[PDF] THE GAUSS–KRUEGER PROJECTION: Karney-Krueger equations

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THE GAUSS–KRUEGER PROJECTION: Karney-Krueger equations

projection had constant scale along the central meridian and was known as Gauss' Hannover projection Also (c 1843) Gauss developed a 'double projection' combining a conformal mapping of the ellipsoid onto a sphere followed by a mapping from the sphere to the plane using the spherical TM formula

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Karney-Krueger equations

R. E. Deakin

1 , M. N. Hunter 2 and C. F. F. Karney 3 1 School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University,

GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia.


Maribyrnong, VIC, Australia.


Princeton, N.J., USA.

email: rod.deakin@rmit.edu.au


The Gauss-Krueger projection has two forms. One has the Karney-Krueger equations capable of micrometre accuracy anywhere within 30° of a central meridian of longitude. The other has

equations limited to millimetre accuracy within 6° of a central meridian. These latter equations are

complicated but are widely used. The former equations are simple, easily adapted to computers, but not in wide use. This paper gives a complete development of the Karney-Krueger equations.


The Gauss-Krueger projection is a conformal mapping of a reference ellipsoid of the earth onto a plane where the equator and central meridian 0 remain as straight lines and with constant scale factor on the central meridian. All other meridians and parallels are complex curves (Figure

5). The projection is one of a family of Transverse Mercator (TM) projections and the spherical

form was originally developed by Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777) and sometimes called the Gauss-Lambert projection acknowledging the contribution of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) to the development of the TM projection. Snyder (1993) and Lee (1976) have excellent summaries of the history paraphrased below. Gauss (c.1822) developed the ellipsoidal TM as an example of his investigations in conformal mapping using complex algebra and used it for the survey of Hannover in the 1820's. This projection had constant scale along the central meridian and was known as Gauss' Hannover projection. Also (c.1843) Gauss developed a 'double projection' combining a conformal mapping of the ellipsoid onto a sphere followed by a mapping from the sphere to the plane using the spherical TM formula. This projection was adapted by Oskar Schreiber and used for the Prussian Land Survey of 1876-1923. It is also called the Gauss-Schreiber projection and scale along the central meridian is not constant. Gauss left few details of his original developments and Schreiber (1866,

1897) published analyses of Gauss' methods, and Louis Krueger (1912) re-evaluated both Gauss'

and Schreiber's work, hence the name Gauss-Krueger as a synonym for the TM projection. We show a derivation of the Karney-Krueger equations for the TM projection that give micrometre accuracy anywhere within 30° of a central meridian and the appellation 'Karney-Krueger' distinguishes these equations from others and also acknowledges the work of one of the authors (Karney 2011) who provides a complete analysis of the accuracy of Krueger's series with the addition of iterative formula for the inverse transformation. At the heart of these equations are Krueger's two key series linking conformal latitude and rectifying latitude and we note our extensive use of the computer algebra systems MAPLE and Maxima in showing these series to high orders of n; unlike Krueger who only had patience. Without these computer tools the potential of his series could not be realized. Krueger also gave other equations recognisable as Thomas's or Redfearn's equations (Thomas 1952, Redfearn 1948) that are in wide use. But they are complicated and unnecessarily inaccurate. We 1 outline the development of these equations but do not give them explicitly, as we do not wish to promote their use. We also show that using these equations can lead to large errors in some circumstances. This paper supports the work of Engsager & Poder (2007) who use Krueger's series in their algorithms for a highly accurate TM projection but for reasons of space provided no derivation of the formulae.


The Gauss-Krueger (or TM) projection is a mapping of a reference ellipsoid onto a plane and definition of the ellipsoid and associated constants are given. We define and give equations for isometric latitude , meridian distance M, quadrant length Q, rectifying radius A, rectifying latitude and conformal latitude . These basic 'elements' are required for our development of the two key series linking and .

The ellipsoid

The ellipsoid is a surface of revolution created by rotating an ellipse (whose semi-axes lengths are a

and b and ) about its minor axis and is the mathematical surface that idealizes the irregular shape of the earth. It has the following geometrical constants: ab f lattening abfa (1) eccentricity 22
2 ab a (2)

2nd eccentricity

2 ab b (3)

3rd flattening

abnab (4) polar radius 2 acb (5)

The constants are inter-related

2 2


na c (6)

And since

0 an absolutely convergent series for 1n

2 can be obtained from (6) 2234

44 8 12 16 201nnn n n nn

5 (7)

Radii of curvature

(meridian plane) and (prime vertical plane) at latitude are 22

32123322 22

11 and

1sin 1sinaa

ca WV W ac V 2 (8) where V and W are defined as

222 2 2

1 sin and 1 cosWV (9)


Isometric latitude

is a variable angular measure along a meridian defined by considering the diagonal ds of the differential rectangle on the ellipsoid (Deakin & Hunter 2010b) 222
2 222
cos cos cos cosds d d d d dd (10) is defined by the relationship cosdd (11)

Integration gives

12 11 42

1sinln tan1sin


Note: for a spherical surface of radius R;

