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Vercingétorix - Centenary College of Louisiana

Lionel Royer, Vercingetorix jette ses armes aux pieds de jules césar, 1899 Ehrmann, V ercingétorix appelant les g aulois à la défense d ’a laise , 1869 3

Always I am Caesar - The Eye

8 Lionel Royer’s Vercingetorix throws his arms at the feet of Caesar 58 9 Obverse and reverse of a denarius of 32 bc The obverse depicts Mark Antony, the reverse Cleopatra 116 10 Portrait of Cleopatra, probably (in large degree) a replica of Cleopatra’s statue in the Temple of Venus Genetrix 118

Exploring history through drama - Mantle of the Expert A

Lionel Royer (pictured) Different coloured post-it notes Topic box with books on the Romans and Iceni For many of the students in your class, this might be the first time they have studied the Romans and the Celts It is likely some of them will have a bit of background knowledge, but for others it will be an entirely new subject

Gaius Julius Caesar took advantage of his German enemies

The Roman cavalrymen shown at left in Lionel Royer's painting Vercingetorix Throws His Arms at the Feet of Caesar were probably Germanic tribesmen in Gaius Julius Caesar's service-the elite of his auxiliary horse BY THE TURN OF THE FIRST century BC, the cavalry of the Roman Republic was typically made up entirely of auxiliaries

Le rôle de la presse pendant lAffaire Dreyfus

Meaulle d'après Lionel Royer Dreyfus accablé par la Justice armée de sa balance et de son glaive H G S P G 2 0 1 9-2 0 2 0


Lionel Royer (1852-1926) was a French artist who painted historical scenes related to French nationalism Much of ancient Gaul included modern-day areas of northern Italy, elgium, Germany, and France; so the Gallic Wars, and Gallic chieftains like Vercingetorix, are part of France’s history The attle of Alesia took place near the present-day

DAGUERRE - cdndrouotcom

6 - Lionel ROYER (1852-1926) Cour de ferme Aquarelle Signée en bas à gauche 18 x 23 cm 200/300 7 - Charles Olivier de PENNE (1831-1897)


Paul-Albert Baudoin, Les Oies du Capitole, XIX°siècle Henri-Paul Motte, Les oies du Capitole, 1889

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