[PDF] Locators, Parafin, London Selected Photo and Film Works

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Broken Circle &/ Spiral Hill?: smithson’s spirals

Broken Circle Spiral Hill Spiral Jetty edward a shanKen DXARTS, University of Washington Broken Circle &/ Spiral Hill?: smithson’s spirals, pataphysics, syzygy and survival abstract The copious literature on the work of artist Robert Smithson has made very little of the many parallels between the inventor of earthworks and the nineteenth-

A Finding Aid to the Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt Papers

Later that year, he created the sculptural artwork for which he is best known, Spiral Jetty (1969) on the Great Salt Lake in Utah This was the first of his pieces to require the acquisition of land rights and earthmoving equipment, and would be followed two years later by Broken Circle and Spiral Hill in 1971

Press release - Nancy Holt

Sun Tunnels and Breaking Ground, which documents Broken Circle-Spiral Hill, a major work by her late husband Robert Smithson This video was made from footage shot by Holt and Smithson in 1971, additional 2011 scenes, archival newsreels, audio tapes, etc Nancy Holt in 2012 - Solo exhibitions:

Robert Smithson Art in Continual Movement

A Dialogue on Broken Circle/Spiral Hill and/as Cinema Eric C H de Bruyn and Sven Lutticken A Living Archive 141 Film 157 Drawings, Sketches 185 Photography 225 Transcriptions 232 About the authors 233 About the editors 235 Acknowledgements 238 Colophon

RobertSmithson,1938375 - Edward Shanken

Smithson,Spiral)JeBy,1970 RozellePoint,GreatSaltLake,UT Smithson,Spiral)Hill,1971 Zand3EnExploitaBe3Mij Emmen,TheNetherlands Commissionedby

Land Art, Sky Art, Space Art - KIT - IKB

Smithson (an der Wand Fotografien von Broken Circle und Spiral Hill, im Vordergrund Holts Skulptur "Locator", auf dem Boden Smithsons "Slate Grind"), New York, 1971 Nancy Holt: Locators, Installationsansicht, 2015

Locators, Parafin, London Selected Photo and Film Works

Breaking Ground: Broken Circle/Spiral Hill, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam Lost & Found, Theatrum Anatomicum van de Waag, Amsterdam 2010 The Mirage of History, Kaleidoscope Project Space, Milan Another Green World, Carriage Trade, New York California Highs, California Lows, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Appendix D Alignment and Superelevation

The central angle of a spiral (∆s) is a function of the average degree of curvature of the spiral In other words, ∆s of a spiral is one half of the central angle (∆ C) for a circular curve of the same length and degree of curvature Since then Spiral components such as X, Y, T, Q, ST, and LT are routinely found in spiral curve tables

55 OBRA DEFINITIVA 551 Materials - UdG

65 5 5 2 Realització obra: Vaig crear l’obra el diumenge 20 d’octubre a la Pilastra, amb l’ajuda del meu pare Per a poder-la realitzar, vaig seguir el

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