[PDF] Master Spécialisé Universitaire Big Data et Cloud Computing

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Master Spécialisé Big Data et Cloud Computing (BD2C)

Big Data et Cloud Computing (BD2C) Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock – Casablanca www fsac ac ma Objectif de la formation: Le Cloud Computing « informatique en nuage » et le Big Data « données massives » induisent une transformation majeure dans l’u sage du numérique par les entreprises de tous les secteurs économiques

Coding Best practices for building Intelligent B2C Cloud

continuous delivery to achieve reliability and faster time to market Cloud- native computing takes advantage of many modern techniques, including PaaS, multi - cloud, microservices, agile methodology, containers, CI/CD, and devops [1] Coding Best practices for building Intelligent B2C Cloud Native Applications September 4, 2020

Master Spécialisé Universitaire Big Data et Cloud Computing

Big Data et Cloud Computing (BD2C) Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock – Casablanca www fsac ac ma Objectif de la formation: Le Cloud Computing « informatique en nuage » et le Big Data « données massives » induisent une transformation majeure dans l’u sage du numérique par les entreprises de tous les secteurs économiques

A Total Model for Deployig Hybrid Cloud Computing Paradigm

In this paper, the researcher proposed a comprehensive paradigm that use and deploy cloud computing technology environment to be used for B2C style of e-commerce in small to medium enterprises Cloud computing might be a suitable model for implementing B2C e-commerce architecture to improve e-commerce efficiency and user satisfaction

Components of service value in business-to-business Cloud

dations of NIST [9] , is migrating data out of and into the cloud computing infrastructure The increasing prevalence of cloud computing services provided to business customers requires a better under-standing of service value as perceived by customers In-deed, the widespread use of cloud computing services

Policy Challenges of Cross-Border Cloud Computing

Providers of cloud computing services are increasingly serving customers outside their home markets and using service delivery models that require the transmission of data across borders In this article, we present an over-view of the global market for cloud services and explore the role of cloud computing in U S exports

The technology stacks of High Performance Computing and Big

The technology stacks of High Performance Computing & Big Data Computing: What they can learn from each other 6 A joint publication between the European associations of www ETP4HPC eu and wwwBDVA eu - 2018 even increase runtime again To achieve good strong scaling, the performance of the interconnect fabric also has to be improved

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