[PDF] Arabic Verbs - Arabe en ligne pour les francophones

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Arabic Verbs - Arabe en ligne pour les francophones

Introduction It is important for an English speaker to choose the most suitable way to learn Arabic verbs If the goal is to learn useful verbs and the way that Arabs use them, then this book is the right choice

Conjugaison arabe - Al-Hakkak

Conjugaison arabe Préambule L'ouvrage a pour objectif d'aider les francophones à faire les bons choix pédagogiques avant de commencer à apprendre les verbes en arabe Ce n'est pas un usuel vers lequel on retourne pour trouver une réponse à tout Les verbes que l'on trouve ici sont sélectionnés pour leur fréquence ou leur utilité

wwwal-hakkakfr Les bases de l ةـيـبرعلا en 50 semaines

Conjugaison arabe Préambule L'ouvrage a pour objectif d'aider les francophones à faire les bons choix pédagogiques avant de commencer à apprendre les verbes en arabe Ce n'est pas un usuel vers lequel on retourne pour trouver une réponse à tout Les verbes que l'on trouve ici sont sélectionnés pour leur fréquence ou leur utilité

Conjugaison des verbes arabes selon la norme LMF ISO 24613

2 1 Caractéristiques des verbes arabes Dans la langue arabe, il y a plus de 16 000 verbes Un verbe peut avoir 109 formes fléchies quand il admet à la fois la voix active et passive et 57 formes fléchies (FF) lorsqu’il n’admet que la voix active (Ammar et al, 1999) En général, les verbes sont des formes dérivées à

Manuel de conjugaison du verbe en arabe

respectivement en 1973 et 1957), le Traité de philologie arabe (I et II) de Fleisch (m 1985) ainsi que la Grammaire active de l’arabe de Neyreneuf et Al-Hakkak Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive, et l’ensemble des sources utilisées se trouve en bibliographie Ce manuel a pour but d’apporter les réponses aux questions que ne

Lexique d arabe dialectal du Caire - Egyptedu

Liste des mot arabes Pour faciliter le travail du d”butant, nous proposons une liste des mots arabes difficiles ‹ trouver, class”s non plus par racine, mais selon ordre alphab”tique arabe ¸ la suite de chacun de ces mots figure, s”pa-r”e par une puce ˙äÛä¨, son entr”e dans le lexique arabe-fran“ais Expressions idiomatiques

Fiches grammaticales - univ-lorrainefr

(verbes et noms) en arabe Le plus souvent, à partir d’une racine trilitère, on forme des mots selon un schème (= moule) précis pour désigner un sens Par exemple, à partir de la racine : بّ/تّ/ّك l’on forme le verbe ّبََتكَ écrire, selon le schème des verbes de la première forme, en l’occurrence :

JOB :pr1deb DIV : 06⊕remarque p1folio:2805 --- 29/3/06 --- 16H58

Certains verbes comme conclure ne présentent pas de variation du radical À la nomenclature du dictionnaire, chaque verbe est suivi d’un numéro qui renvoie à un tableau de conjugaison du type de conjugaison concerné, à utiliser comme modèle Pour certains numéros, il arrive que plusieurs verbes soient conjugués Il s’agit de verbes qui

Verbes irréguliers anglais

www verbes-irreguliers-anglais Verbes irréguliers anglais Retrouvez tous les verbes irréguliers, des méthodes d’apprentissage et des exercices automatiques pour s’entraîner sur www verbes-irreguliers-anglais Base verbale Préterit Participe passé Traduction abide abode abode respecter / se conformer à

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Arabic Verbs

Made Easy with Effort

Ghalib Al-Hakkak

Basic by practice


Arabic online for English Speakers




Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling

Same spellingSame spelling


Arabic Verbs

Made Easy with Effort

Version 1.4

Tables, exercises, corrections and index

Textbook with online recordings

Ghalib Al-Hakkak

© Ghalib Al-Hakkak, Self published author - France ( ghalib@al-hakkak.fr ) Basic by practice


Arabic online for English Speakers

1Partial - for personnal use

© Ghalib Al-Hakkak, August 2016

ISBN-13: 978-1536813913 / ISBN-10: 1536813915

Author : Ghalib AL-HAKKAK, Marmagne 71710, Burgandy, France Publisher : Ghalib AL-HAKKAK, Self published author (auteur auto-édité)

Printed by and distributed through : Amazon

Website : www.al-hakkak.fr

Email : ghalib@al-hakkak.fr

2Partial - for personnal use


It is important for an English speaker to choose the most suitable way to learn Arabic verbs. If the goal

is to learn useful verbs and the way that Arabs use them, then this book is the right choice. You may ask

is it worth it to spend time learning Arabic verbs with such a book? Yes. Arabic literature spans more than

remained almost the same. Arabs still use the same verbs to express themselves for vital actions a s they

did in 600 AD: to go, to come, to eat, to drink, to speak, to live, to die, etc. Verbs can thus be an entry point

to explore the language of the past.

How to learn Arabic verbs with this book?

