[PDF] Top 10 International FBOs

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Top 10 International FBOs

Innsbruck Innsbruck (LOWI) Flughafen Innsbruck 7 23 5 92 6 81 6 58 6 63 Vienna Vienna (LOWW) Vienna Aircraft Handling 7 91 7 37 7 65 7 49 7 60 Azores Santa Maria, Azores Santa Maria (LPAZ

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Customs Office Innsbruck, Branch Office Flughafen Innsbruck A IE E I, E I, E I, E Y Y N Customs Office Innsbruck, other Branches Ra, Ro E E E E E Y N N Customs Office Feldkirch Wolfurt, Branch Office Buchs/Bahnhof Ra I* I* I* I* I* Y N N *No veterinary/phytosanitary checks between Switzerland and Austria (Treaty between the

The Inn Valley: Part Two

Flughafen Innsbruck - irOIerStraße polizei Diensthundeinspektion B etriebsstraße_ Flúghafen tenWe Checkpoint 4 ALBfahrt SS Autoba UnterehFigge B171b Möbelix v61s sad Völs st - Werth-Ráin g Tou ng OSM loco -völser 8171 :Bauhaus A nntal Autobahn - B171 Våls Tou ng OSM

Annex list - EASA

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26aaAviation International News • May 2008 • www.ainonline.com

by Charles Alcock and Thomas Stocker

European facilities once again dominate

AIN"s list of top 10 international FBOs.

However, the rising in the ranks of FBOs in

the Middle East and

Asia clearly reflects

the strong business aviation growth in these emerging markets. So w hat"s new at these elite FBOs and what is it that has set them apart from the rest?

TAG Aviation"s landmark facility at the

London-area Farnborough Airport is-

for the second consecutive year-the top- ranked FBO in the

AINinternational FBO

survey. With the airport certain to hit its

28,000 annual mo

vement limit this year, the facility is set to become Europe"s most exclusive as well as its most popular.

Last year the airport-which TAG owns-

received 26,507 movements, a 24-percent increase on the pre vious year. Even if this year shows a downturn in business aviation growth, it is now regarded as inevitable that

Farnborough will hit the limit and will

therefore not be able to accept more traffic.

TAG is about to start a campaign to

raise its traffic limit, but in the meantime insists that its strong service ethos will in no way be undermined by the fact that it will ef fectively have to say "no" to more and more prospective customers. "Know- ing that for the time being w e will have a f inite amount of traffic to handle will allow us to plan better for it and so ensure that we can maintain our high standards of service," said TAG Farnborough chief executive Brandon O"Reilly.

The Farnborough FBO"s eye-catching

terminal building and adjoining hangars have fast established themselves as an icon of European business aviation.

The company is now seeking approval

to build three more sets of hangars to pro vide an additional 120,000 sq ft of covered aircraft parking space and offices for based operators. Some 50 air- craft already call F arnborough home and these often fill the existing 270,000 sq ft of hangars to capacity. By the time the ne w hangars are added, TAG"s investment in Farnborough will total approximately $360 million.

Customer ser

vice manager Sophie


f has built a close-knit team that aims to provide the sort of uncompromis- ing, bespok e level of service that guests in exclusive hotels are accustomed to. In fact, TAG is about to open its own hotel on site, mainly catering to visiting aircre w. The Dakota Group will run the

Aviator Hotel for the company.

In February, TAG took full freehold

ownership of the 581-acre Farnborough site, having previously operated the air- port under a 99-year lease from Britain"s

Ministry of Defence. Last year TAG

achieved its first operating profit on the

Farnborough operation. The Geneva-

based g roup is now considering opportu- nities to use its expertise to help establish

FBOs in de

veloping business aviation mark ets, almost certainly in partnership with other companies.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of

the opening of the Hong Kong Business

Aviation Centre (HKBAC) at the then

brand-ne w Hong Kong International Air- port. The facility is owned by a consortium of shareholders, the most prominent being

Sun Hung Kai Proper

ties, The Kadoorie

Group, China Southern Airlines and Signa-

ture Flight Support. HKB

AC occupies a large site featuring

a two-story, 18,500-sq-ft terminal building with a pair of adjoining hangars (one

23,627 sq ft and the other 38,413 sq ft). It

benef its from a sizable dedicated bizav ramp of 337,197 sq ft.

The 24/7 f

acility is a full-service FBO in every sense, with amenities such as Top 10 International FBOs

No matter where in the world

they go, travelers say customer service matters the most. T

AG Aviation"s eye-catching

facility at Farnborough, above and left, garnered the top spot on the top-40 list, with an overall average of

8.61, compared with last

year" s score of 8.55.

