[PDF] Agenda Dresden-4th Meeting of the OECD-NEA PKL-3 Project

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Residential and office building Prager Carrée in Dresden

the southern section of Prager Straße, thus closing the last gap on the heavily frequented axis between the main railway station / the central bus station (ZOB) and Dresden Altmarkt With some 8,500 pedestrians daily, Prager Straße is the most frequented shopping street in Eastern Germany Project description

Street music, street art and street painting - Dresden

4 – Prager Straße South between Prager Straße 1a and 3 5 – Prager Straße South from Prager Straße 3b to 5 6 – Prager Straße Center from Prager Straße 9 to 11 7 – Prager Straße North/Stairs (between Prager Straße 13 and 8) 8 – Dr -Külz-Ring West 9 – Dr -Külz-Ring Central and Pfarrgasse 10 – Altmarkt/Southside


of Prager Straße you can already see the distinctive Lost and found service honeycomb facade of the Centrum Galerie in the Distance Tram numbers 11 und 12 as well as bus number 82 stop in Prager Straße BY BUS AND TRAM Type the address „Reitbahnstraße 1, 01069 Dresden“ in your navigation system This leads directly to the car park


Dresden Tourismus GmbH Prager Straße 2b, 0 069 Dresden Tel : + 49 (0)351 50 160 - 0 Freiberger Straße Dresden Main Station Kongress-zentrum Map 9

Allotment in Hotel Ibis Dresden Königstein

ibis Hotels Dresden - Prager Straße 5 / 9 / 13 – 01069 Dresden Ibis Hotels Dresden – BKL Dresden Hotelbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Prager Straße 5 / 9 / 13 – 01069 Dresden – T +49 (0)351 4856-4856 – F +49(351) 4856-2999

Retail Services Marktreport 2015/2016 · Dresden

the whole of Dresden’s retail trade and at the same time should have positive effects on Prager Straße Also the rising number of shopping tourists from eastern countries such as the Czech Republic and Russia, will encourage the development of retail spaces aussichtlich das Projekt „Prager Carrée“ eröffnet, in dem

Max Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Stephanstraße

Autobahn/Dresden At Augustusplatz turn into Grimmaischer Steinweg/Prager Straße (straight ahead) The third turning on the right is Stephanstraße By rail There is a large tram-stop in front of the main exits from Leipzig Central Station Take the no 12 or 15

Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG

Prager Straße 2b 01069 Dresden 16 Camburger Straße 5 99091 Erfurt 17 Warehouse Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 10 34131 Kassel 18 Oldenburger Straße 1 27777 Ganderkesee 19 freesort GmbH Berner Straße 54 60437 Frankfurt am Main Physical mail processing 20 Boschstraße 8 71384 Weinstadt 21 Freimanner Bahnhofstraße 17 80807 München 22

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