First of all, one should note that Arabic conjugation is quite simple. With only two tenses, all verbs have

as a "weak" letter ( ϱ΍ϭ). That"s why one should start with "strong verbs" and progressively move to the more particular cases.

I suggest this plan:

1. Start with some strong triliteral verbs : to write, to understand, to

open, to sit down.

2. Move on to derivated or "increased" forms (

) of strong verbs in this order: forms II and V

(pages 53 and 71), then III and VI (pages 57 and 75), then VII and VIII (pages 79 and 87), then X (page


3. Move on to form IV (page 61). Study it carefully.

4. Study the weak verbs of form I and concentrate on what seems useful t

o you (pages 23 to 49). you can move on and return later. At every stage, try to do all the exercises and review your mistakes. You may notice that the recordings give you two ways to pronounce every verb. In elementary school and the dialects spoken in Arab countries, and may help you understand how the language varies from one region to the other.

3Partial - for personnal use

A common system

With only two tenses (past and present), the whole conjugation can be presented in one page. This

allows us to visualize the system in its entirety. But in order to learn it properly, one should focus on the

the same for all persons. Once you have memorized it, you can conjugate.


Past Present Past Present Past Present

How to use the tables in this book?

write the verbs as Arabs do, without the short vowels. a list of some very common verbs which follow the same pattern. So you c an already practice trying to conjugate new verbs using the table on the page. Sometimes, you have quotations at the bottom of the

page. It is up to you to look for the meaning. It can be a great conversation starter to ask an Arab speaker

you know. The following videos, though in French, may help you learn to write: Marfu c , mansub and majzum!

The present tense should be studied well. Eventually you will see that in some situations, the end of

4Partial - for personnal use

5 the time being. In-depth study of the modes, Marfu c (Indicative Majzum (Jussive ϡϭίΟϣϟ΍); which cause these changes can be reserved for later. Pay attention to the table and you will understand the system.


Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

Same spelling Same spelling

It is not necessary to draw a table for every verb, every tense and every m ode. It is better to memorize

the system as it is shown above. The conjugation varies slightly from one mode to the next. For example,

. Some weak verbs vary further, with changes in mode. Look carefully at each case and do the exercises. If you struggle with them, start again. (imperfect) 1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.






(Imperfect) 1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.






An example of a strong verb : An example of a weak verb : Partial - for personnal use 6

How to recognize the group of a verb?

Let"s take a look at some examples:

Of course, it is not always so easy. But the best way to progress and start learning is to look for what

is easy and clear. Then things will start falling into place. It may be helpful to consult a teacher to review

your writing, the completed exercises and any outstanding details that r emain unclear.

Good Luck!

Ghalib Al-Hakkak, Marmagne (Burgundy), France July 2016 26 th ghalib@al-hakkak.fr

Edited by Alexander Sethi

Partial - for personnal use

Arabic Verbs

Made Easy with Effort

Triliteral Verb

Form I

7Partial - for personnal use

8Partial - for personnal use

1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.

Present Tense


Past Tense


Similar common use verbs





1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.





Present Particple

Past Particple

Verbal Noun (variable)


Passive Voice

© Ghalib Al-Hakkak - August 2016

Arabic for English Speakers - http://www.al-hakkak.fr



Dual Notes, expressions, quotations... Search for meanings on your own ! NB : the meaning given here is the most common one; variant meanings can be found in a dictionnary.

For this verb

also called "naked" or "form I"

Partial - for personnal use

1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.

Present Tense


Past Tense


Similar common use verbs





1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.





Present Particple

Past Particple

Verbal Noun (variable)


Passive Voice

© Ghalib Al-Hakkak - August 2016

Arabic for English Speakers - http://www.al-hakkak.fr



Dual Notes, expressions, quotations... Search for meanings on your own ! NB : the meaning given here is the most common one; variant meanings can be found in a dictionnary.

For this verb

Partial - for personnal use

1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.

Present Tense


Past Tense


Similar common use verbs





1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.





Present Particple

Past Particple

Verbal Noun (variable)


Passive Voice

© Ghalib Al-Hakkak - August 2016

Arabic for English Speakers - http://www.al-hakkak.fr



Dual Notes, expressions, quotations... Search for meanings on your own ! NB : the meaning given here is the most common one; variant meanings can be found in a dictionnary.

For this verb

Triliteral Strong Verb (form I) - au

To scatter seeds

To appear

To let

To tear

To happen

To protect

To harvest

To happen

To govern

To cook bread

To stock

To address (a speech)

To study

To mention

To create

To strangle

To refuse

To dance

To draw

To run

To eat

To steal

To fall

To pour

To keep silent

To live (somewhere)

To spoil

To feel

To thank

To be patient

To paint (building)

To be published

To tell the truth

To shout

To resist

To cook

To jump

To demand

To venerate

To cross

To impose

To kill

To go to, to mean

To sit down

To keep sth secret

To sweap

To touch

To grow (veg.)

To scatter

To support

To speak

To look

To blow

To diminish

To reject

To transfer

1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.

Present Tense


Past Tense


Similar common use verbs





1 st Pers. 2 nd Pers. 3 rd Pers.quotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15