The Hong Kong Business

Aviation Centre, below,

expects double-digit annual traffic growth in the near future.1

TAG Aviation,

Farnborough, UK

8.61 2

Hong Kong Business

Aviation Centre/Signature

Flight Support, Hong Kong

8.32 www.ainonline.com • May 2008 • Aviation International Newsaa27 passenger and crew lounges, on-site cus- t oms and immigration clearance, flight p lanning, conference rooms, showers, line maintenance capability, aircraft cleaning, free wireless Internet connection, refuel- ing, ground support equipment, catering, laundry, cellphone rentals and foreign cur- rency purchases. HKBAC"s multilingual staff is well equipped to assist with issues s uch as the visa and flight permit processes for traveling into and within mainland


They also handle a wide array of

concierge services such as ground trans- portation and hotel reservations.

Since 2000, the number of b

usiness aircraft movements handled annually by

HKBAC has grown from just under 1,000

to almost 3,000 last year, and this double- digit annual traffic growth appears to be set to continue. According to the FBO, the airport is being more accommodating in providing slots for this category of traffic. This year, the airport is investing just over $10 million to further expand the ramp area available to corporate and private aircraft operators.Stockholm Bromma Airport, located five miles from the center of the Swedish capital, is popular primarily with business aircraft passengers and crew. Grafair Jet Center was established in 2004 by Bengt Grafstrom, w ho has had extensive business aviation in- terests in Florida for the past three decades. His U .S. FBO experience has had a pro- found influence on the way he runs Grafair.

Grafstrom told

AINthat to operate a gen-

uine full-ser vice FBO a company has to have control over its ramp space and key services such as security and de-icing. In Europe, many airports are either unwilling or unable to give an FBO this degree of autonomy.

After experiencing delays in getting

snow and ice cleared by the airport, Grafair invested in its own equipment so as to elim- inate the cause of delays for its customers.

It also has its own tow-tugs and takes direct

responsibility for moving aircraft to and from remote parking areas."Most FBOs in Europe are lousy," said G rafstrom, who also has experience as a c onsumer of handling services through the charter arm of Grafair, which operates three

Cessna Citation IIs and a Hawker 800. "But

this is mainly due to the restrictions they have to accept, such as not having sufficient parking spaces or separate airside access." G rafair has been able to lease plenty of s pace from the Bromma management, including its own ramp and separate area for car parking. On this it has b uilt a spacious executive terminal and an adjoin- ing hangar. The company holds options on more land that w ould allow it to extend the ramp and add three or four more hangars. "When an aircraft arrives, it is always met by at least one of our staff, there is always a red carpet, and it should take no more than 20 seconds for passengers to get into their taxi-including the time needed to check passports," explained Grafstrom.

The goal for departing flights is for passen-

gers to spend no more than 30 seconds getting from their car to the aircraft cabin. Those passengers and crew who want tolinger longer will find creatively decorated l ounges, with esoteric finishing touches s uch as a grand piano, a parrot, palm trees, an open fire and free ice cream for all visitors. The Swedish FBO also has dishwashing and fridges on site, to comple- ment its longstanding arrangement with a leading Stockholm restaurant to provide in-flight catering for visiting operators. L ast year Grafair handled all 2,000 business aircraft flights into Bromma. The air port has scope to take more traffic between its set opening hours of 7 a.m. to

10 p.m. and subject to its weight limit of

50 tons (110,000 pounds

Outside these hours, aircraft have to use

Stockholm"s much more remote Arlanda

Airport. Grafstrom has been in talks with

the Arlanda management with a view to establishing a dedicated bizav handling operation there but he is concerned that the larger airport will not be able to assure him of sufficient flexibility and control over the necessary infrastructure.

Report continues on next page ?

Text continues on page 29 ?


Grafair Jet Center,

Stockholm Bromma

Airport, Sweden


28aaAviation International News • May 2008 • www.ainonline.com










China BeijingCapital (ZBAACapital Jet6.625.635.745.035.75 Hong KongHong Kong International (VHHHSignature8.348.348.078.558.32



InnsbruckInnsbruck (LOWIFlughafen Innsbruck7.235.926.816.586.63 ViennaVienna (LOWWVienna Aircraft Handling7.917.377.657.497.60 AzoresSanta Maria, AzoresSanta Maria (LPAZ)Servisair8.005.886.856.046.74 BelgiumBrusselsBrussels National (EBBRAbelag Aviation7.076.856.686.796.85


CannesCannes-Mandelieu (LFMDCannes Airport Handling6.46.716.266.466.46

NiceNice-Cote d"Azur (LFMN

Swissport Executive Aviation7.166.166.455.996.44


ParisLe Bourget International (LFPB

Universal Aviation7.987.507.527.527.63

Dassault Falcon Service7.947.677.317.517.61

Euralair Airport Services7.657.327.527.407.47

Signature Flight Support7.267.577.347.537.42


BerlinBerlin Tempelhof (EDDITAG Aviation Berlin7.576.787.307.147.20 DusseldorfDusseldorf (EDDLJet Aviation7.527.317.147.287.31 HamburgHamburg (EDDHService People8.007.298.417.887.90 FrankfurtFrankfurt Main Int"l (EDDFFraport Executive Aviation7.486.486.346.176.62 MunichMunchen (EDDMMES Handling8. GreeceAthensAthens International (LGAV)Signature Flight Support6. IcelandKeflavikKeflavik (BIKFIGS Ground Services8.035.946.736.036.69


