[PDF] Food Uses and Nutritional Benefits of Sweet Potato

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Cahiers des Jeunes Chercheurs - 19620014419

Mlle TBER Salma Sous la direction de : M ABDOUH Mohamed Mots clés : Dette publique

Effect of hydrothermal treatment on dehulling efficiency and

originate from the rugous surface of the tuber where they are encrusted in the anfractuosities of the collenchyma sleeve (Onovo and Ogaraku, 2007; Salma et al , 2006; Lorougnon, 1969) The rough structure of the tuber surface does not allow the easy elimination of the micro-organisms, even when using sodium hypochlorite


tuber at the dose of 180 mg/rat/day to day 28 Blood sample collected for estimation of HbA1C, creatinine, and urea was taken from the retro-orbital plexus, as much as 3 ml Serum creatinine and Laboratory of Health Laboratory by enzymatic method was used to determine the serum creatinine and urea levels

Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Mycobacterial Diseases of Man and

Michael J Brennan, Salma Samad and R Glyn Hewinson 6 The Continuing Co-evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Homo sapiens 112 Clifton E Barry III PArT II TUBerCULosIs In DoMesTICATeD AnD CoMPAnIon AnIMAL sPeCIes 7 The Global Distribution of Mycobacterium bovis 124 Noel H Smith v

Conservation ropical of T Plant Species

v The richness of tropical plant diversity is widely recognized, and the full range of this diversity is often not well appreciated This wide diversity includes wild rela-

ISSN Importance of pharmacognostic study of medicinal plants

flower, rhizome, peel or fruit rind, tuber, etc Table 1: List of medicinal plants, their family and part used for pharmacognostic study S N Name of the plant Family Part used for pharmacognostic study References 1 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn Nymphaeaceae leaf 7 2 Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae leaf 8

Food Uses and Nutritional Benefits of Sweet Potato

buns (Salma and Zaidah 2005) The flour could be used to substitute 60 wheat in cookies and 57 in muffins while 100 wheat substitution with sweet potato flour was pos-sible in cakes French fry type products have been prepared from sweet potato in Thailand The roots after slicing to 7 5 cm long strips were dipped in sodium acid pyrophosphate

Trace elemental fingerprinting of selected herbs used in

3 Zingiber officinale Ginger Root tuber 4 Elettaria cardamomum Cardamom Fruit 5 Cinnamonum verum Cinnamon bark Stem bark For XRF analysis, 400 mg of sample was weighed and mixed and pressed into pellets of 20 mm diameter by applying a pressure of 10 tonnes Three replicas for each pellet were also made

Pemprosesan nuget ubi keledek sejuk beku (Processing of

Seminar on Tuber Crop Production and Utilization 1994, 5–7 Sept 1994, Serdang: MARDI Salma O dan Nur Izalin M Z (2007) Industri makanan berasaskan keledek: Tren, Teknologi terkini & produk berpotensi (2007) Nota Kursus TEKMAR

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