural Festival, in the fall families and friends get together for apple or even pumpkin pick-ing, winter brings many opportunities for outdoor sports, and in the spring the landscape across the city changes once again. As some things change at the turn of each season, some things stay the same. Montreal is unique in that its French roots have remained a strong part of the culture in Quebec through the French language, food, and architecture. McGill University is another important fac-tor in the city's history. Founded in 1821, McGill has maintained a reputation throughout the decades as one of the world's greatest universities. During your time here, be sure to take full advantage of the memorable times at McGill and in Montreal. IWhat makes Montreal sounique?0103040207060501. Mural Festival02. McGill University03. Beaver Lake04. Jean-Talon Market05. Jazz Festival06. Beach, Plage de L'Horloge07. Row Houses in the PlateauMON T RE A L GUIDE 2 018 - 2 019 W H AT M A K E S M T L UNIQ UE?


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