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Averroes: Whole-Program Analysis without the Whole Program

Since Averro-es examines only a small fraction of classes and only a small fraction of each Figure 4(a) shows a sample Java program that calls the method java -

UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) On nonobtuse

he was mistaken (see Figure 3) All dihedral angles of the regular tetrahedron are equal to arccos1 3 which, rounded to entire degrees, gives 71 Also, Averro¨es (1126– 1198) calculated [85, p 127] that the length of each edge of the regular icosahedron, inscribed in the unit ball, is 1 5 10(5− √ 5) ≈ 1 05,

Biographies - Higher Intellect

V olume 1: A-I JUDSON KNIGHT Edited by Judy Galens Biographies MA b1-ttlpgs qxp 4/19/04 1:53 PM Page 3

Biographies - Higher Intellect

V olume 2: J-Z JUDSON KNIGHT Edited by Judy Galens Biographies MA b - ttlpgs qxp 3/31/04 10:07 AM Page 3

Doğu-Bab niskisinin Entelektüel Boyutu

"Saint Thomas, Averroes et l'averro'isme", en Aquinas and problems of his time, Lovaina, 1976] : In Logic and Theory of Knowledge Thomas Aquinas has accepted many ideas that lbn Rushd had exposed in his Commentarics on Aristotelian works In Cosmology, the concept of time and so me astronomical theories


araba (Averro , Avicenna), tramite la Spagna moresca ed intermediari ebrei In Europa, oggigiorno, la medicina araba quasi sconosciuta e non dispone di adepti europei, differentemente dalle medicine orientali Solo nelle comunit degli immigrati musulmani se ne trovano ancora tracce, frammiste alla tradizione religiosa

Torsion du cordon spermatique sur testicule non descendu (A

L'~chographie objective (Figure 1) une masse lat~ro-pelvienne gauche de 7,5 x 6 x 4 cm de diam~tre et contenant une formation ~chog~ne discr~tement h~t~rog~ne de 4,6 x 3,1 x 3,5 cm de diam~tre en rapport avec le testicule gauche non descendu L'exploration chirurgicale est d~cid~e La vole

Analyse math ematique d’un mod ele de oculation dans le ch

Figure 1 { Le cas u< v: Existence de trois equilibres strictement positifs et bi-stabilit e avec le soutien nancier du programme Averro es, les projets PHC UTIQUE et COADVISE

art Compagno Missionary Intent in Ramon Llull’s DEF

figures, such as the circle, the square, and the triangle Moreover, it operates accord-ing to the rules of the mathematical combination theory 6 The key to this rational logic system derives, however, from God In fact, in the Vita coaetanea the author reports: «The Lord suddenly illuminated his mind, giving

Filosofia medievale - Benvenuto

lo figure e simboli, si attenga alla lettera del Corano, mentre i filosofi, capa­ ci di risolvere con l'esegesi razionale le apparenti contraddizioni del testo e svclarne il senso profondo, possono interpretarlo in modo conforme a quelle verità razionali che hanno dimostrato Essi però devono guardarsi

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