[PDF] Rapport in Distance Education - ERIC

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What is Rapport and why is it important to build Rapport?

Rapport is the ability to relate to others in a way that creates a level of trust and understanding It is the process of responsiveness at the unconscious level

Building Rapport – Process & Principle An article by Ken Buist

Rapport defined: “a close and harmonious relationship characterised by affinity and empathy, in which there is a clear and common understanding” There are certain foundational principles which if ignored greatly reduce the opportunity of rapport

Classroom Success Through Rapport-Building

Rapport is defined as an overall feeling between two people encompassing a mutual, trusting, and prosocial bond (Catt, Miller, & Schallenkamp, 2007) Although students report that rapport is an essential characteristic of a teacher, relatively little is known about this key facet of teaching (Frisby & Martin, 2010)

Handout 3 - Building Rapport

Building Rapport The foundation for all coaching conversations is the feeling of warmth and trust felt between the coach and coachee Great coaches will be warm, attentive and easy to talk to This is because of the coache’s ability to build rapport For a coach, it is important to understand how rapport happens and to recognise that that

Rapport in Distance Education - ERIC

Rapport in Distance Education Abstract Rapport has been recognized as important in learning in general but little is known about its importance in distance education (DE) The study we report on in this paper provides insights into the importance of rapport in DE as well as challenges to and indicators of rapport-building in DE

Building (and Maintaining) Rapport in the Classroom

the idea that rapport emerges as the result of many little things done on a regular basis To paraphrase Aristotle, rapport is a habit and not an act On the other hand, student-teacher rapport is distinct in that ^a number of conditions conducive to mutually satisfactory, fulfilling social relationships are absent or

Instructions for use - Owen Mumford

The Rapport Classic V T D is a complete system with everything you need for immediate use Inside the discreet storage bag you will find: 1 Five sizes of Rapport constriction rings Five separately packaged and numbered rings, each a different size, from No 4 the smallest up to No 8 the largest The centre


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