[PDF] Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Brussels 1564/65 – 1637/38 Antwerp)

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Pieter Brueghel le Jeune - Luxembourg

Pieter Brueghel fut la souche d'une longue lignée de pein-tres qui ne s'éteignit qu'a la fin du 17e siècle Des descen-dantsdirects il faut prendre en considération Pieter Brueghel le Jeune, appelé d'Enfer, et Jean Brueghel de Velours Nés dans les dernières années de la vie de leur père ils n'ont pu le connaître Ils nous ont laissé

Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Brussels 1564/65 – 1637/38

Pieter Brueghel the Younger Page 3 of 3 Endnotes 1 The exact date of his birth is not known Two surviving documents, however, give his age as thirty-six on 22 May 1601 and seventy-two on 10 October 1636 See Georges Marlier, Pieter Brueghel le Jeune (Brussels, 1969), 4; Jacqueline Folie, “Pieter Brueghel the Younger,

Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Brussels 1564/65 – 1637/38 Antwerp)

Pieter Brueghel the Younger Page 3 of 3 Marlier, G Pieter Brueghel le Jeune Brussels, 1969 Folie, Jacqueline “Pieter Brueghel the Younger, 1564/5–1637/8 ”

The rediscovery of Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s ‘Wine of St

print, either as a preparatory study or a subsequent record; see G Marlier: Pieter Brueghel le Jeune, Brussels 1969, p 327 5 R van Bastelaer and G Hulin de Loo: Pieter Bruegel l’ancien Son œuvre et son temps, Brussels 1907, pp 312–14, no A-32; and M J Friedländer: Early Netherlandish

BRUEGHEL-Paiement de la dîme-2019

Pieter Brueghel le Jeune (dit aussi Brueghel d’Enfer) (1564-1638) Fils aîné de Pieter Brueghel et frère de Jan Brueghel, Pieter Brueghel le Jeune a modifié l'orthographe de son nom, signant Breughel, pour se différencier de son père 1569 : son père meurt, alors que Pieter n’a que cinq ans Il est initié à la

THE BRUEG(H)EL PHENOMENON Paintings by Pieter Bruegel the

Vingt années d'analyses scientifiques consacrées à l'œuvre picturale de Pieter Bruegel l'Ancien et aux copies de son fils Pieter Brueghel le Jeune aboutissent à un ouvrage : THE BRUEG(H)EL PHENOMENON Paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Pieter Brueghel the Younger with a special focus on techniques and copying practices


apparu que Pierre Brueghel le Jeune avait été en mesure d’examiner le modèle original peint par son père11 Il en est ainsi pour la présente composition, comme nous le montrerons plus loin Avant d’aborder cette question, quelques précisions concernant le modèle de Pierre Bruegel l’ Ancien sont nécessaires

Pieter BRUEGEL l’Ancien - utt-montpellierfr

Pieter Brueghel le jeune (1564–1638) « Chasseurs dans la neige » h/t : 25,5 cm x 32,5 cm collec>on Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Pieter Bruegel l’Ancien (1526/1530

Fêtes et Kermesses Brueghel - museedeflandre

Pieter Brueghel Le Jeune (Entourage de, d'après Balten) La Kermesse villageoise avec un théâtre et une procession Collection du baron de Montfaucon Achat, 1842

L été L’été Giuseppe Arcimboldo -1572- - Eklablog

Pieter Brueghel le jeune -1590- L’été Pieter Brueghel le jeune -1590- Plaisir d’été Ludwig Richter -1844- Plaisir d’été Ludwig Richter -1844- Fleurs d

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Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Brussels 1564/65 1637/38


How To Cite

Libby,Alexandra. "PieterBrueghelthe Younger."In TheLeiden CollectionCatalogue.Edited byArthurK.

Wheelock Jr. New York, 2017.

