[PDF] Freedom to Political Cartoons: Charlie Hebdo & Ethical

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Charlie Hebdo was founded in 1969 under the name of Stupid and Nasty, Hara Kiri Hebdo It was banned in 1970 because of its first cover dedicated to General Charles De Gaulles death ³Tragic ball at Colombey: 1 dead´,1 and was founded again under the name of Charlie Hebdo It disappeared in 1982 due to its lack of audience and

Charlie Hebdo and the Aftermath: Islamophobia and Judeophobia

Charlie Hebdo and the Aftermath: Islamophobia and Judeophobia in France Jean-Loup Amselle Translated from the French by Dominic Thomas T he rising popularity of the National Front (Front national) Party in France, recent electoral successes at the 2014 European and 2015 departmental elections, and a resur-

Blasphemy, Charlie Hebdo, and the Freedom of Belief and

Blasphemy, Charlie Hebdo, and the Freedom of Belief and Expression 2 Institute for Strategic Dialogue leading some quarters to question the precise nature of free speech in France 4 Some have gone as far as to blame the magazine itself for the violence, with one commentator stating that because Charlie Hebdo had offended Muslims through

The Paris Attack: A Campaign FEATURE ARTICLE and its Goals

similar in aims to the Charlie Hebdo attack was the plot against Jyllands-Posten, the same Danish paper where Westergaard worked Ilyas Kashmiri, the al-Qa`ida operative who was directing the plot, wanted the attackers to infiltrate the office, assassinate employees, decapitate them, and then throw their heads out the window 1

Freedom to Political Cartoons: Charlie Hebdo & Ethical

1 2 Charlie Hebdo with a Long History of Provocative Religious Satire-A Retrospect Charlie Hebdo has a long history of publishing offending images and lampooning other religions The magazine describes itself as strictly anti-religion, anti-racist and left wing, publishes articles, jokes and cartoons on religions and


against Charlie Hebdo was like killing Voltaire, according to one French academic President Hollande emphatically declared this to be an attack against France itself Fundamental to the quantitative modeling of terrorism risk is the distinction between

Are we all Charlie? Tolerance and immigration attitudes after

France after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, leveraging a comparison with six other European countries to establish to what extent this reaction diverged from the general negative reaction to out-groups of the preceding period On January 7 2015, two brothers entered the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo killing twelve and injuring

Introduction: Judeophobia and Islamophobia in France Before

Charlie Hebdo events had brought to the fore 3 In Qui est Charlie? Sociologie d’une crise religieuse (Who is Charlie? Xenophobia and the New Middle Class), Emmanuel Todd sought to point out how the discourse about the Charlie Hebdo attacks had an exclusionary logic In his controversial polemic, he wanted to show how Je suis Charlie

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