R, 0 and

11 42
ln tan (13)

Meridian distance M

M is defined as the arc of the meridian ellipse from the equator to latitude 2 3 00 0 1ac 3 MddWV d (14)

This elliptic integral cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions; instead, the integrand is

expanded by using the binomial series and the integral evaluated by term-by-term integration. The usual series formula for M is a function of and powers of 2 ; but the German geodesist F.R. Helmert (1880) gave a series for M as a function of and powers of n requiring fewer terms for the same accuracy. Using Helmert's method (Deakin & Hunter 2010a) M can be written as

02 4 6 8 10 12

14 16 sin2 sin4 sin6 sin8 sin10 sin12 sin14 sin16

1cccccc c

aMccn (15) where the coefficients n c are to order as follows 8 n 3

24 6 83 5 7


24 6 83 5 7


46 85 7


11 1 2533 3 151,4 64 256 163842 16 128 2048

15 15 75 10535 175 245,,16 64 2048 819248 768 6144

315 441 1323693 2079,512 2048 327681280 10240cnnn n cnnn n

cnn n n c n n n cn n n c n n 687
8 16

1001 1573 6435

,,2048 8192 14336


262144cnn c ncn

(16) [This is Krueger's equation for X shown in §5, p.12, extended to order ] 8 n

Quadrant length


Q is the length of the meridian arc from the equator to the pole and is obtained from (15) by setting

1 2 , noting that sin2 , sin4 , all equal zero, giving 0


(17) [This is Krueger's equation for shown in §5, p.12.] M

Rectifying radius A


Q by 1 2 gives the rectifying radius A of a circle having the same circumference as the meridian ellipse, and to order 8 n

24 6 8

11 1 2511 4 64 256 16384aAnnnnn (18)

Rectifying latitude

is defined in the following way (Adams 1921): "If a sphere is determined such that the length of a great circle upon it is equal in length to a meridian upon the earth, we may calculate the latitudes upon this sphere such that the arcs of the meridian upon it are equal to the corresponding arcs of the meridian upon the earth." If denotes this latitude on the sphere of radius R then M is given by

MR (19)

and since 1 2 when MQ then RA and is defined as M A (20)

An expression for

as a function of is obtained by dividing (18) into (15) giving to order 4 n 2468
sin2 sin4 sin6 sin8dddd (21) where the coefficients n d are 4 32

3 915 15,,21616 32

35315,48512dnn dnn

dn dn 4 (22) [This is Krueger's eq. (6), §5, p.12.]

An expression for

as a function of is obtained by reversion of a series using Lagrange's theorem (Bromwich 1991), and to order 4 n 2468
sin2 sin4 sin6 sin8DDDD (23) where the coefficients n D are 32

32721 55,,23216 32


Dn nD n n

DnD n 4 (24) [This is Krueger's eq. (7), §5, p.13.]

Conformal latitude

Suppose we have a conformal mapping of the ellipsoid to a sphere having curvilinear coordinates ,. Adams (1921) shows that the conformal latitude is defined by the function 12 11 11 42 42

1sintan tan1sin

(25) Series involving conformal latitude and rectifying latitude Two key series are developed in this section; (i) a series for conformal latitude as a function of the rectifying latitude , and (ii) a series for as a function of . The method of development is not the same as employed by Krueger, but does give insight into his labour as he had only pencil, paper and perseverance. We have the benefit of computer algebra systems.

A series for

as a function of latitude can be developed using a method given by Yang et al. (2000) where can be solved from equation (25) and expressed as 1 2

2,F (26)

with 12 111



Now since

01, ,F can be expanded into a power series of about 0

0000 ,, , , ,2! 3!FF F F F (27)

All odd-order partial derivatives evaluated at

0 are zero and the even-order partial derivatives

evaluated at 0 are 5 2 2 0 4 4 0 6 6 0 8 8 0


, sin2 sin424

135 63 39

, sin2 sin4 sin6424

1967 4879 1383 1237

, sin2 sin4 sin6 sin82428 F F F F [The last of these derivatives is incorrectly shown in Yang et al. (2000, p.80).]

Substituting these, with

11 420
,F into equation (27), and re-arranging into (26) gives

246 846 8


1 5 3 2815 7 697sin2sin42 24 32 576048 80 11520

13 4611237sin6sin8480 13440161280

(28) [Note that (28) is incorrectly shown in Yang et al. (2000, eq. (3.5.8), p.80) due to the error noted previously.]

Extending the process to higher even-powers of

and higher even-multiples of ; and then using the series (7) to replace with powers of n gives a series for 246
,,, as a function of to order as 4 n 2468
sin2 sin4 sin6 sin8gggg (29) where the coefficients n g are

23 42 3 4



26 341237,15 21630

gnnn n gn n n gnn g n (30) [This is Krueger's eq. (8), §5, p.14.]

A series for

as a function of can be obtained using Taylor's theorem (Krueger 1912, p.14) where 23 4

22 22 22sin2 sin2 2 2 cos2 sin2 cos2 sin22! 3! 4!