Thispage isavailableon thesite'sArchive. PDFofevery versionofthis pageisavailable ontheArchive, andthe Archiveismanaged byapermanent URL.Archivalcopies willneverbe deleted.Newversions are added only when a substantive change to the narrative occurs. PieterBrueghel theYoungerwas borninBrussels around1564/65into anartisticdynasty. [1]Grandson of PieterCoecke vanAelst(1502 50) onhismother s side,andson ofPieterBruegel theElder(1525/30 69) , Pieterthe Youngermayhave firsttrainedwith hismaternalgrandmother, MaykenVerhulst,who wasa painterin herownright. Hisfatherhad diedwhenhe wasonlyfive and,accordingto KarelvanMander, Verhulsttaught PietertheYounger s youngerbrother, JanBrueghel theElder(1568 1625) .[2]Van Mander writesthat PietertheYounger studiedwiththe Flemishlandscapepainter GillisvanConinxloo (1544 1607), a training that likely occurred around 1580.[3] By1584/85 Pieterwasregistered asanindependent masterinthe GuildofSaint LukeinAntwerp. He marriedElizabeth Goddeletin1588, andinthat sameyearhe tookonhis firstofnine knownapprentices, whosenames includeFransSnyders (1579 1657)andGonzales Cocques(1614 84).[4]In 1589Pieterand Elizabethgave birthtoa son,alsonamed Pieter,who,following familytradition,became apainter,enrolling inthe Antwerpguildin 1608.Thedate ofPieterthe Younger sdeathis notknown,but hisnameappears in thelist ofdeathduties intheguild recordsin1637/38, suggestingthathe diedatthe ageofseventy-three or seventy-four. PieterBrueghel theYounger,often referredtoas PeasantBrueghel, largely depictedscenesof rurallife. Assemblingan enormousworkshop,he producednumerouscopies andadaptationsof hisfather s compositions,which variedinsize, qualityand,therefore, price.Pieterthe Youngeralsopainted scenesof hisown invention,characterized,like hisfather swork, byhighviewpoints, sweepingvistasand crowdsof figuresattending marriages,fairsand countryfestivals.Despite theprolificproduction ofhisworkshop, Pieterthe Youngerdoesnot seemtohave beenenjoyedfinancial stability;hisname appearstimeand

againin municipalrecordsdetailing financialdifficulties.[5]Nevertheless, judgingbythe highnumberof his

paintingsin seventeenth-centuryinventoriesof Antwerpcollections,as wellasperiod exportregistries,his works whethercopies, imitationsoforiginal design,orby hislargeworkshop were extremely popular.[6]He was,moreover,greatly admiredbyhis peers,includingAnthony vanDyck(1599 1641), who painted his portrait, and Peter Paul Rubens (1577 1640), who owned one of his works.

© 2017 The Leiden Collection

Pieter Brueghel the Younger

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AfterPieter s death,hisson PieterIIIand hisnephews JanBrueghel theYounger(1601 78) and AmbrosiusBrueghel (1617 75)carriedon thefamilyname. AnnaBrueghel(1619 56), thesisterof Janand Ambrosius,married DavidTeniersthe Younger(1610 90),further assuringthecontinuation ofthegreat dynasty of Flemish painters. - Alexandra Libby


1.The exactdateof hisbirthis notknown.Two survivingdocuments,however, givehisage as

thirty-sixon 22May1601 andseventy-twoon 10October1636. SeeG.Marlier, PieterBrueghel leJeune (Brussels, 1969),4;Jacqueline Folie, PieterBrueghel theYounger,1564/5 1637/8, in Brueghel Enterprises, ed. Peter van den Brink (Brussels, 2001), 44.

2.Karel vanMander, HetSchilder-Boeck (Haarlem,1604; rev.ed., Dutchand FlemishPainters,

trans. Constant van de Wall, New York, 1936; reprint, New York, 1969), 156.

3.Although VanManderlists ConinxlooasPieter theYounger smaster (KarelvanMander, Het

Schilder-Boeck[Haarlem, 1604;rev.ed., Dutchand FlemishPainters,trans. Constantvande Wall,New York,1936;reprint, NewYork,1969], 156),hedoes notprovidedates ofstudy. Marlier,who questionswhetherthe Coninxloomentionedby VanManderis thefamedlandscape painteror apainterwith samename,suggests adateof around1579/80.See G.Marlier, Pieter

Brueghel le Jeune (Brussels, 1969), 4 5.

4.Jacqueline Folie, PieterBrueghel theYounger,1564/5 1637/8, inBrueghelEnterprises ,ed.

Peter van den Brink (Brussels, 2001), 44.

5.Jacqueline Folie, PieterBrueghel theYounger,1564/5 1637/8, inBrueghelEnterprises ,ed.

Petervan denBrink(Brussels, 2001),45;Peter vandenBrink, TheArtof Copying:Copyingand SerialProduction ofPaintingsin theLowCountries intheSixteenth andSeventeenthCenturies, in Brueghel Enterprises, ed. Peter van den Brink (Brussels, 2001), 41.

6. G. Marlier, Pieter Brueghel le Jeune (Brussels, 1969), 8.


VanMander, Karel.HetSchilder-Boeck. Haarlem,1604; rev.ed., Dutchand Flemish Painters, trans. Constant van de Wall, New York, 1936; reprint, New York, 1969, 156.

© 2017 The Leiden Collection

Pieter Brueghel the Younger

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Marlier, G. Pieter Brueghel le Jeune. Brussels, 1969. Folie,Jacqueline. PieterBrueghelthe Younger,1564/5 1637/8. In Brueghel Enterprises. Edited by Peter van den Brink. Brussels, 2001, 1 45. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)© 2017 The Leiden Collectionquotesdbs_dbs16.pdfusesText_22