[PDF] CashPooler - DataLog Finance

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EBICS Compendium - PPI AG

(CFONB), the Swiss banks and the SIX The current EBICS specification in version 3 0 is a milestone in the evolution of the standard With the collective business transaction formats (BTF) a standardisation of the different national EBICS formats has been realised Other features like certificates and electronic distributed signatures are now

Payment Processing and Cash Management Study Trends and

national standards such as DTAUS (DE), CFONB (FR), CLIEOP (NL), etc This change has a direct impact on banking communication, which necessitates changes in the existing communication systems It also impacts the timing for payment execution

CashPooler - DataLog Finance

CashPooler manages simultaneously any type of bank communication protocol: SWIFTNet (FIN, FileAct, InterAct), EBICS, X400, FTP, etc and all formats of related files (CFONB, SWIFT, EDIFACT, XML, etc ) The first full Web incoming/outgoing payment platform provides navigating with your fingertips and your eyes


Multi-bank communication • Account statements • Payments and collections (SEPA, CFONB) • Third-party database (BIC/IBAN) • Transaction statements (unpaid transactions, etc ) • Transaction e-mail notifications for third-parties • Online downloads (Excel, CFONB, etc ) Customised home screen • Favourites: custom menus and macro-commands

BL Banking - Business-Logics

specified by CFONB, including support for certificates (EBICS‐T and EBICS‐TS) as well as the French payment formats BL Bundesbank Client The software for EBICS communication with the Deutsche Bundesbank and all specific order types for EMZ and HBV BL Bundesbank Client plus Extends the BL Bundesbank client with the

NetSuite Electronic Bank Payments

CFONB BNZ (Bank of New Zealand) SEPA Credit Transfer (ABN AMRO Bank) Austria SEPA (Austria) Pain 001 001 02 SEPA Credit Transfer (France) SEPA Credit Transfer (Austria) SEPA Credit Transfer (HSBC Bank) SEPA Credit Transfer (HSBC Bank) Germany DTAUS Belgium CIRI-FBF DTAZV SEPA Credit Transfer (Belgium) SEPA Credit Transfer (Germany)

The Organisational Structure of Banking Supervision

communication (by e-mail as well as telephone and fax), would channels of information really be that much changed by the physical move? 2 The FSA would, I believe, argue that what has changed is that it can take advantage of the efficiency benefits of a unified supervisor, to be discussed in Section (II)(a) below,

TRAVIC-EBICS-Kernel EBICS communication made easy

The EBICS communication has become indispensable for the finance sector High market shares of more than 50 in Germany and over 30 in France are proof of the cus-tomer satisfaction and the benefits provided by the TRAV-IC-EBICS-Kernel The TRAVIC-EBICS-Kernel is an API solution which man-ages the EBICS communication for payment solutions as


Internal communication channels for EBICS messages are protected against inter-ception and manipulation The customer is solely responsible for protecting the customer’s software and internal communication channels and customer-specific solutions must be imple-mented The software developer is responsible for the following:

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