[PDF] Hotel - イングリッシュエブリウェア

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an example of dialogue conversation between receptionists and

an example of dialogue conversation between receptionists and guests? APO:Good Morning well come hotel holiday in how may i help you? Guest: HI Good Morning i would like to reserve a room?is there any availability of room? APO: Yes , which date of you required a room? and which kind of it is?

Phrases 26: Hotel - At the Reception Desk

Hotel - An der Rezeption Hotel - At the Reception Desk Mein Name ist Carl Meyer My name is Carl Meyer Ich habe ein Zimmer reserviert I have booked a room Wo kann ich mein Auto parken? Where can I park the car? Um wie viel Uhr gibt es Frühstück? What time is breakfast? Wo ist der Frühstücksraum? Where's the breakfast-room? Wo ist der Aufzug?

Hotel reception counter conversationworksheet

Hotel reception counter conversation 2 Welcome to The Luxurious Hotel May I help you? OK, where is the reception counter ? 5 6 Your room number is 302 on the third floor 3 We booked a room online My name is Smooth Joe Smooth 4 Of course Just go outside turn left and walk for 300 meters You’ll come to Le Fusion

Mixed Up Conversation: At the Front Desk of a Hotel

Check in (v ): to say who you are when you arrive at a hotel so that you can be given a key for your room ex Please would you check in at the reception desk and sign your name in the book Check out (v ): to leave a hotel after paying and returning your room key ex We have to check out (of/from our hotel) at 5 a m to catch a 7 a m flight

Hotel: Reservations Dialogue (B1) - Linguacom

Hotel: Reservations Dialogue (B1) Receptionist: Good afternoon This is Capitol Hotels in Washington, D C How may I help you? Mr Abrams: Hi, I'd like to schedule a reservation for this upcoming weekend from Friday night until Sunday

Hotel - イングリッシュエブリウェア

HOTEL CONVERSATIONS Booking the hotel: A: Fairway Hotel Can I help you? B: Hello, I would like a room for tonight Friday, August 15th the 20th through the 23rd A: What kind of room would you like? B: I’d like a single room, please A: Hold on, please I’m afraid all our single rooms are reserved The only room we have available is a

At the hotel (worksheet) - Skyteach

1 __ _____ a shop in the hotel? 2 ___ ___ is the breakfast? Role play the dialogue You are a receptionist Ask the customer to ? - spell the name - give the passport - complete the registration form You arrived at the hotel Ask the receptionist to give you ? - a pen - a map of the city - the information about restaurants nearby

Meeting People- Key Words, Phrases, Dialogues and Topics

Meeting people key words, phrases, dialogues and topics Part Three: Useful phrases for meeting people and meeting people again Stand up and go around roleplaying meeting people in the room, imagining it is the first

Unit 5 Understanding and Resolving Guest Problems

Project Hotel T E A C H Curriculum Center for Immigrant Education and Training (ACE) LaGuardia Community College 138 Unit 5, Lesson 1: Handout 2 Role-Play Cards After a very long and exhausting flight, you get into an argument with your partner because he/she forgot to buy travelers checks When you get to the hotel, you get a

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