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The art of telling history: Christian Boltanski

Nowadays Christian Boltanski continues investigating the topic of the memory, using old photographs and clothes to tell stories about our past Nevertheless, the tension between document and fiction has been solved in the creation of the French artist Boltanski seems to have chosen the metaphor instead of truth

University of California, Santa Cruz

Christian Boltanski Research and Presentation of All That Remains of My Childhood 1944-1950//1969 We will never realize quite clearly enough what a shameful thing death is In the end, we never try to fight it head on; doctors and scientists merely establish a pact with it, they fight on points of detail, they slow it down by a few months, a

Fig 1 Christian Boltanski, Reliquary, 1990, metal boxes

Christian Boltanski (b 1944) was born in France at a pivotal moment in history, when Paris was being liberated from Nazi Germany during the Second World War His Christian and Jewish


CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI, Après (After) Mac/Val/ Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Paris The concept of death has been a concern for philosophers ever since Aristotle, but it is in the work of a most prominent contemporary artist, Christian Boltanski, that we are confronted with our existence and ending in a very unique manner

Christian Boltanski Archive of German Members of

Christian Boltanski Archive of German Members labels, carbon filament lamps of Parliament The main theme of French artist Christian Boltanski’s work is the question of how we perceive the past His installation Archive of Ger-man Members of Parliament, created for the basement on the east side of the Reichstag Building, is related intimately

CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI - Collection Lambert

Christian Boltanski et Jean-Claude Lebensztejn - les mots à secrets (1993) LES RESSOURCES ANNEXES À VISIONNER APRÈS SA VISITE Arte - Le voyage intérieur de Christian Boltanski

CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI: Prendre la parole

Christian Boltanski was born in Paris in 1944 Recent solo exhibitions include : -“Ultime Notizie Christian Boltanski,” PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy -“6 septembres,” Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris/ ARC at Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie de la Ville de Paris, France


CHRISTIAN BOLTANSK I, Après (Después) Mac/Val/ Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Paris El concepto de la muerte ha sido una preocupación para los filósofos desde Aristóteles, pero es en la obra de uno de los más prominentes artistas contemporáneos, Christian Boltanski, que nos confrontamos con nuestra existencia y fin

Thématique privilégiée Arts, Guerre et Paix

Christian Boltanski, Vitrine de référence, 1971 Bois, plexiglas, photos, cheveux, tissus, papier, terre, fil de fer 59,6 x 120 x 12,4 cm H I S T O I R E D E S A R T S

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