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Address Unknown - Kathrine Kressmann Taylor page 2/2 The business continues to go well Mrs Levine has bought the small Picasso at our price, for which I congratulate myself, and I have old Mrs Fleshma n playing with the notion of the hideous Madonna No one ever bothers to tell her that any particular piece of hers is bad, because

Cover Letter Example - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of

looking at your resume, but not so much that the reader is overwhelmed • It's best to address your letter to a specific person, so always research the company you are applying to and find out the name of an individual in order to address your letter properly Often the best person to contact is the head of the department you wish to work in

Resumes and over Letters With Samples

ONTA T INFORMATION List your current address, phone, and email on one line (saves space) or blocked Also list a permanent or forwarding address if it’s in your search region OJETIVE (optional) We suggest you omit an objective from your resume and state it in your cover letter SUMMARY or PROFILE (optional)

Legal Resumes & Cover Letters for Alumnae/i

• Contact Information: This information should be placed prominently at the top of your resume If you use a cell phone number as a method of contact, make sure you only answer unknown numbers when you are in a quiet place The inclusion of an e-mail address is recommended; your home e-mail

Cover Letter Writing Guide - Harvard University

cover letter is an opportunity to convey special information that is not on your resume, but which may be of particular interest to the employer While a resume includes your professional “facts,” a cover letter is a chance to tell a story, to weave together how your experiences, mostly professional but can also include

Resume and Cover Letter Instructions Mexico

• Unless the city is unknown, do not list country (“Paris, France”); however, if it could be confused with another city, do city location (“Paris, Texas”) • Use action verbs in describing your duties and responsibilities • Highlight the accomplishments you achieved in your social service, professional training or previous


performed Unknown places will not hold much weight, but known theatres hold a lot of credibility Actors may tend to exaggerate their experience to make it look more impressive Be very careful: Theatre is a small village, and you might be surprised when the director says, ―You were in the ATL production of Lear? Hey, I was, too‖

Career Guide for Counseling Students - Pace University

Your Street Address Town, State and Zip Today’s Date Opening Use standard Administrator’s Name Administrator’s Title (if available) Agency Name Street Address Town, State and Zip Dear _____: (If unknown, use “Recruiter or Hiring Manager,” not “To Whom

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