[PDF] Derivations and Complexity Filters - Department of Linguistics

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The notion of derivations in linguistics (Lasnik) final

but internal to the derivation Particularly important were the work of Bresnan (1971) wrt phonology (specifically sentence intonation) and Jackendoff (1969, 1972) wrt semantics (specifically anaphora) For both, the derivation-internal points were end of cycle structures The picture then would look like:

Derivations and Complexity Filters - Department of Linguistics

derivation, and how complexity filters are sensitive to these representations For more extensive discussion, and spelled out derivations, the reader is referred to K&Sz 2000 2 1 1 The structure of an Infinitival CP We roughly assume the structure below for an infinitival CP (For simplicity, I have omitted PredP, a projection between CP and

1 INTRODUCTION - Linguistics

3 2 REDUPLICATION AS DERIVATION Reduplication is used to perform a very wide array of derivational functions A construction qualifies as derivational if it changes part of speech, or argument structure, or if it otherwise alters the meaning of a word sufficiently to result in a new lexeme Reduplication can convert nouns to verbs and vice versa

Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition

whatsoever Since derivation may indicate a change of syntactic category, this fact in itself is already of relevance to syntax In the case of derivation of verbs, the derived verb may also have a specific syntactic Inflection and Derivation 655 Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (2006), vol 5, pp 654 661

Infixation - Juliette Blevins

1 Definitions: infixation and derivation A chapter on infixation in a volume on derivation should narrow down the type of word-formation process under study However, the terms “infixation” and “derivation” have a wide range of meanings in the linguistics literature For this reason, it will be useful to

A Graph Auto-encoder Model of Derivational Morphology

and difficult in linguistics (Bauer,2019) We present a graph auto-encoder that learns em-beddings capturing information about the com-patibility of affixes and stems in derivation The auto-encoder models MWF in English sur-prisingly well by combining syntactic and se-mantic information with associative informa-tion from the mental lexicon

Phonology II: derivations, rules, phonotactics

Phonology II: derivations, rules, phonotactics John Goldsmith LING 20001 17 October 2011 17 October 2011 1 / 100

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