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Introduction - kconradmathuconnedu

f(T) having discriminant 0: prami es in O K if and only if disc(f) = 0 in Z=pZ Since the discriminant of a monic polynomial is a universal polynomial in its coe cients (consider the quadratic case, where T2 + bT+ chas discriminant b2 4c), discriminants of monic polynomials behave well under reduction: disc(f(T) mod p) = disc(f(T)) mod p Therefore


contributes to the discriminant function Lambda varies from 0 to 1, with 0 meaning group means differ (thus the more the variable differentiates the groups), and 1 meaning all group means are the same The F test of Wilks' lambda shows which variables' contributions are significant

The discriminant - Forsiden

The discriminant First and raw version 0 1 — 23 september 2013 klokken 13:45 One of the most significant invariant of an algebraic number field is the discriminant One is tempted to say, apart from the degree, the most fundamental invariant In simplest case of a quadratic equation, the discriminant tells us the behavior of solution,

Quadratics - The Discriminant and Vertex

Quadratics - The Discriminant 1 Polynomial Form fx()=+ax2 bx+c Quadratic Formula 2 4 2 bbac x a −± − = Value of Discriminant ba2 −4 c Roots (Zeros) fx()=+x2 4x−12 Factored Form Table

Symmetries and Polynomials - Stanford University

1 5 Counting polynomials of discriminant 0 The following questions are quite tricky, but fun Only attempt them if you’ve already solved Exercise 1 11 Exercise 1 13 (Optional 2) ** Let P(x) = xn + an 1xn 1 + + a0, where now the coef-ficients a i are in Z/p (i e , take on values between 0 and p 1), and the discriminant is also considered as

Linear Discriminant Functions and Decisions Surfaces

• With a discriminant function of the form (1) use: • Decide ω1 if g(x) = wtx+ w 0 > 0 and ω2 if g(x) = wtx+ w 0 < 0 ⇔ Decide ω1 if wtx> -w 0 and ω2 otherwise If g(x) = 0 then x is assigned to either class Each unit is shown as having inputs and outputs The input units exactly output the same values as the inputs (except the bias

Understanding the Discriminant Date Period

Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation 1) 6 p2 − 2p − 3 = 0 2) −2x2 − x − 1 = 0 3) −4m2 − 4m + 5 = 0 4) 5b2 + b − 2 = 0 5) r2 + 5r + 2 = 0 6) 2p2 + 5p − 4 = 0 Find the discriminant of each quadratic equation then state the numberof real and imaginary solutions

COSC522–MachineLearning Discriminant Functions

3 8/27 Discriminant Function - MD Proj1 - Supervised Learning 9/10 4 9/1 Parametric Learning - MLE 5 9/3 Non-parametric Learning - kNN 6 9/8 Unsupervised Learning - kmeans HW2 9/15 7 9/10 Dimensionality Reduction - FLD Proj2 - Unsupervised Learning and DR 9/24 8 9/15 Dimentionality Reduction - PCA 9 9/17 Linear Regression


• discriminant = 0 1 ˜ real solution • ˜discriminant < 0 no real solutions O y x (x y (x y vertical angles are congruent 45 : 45 : 90 triangle ratio: x : x : x

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