DublinDublin (EIDWSignature Flight Support6.386.076.005.856.07 ShannonShannon International (EINNSignature Flight Support8.166.487.156.277.05 Italy FlorencePeretola (LIRQDelta Aerotaxi6.314.795.574.865.39

MilanMilan Linate (LIML

Universal Aviation7.096.416.826.356.67

Ali Transporti Aerei6.315.485.595.795.79

OlbiaCosta Smerelda (LIEOEccelsa General Aviation7.338.577.478.407.94 RomeRome Ciampino (LIRAUniversal Aviation7.116.126.535.936.43 NetherlandsAmsterdamSchiphol (EHAMKLM Jet Center7.697.027.376.877.22


Moscow Domodedovo (UUDDFeras7.076.335.936.006.33

Moscow Vnukovo (UUWWVipport FBO/Vnukovo5.826.144.695.485.53 Spain BarcelonaGirona-Barcelona (LEBLEuraservice6.485.555.965.455.86 MadridMadrid Torrejon (LETOUniversal Aviation Spain7.325.006.485.176.01 Palma de MallorcaPalma de Mallorca (LEPA)Mallorcair7.797.097.397.337.40 SwedenStockholmBromma (ESSBGrafair Jet Center8.


GenevaGeneva (LSGG

TAG Aviation7.797.857.757.897.82

Jet Aviation7.937.827.537.837.78

ZurichZurich (LSZH

ExecuJet Switzerland/Aviation Ground Services7.787.817.787.507.72

Jet Aviation7.917.167.357.027.36

TurkeyIstanbulIstanbul Ataturk (LTBA)Gozen Air Services7.466.947.036.827.06



FarnboroughFarnborough (EGLFTAG Aviation8.438.658.568.818.61


London Biggin Hill (EGKB

Jet Aviation7.857.787.447.447.63

Biggin Hill Executive Aircraft Handling7.116.897.066.696.94

London Luton (EGGW

Signature Flight Support7.887.387.497.137.47

Harrods Aviation7.217.096.546.596.86

London Stansted (EGSS

Universal Aviation8.567.678.057.367.91

Harrods Aviation7.817.407.587.197.50


United Arab


Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi International (OMAARoyal Jet7.848.087.888.007.95 DubaiDubai International (OMDBJet Aviation7.557.417.317.597.47

Source: AIN2008 Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa FBO Survey. Overall average out of a possible 10. Compiled by Jane Campbell with data provided by Forecast International of Newtown, Conn.

Yellow shaded area indicates FBOs with an overall average of 8.0 or higher. www.ainonline.com • May 2008 • Aviation International Newsaa29

MES Handling is a long-established

FBO at Munich Airport that claims a mar-

ket share of some 90 percent of business a viation traffic at Germany"s second major hub. The privately owned company has no plans to open other bases beyond the nation"s borders.

However, last year, MES did open a

new lounge in its facility at Oberpfaffen- hofen Airport, which serves the southwest s ide of Munich. It is now preparing to upgrade its lounges in Munich"s General

Aviation Terminal. The company also has

just obtained a license to start operating its own limousine service to avoid havingt o rely on outside vendors.

Despite its already strong market share,

MES has achieved an annual growth of 10

to 15 percent for the past eight years in line with the growing executive traffic at

Munich. "We shall continuously strive to

improve our offer still further; it is all a m atter of service-oriented attitude," com- mented FBO manager Oliver Trono.

He told

AINthat MES benefits from a

good working relationship with an airport management that appreciates the impor- tance of business aviation. Eurocontrol statistics show Munich to be one of E urope"s busiest airports for this category of traffic.

MES belie

ves that business aviation will continue to expand in Europe over the next few years and it is ready to m ake further investments to share in this growth. The company has no plans to give up its independence but believes that consolidation in the FBO market will continue, with larger groups taking over smaller units.

Charter group Royal Jet operates from

one of the Middle East"s few purpose- built executive terminals in the Middle

East and has been ranked by

AIN"s pilot

r eadership as the region"s top FBO. But, even as it continues to improve the base at which it has operated since 2003, the company is working to develop a com- pletely new business aviation enclave at Ab u Dhabi International Airport to ac- commodate staggering growth in traffic.

Abu Dhabi-which is preparing to triple

the size of its airport-wants to have the

Middle East"s foremost business aviation

hub, a position currently held by its neigh- boring emirate and rival Dubai.

The new center is set to open by early
