[PDF] Synergetic Control of the Unstable Two-Mass System

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82 Trigonometric Integrals

7 cos2x= (cosx)2 −(sinx)2 Integrating: R (sinx)m(cosx)ndx There are 3 cases 1 nisodd: Substitute u= sinx, du= cosxdx 2 misodd: Substitute u= cosx, du= −sinxdx Example: Evaluate R (sinx)3(cosx)3dx Solution: Let u= sinx, du= cosxdx This leaves (cosx)2 = 1−(sinx)2 = 1−u2 Z (sinx)3(cosx)3dx= Z u3(1−u2)du= u4/4−u6/6 = 1 4 (sinx)4

Exponential and trigonometric functions Exercise 1

Calculus I Math UN1101 Sections 002 and 003 New York, 2020/10/14 Homework Sheet 6 Exponential and trigonometric functions Exercise 1 (Equations) Solve the following equations


USEFUL TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES (cosx)2 +(sinx)2 = 1 1+(tanx)2 = (secx)2 cos(2x) = (cosx)2 (sinx)2 cos(2x) = 2(cosx)2 1 cos(2x) = 1 2(sinx)2 sin(2x) = 2sinxcosx cos(A

32 ProvingIdentities - WordPresscom

cosx 2 1−sinx cosx 2 (1−sinx)2 cos2 x Step 2: Substitute 1 −sin2 x for cos2 x because sin2 x+cos2 x =1 (1−sinx)2 1−sin2 x →be careful, these are NOT the same Step 3: Factor the denominator and cancel out like terms (1−sinx)2 (1+sinx)( 1−sinx) 1−sinx 1+sinx 9 Plug in 5π 6 for x into the formula and simplify 2sin xcosx

Synergetic Control of the Unstable Two-Mass System

Figure 4: Transients Figure 5: Pendulum’s Subsystem Phase portrait Figure 6: Cart’s Subsystem Phase por-trait The equation (5 7) is the Van-der-Paul Equation, that describe the auto-oscillations mode

7 Transcendental Functions

(cosx)2 = 1 2 (1+cos2x) (sinx)2 = 1 2 (1−cos2x) 3 8 2 Integration of powers of Trig functions Z (tanx)m(secx)ndx If n is even substitute u = tanx If m is odd then

Math 512B Homework 2 Solutions

is sinx/2 The height of OBC is sinx/cosx, so its area is sinx/2cosx (ii) Immediate from (i) (iii) It follows from the definition of cosx that lim x→0 cosx = 1 Therefore, also limsinx/x = 1 by using the inequalities in (ii) (iv) Multiply and divide by 1 + cosx, use the identity (cosx)2 + (sinx)2 = 1, and parts (ii) and (iii) to obtain

Infinite Precalculus - Unit 4 Quiz 1 Trig Identities

cosx) 2 × (cosx sinx) 2 Simplify-1 sin2x Use cscx = 1 sinx-csc2x 3) 1 - cot2x csc2x = sin2x - cos2x 1 - cot2x csc2x Decompose into sine and cosine 1 - (cosx sinx) 2 (1 sinx) 2 Simplify sin2x - cos2x Find the exact value of each 4) cos-105 2 - 6 4 5) tan15 2 - 3 6) sin-p 12 2 - 6 4

Math 3B: Lecture 1

= 2x cosx2 2 (sinx2 +1)2 Example Question Differentiate F(x) = sinx 1

Math 113 HW  Solutions

34 Find the points on the curve y = (cosx)/(2+sinx) at which the tangent is horizontal Answer: The tangent being horizontal means that the slope of the tangent line is zero In other words, we’re looking for those points where the derivative of the function is zero Using the quotient rule, the derivative is y0 = (2+sinx)(−sinx)−cosx

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