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Ewart Memorial Hall: From Mother to Daughter February 1951

The Egyptian Feminist Union founded by Hoda Shaarawi and the Bint al-Nil Movement founded by Doria Shafik organized in the Ewart Memorial Hall what was apparently to be a large feminist congress: “The element of surprise was maintained until the moment Doria stood on the podium in Ewart Hall and announced: Our meeting today is not a congress,

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history of Egyptian feminist and activist Doria Shafik (1908–1975) Though Shafik’s legacy has been deeply undermined by generations of Egyptian leader- ship, with this exhibition Guirguis gives Shafik a place: in history, in memory, and in the physical sites Shafik occupied These works gently remind us of the

T h e C o n st i t u t i o n a l A me n d me n t s D o N o t

their rights Doria Shafik led many advances to lobby parliament members to support the cause, including a protest of 1500 Egyptian women in 1951 The protesters headed to the Egyptian Parliament, demanding the right to political participation for women and


Doria Shafik, Egyptian feminist activist Arts and Entertainment Wes Anderson, filmmaker Ethan Coen, filmmaker (of the Coen Brothers) Stephen Colbert

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Photos public domain or Creative Commons. Credit: Nick Wiebe (Davis); marabuchi (Trebek); Georges Biard (Del Ray); David Shankbone (Colbert); Thatcher Cook (Bair); Flickr (Butterfield); Gage Skidmore (Fiorina and Lopez); Rembrandt Peale (Jefferson); Charles R. Johnson (Johnson); Unknown (Buck); AJ Guel (Foster)


Created with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation


Grace Lee Boggs, social activist and philosopher

Stokely Carmichael / Kwame Ture

, civil rights leader

Angela Davis, social activist

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader

Robert Parr

is Mos es, educator and civil rights activist

Doria Shafik, Egyptian feminist activist

Arts and Entertainment Wes Anderson, filmmaker

Ethan Coen

, filmmaker (of the Coen Brothers)

Stephen Colbert, comedian and TV host

Wes Craven, filmmaker

Arthur Danto, art critic and philosopher

Lana Del Rey, singer-songwriter

Dessa, rapper, singer, and poet

Harrison Ford, actor

Richard Gere, actor

Ricky Gervais, comedian and creator of The Office

Philip Glass, composer

Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama Chris Hardwick, comedian, TV host, and founder of Nerdist.com

Theo James, actor

Zola Jesus, musician

Duncan Jones, director, producer, screenwriter

Rashida Jones

, actor

Kennedy, TV personality and former MTV VJ

Stacy London, stylist and television host

Terrence Malick, film director and screenwriter

Steve Martin, comedian, actor, and musician

Deepa Mehta, director and screenwriter

Robert Motherwell, painter and printmaker

Steve Reich, composer

Buffy Sainte-Marie, singer-songwriter

Susan Sarandon, actor

Willard Scott, actor

Wallace Shawn, actor and playwright

Gene Siskel, film critic

Elliott Smith, singer-songwriter

Kim Thayil

, musician (Soundgarden)

Alex Trebek, host of Jeopardy!

Christy Turlington, model


Rabbi Ari Berman, president of Yeshiva University

Noam Chomsky

, professor, activist, author, and public intellectual John J. DeGioia, president of Georgetown University

Marjorie Hass, president of Rhodes College

Rev. John I. Jenkins, President, University of Notre Dame Business

Herbert Allison Jr., former Fannie Mae CEO

Sheila Bair, Washington College president and former FDIC chair


t Butterfield, co-founder of Flickr

Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock.com

Paul Draper, winemaker

Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP and presidential candidate

Robert Greenhill, investment banker

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn

Damon Horowitz, entrepreneur and former director at Google Carl Icahn, investor and former CEO of TWA Airlines

Gerald Levin, former CEO of Time Warner, Inc.

John Mackey, co-founder and co-CEO of Whole Foods Market

Lachlan Murdoch

, media magnate and son of Rupert Murdoch Max Palevsky, co-founder of Intel and venture capitalist

Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia

George Soros, investor and philanthropist

Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal

Government and Politics

William "Bro" Adams, NEH Chair and former university president

William Bennett, former Secretary of Education

Stephen Breyer

, Supreme Court Justice

Patrick Buchanan

, politician

Bill Clinton, U.S. President

Rudolf Giuliani

, former New York City mayor Raisa Gorbachev, former first lady of the Soviet Union

Swanee Hunt, former US Ambassador to Austria

Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President

Robert MacNamara, former Secretary of Defense

Paul Martin, former prime minister of Canada

Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada

Elizabeth Anne Reid, former UN program director

David Souter, Supreme Court Justice

Fred Thompson, former senator


Rabbi Michael Lerner, political activist and editor of Tikkun

Pope John Paul II News and Journalism

Barbara Amiel, Lady Black of Crossharbour, journalist and writer Chris Hayes, journalist, political commentator, and MSNBC host Tamara Keith, journalist and NPR White House correspondent Kathryn Jean Lopez, journalist and political commentator

Stone Phillips, broadcaster

George F. Will, journalist, author, and political commentator

Juan Williams, journalist


Arian Foster

, American football player (Houston Texans)

Phil Jackson, NBA coach

Bruce Lee

, martial artist

Michael McCaskey

, president/chairman of the Chicago Bears


Simone de Beauvoir

, writer, philosopher, and political Activist Pearl Buck, writer and Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winner

Mary Higgins Clark, novelist

Susanna Clarke, Hugo Award-winning author

Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher, and television presenter

E.L. Doctorow, novelist (Ragtime)

Alice Dreger, author (Galileo's Middle Finger) and academic

Umberto Eco, author (The Name of the Rose)

T.S. Eliot, Nobel Prize-winning essayist, playwright, and poet Michael Frayn, playwright (Copenhagen) and novelist Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, novelist and MacArthur Fellow Sam Harris, author (The End of Faith) and public intellectual Christopher Hitchens, essayist and public intellectual

Charles R. Johnson, author (Middle Passage)

Hanif Kureishi, playwright, screenwriter, and novelist

Yann Martel, author (Life of Pi)

Iris Murdoch, author (Under the Net)

Ayn Rand, author (The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged)

Susan Sontag, writer and MacArthur Fellow

Studs Terkel, oral historian and writer

Miguel de Unamuno, author (Abel Sánchez)

David Foster Wallace, author (Infinite Jest)

Elie Wiesel

, author (Night)

Angela Davis

Alex Trebek

Lana Del Ray

Stephen Colbert

Sheila Bair

Stewart Butterfield

Carly Fiorina

Thomas Jefferson

Kathryn Jean Lopez

Charles R. Johnson

Pearl Buck

Arian Foster
