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FRANCE 2017 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY France is a multiparty constitutional democracy Voters directly elect the president of the republic to a five-year term They elected Emmanuel Macron to that position in May An electoral college elects members of the bicameral

Historical Rammed Earth Process Description Thanks to

60 made traditional rammed earth The rammed earth process in Bresse region (France) is described in Perraud et al 61 (2015) Nevertheless, those testimonies are a narrow sample of the entire traditional rammed earth knowledge A 62 large part of the diversity of the know-how, transmitted orally for centuries in the western European countries, is


10/2016, Vienna, Austria (car rammed pedestrians on a busy street) none 7/2016, Nice, France (truck rammed pedestrians during parade) 87 killed (including attacker), 434 injured 1/2016, Valence, France (car rammed military personnel gaurding a mosque) 1 injured 6/2015, Lyon, France (van rammed gas cylinders at gas factory) 2 injured

Energy evaluation of rammed earth walls using long term in

Energy evaluation of rammed earth walls using long term in-situ measurements Lucile Soudani 1,2, Monika Woloszyn 2, Antonin Fabbri 1,*, Jean-Claude Morel 3, Anne-Cécile Grillet 2 1LGCB -LTDS, UMR 5513 CNRS, ENTPE, Université de Lyon, 69100 Vaulx en Velin, France ;

Jean-Claude MOREL Prof in Low Impact Buildings Contact

• University of Toulouse, since 2010 France • Insitut Francais des Science et Technologie des Transports, since Sept 2013, France • University of Savoie, France • Nova Lisboa Universidade, Portugal • ETH, Switzerland • Universite polytechnique de Bobo Dioulasso , Burkina Faso Rammed earth house scale (Chile): winter

Document of The World Bank

Reduction Strategy Paper for the period 2016-2018, known as the “Cadre Stratégique pour la Relance Economique et le Développement Durable du Mali” (Strategic Cadre for Economic Recovery and Durable Development - CREDD) The CREDD, the 2015 Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) and the FY16-19

April 30, 2016 - Lourdes University

Lourdes university presents Luminations 2016 S i l e n t A u c t i o n P r e v i e w Premier 100 A GArden AmonG the rooftoPS of BruSSelS - A one week APArtment StAy Located in the pleasant urban residential neighborhood of Woluwe Saint Lambert, in close walking distance (minutes) to cafes, restaurants, shops, parks, banks, pharmacies and


analysis of the July 2016 vehicle-ramming attack preoperational planning Since January 2016, in Nice, France July 14, 2016: Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove a large, rented refrigeration truck into pedestrians gathered on a promenade to watch a fireworks display at the Bastille Day celebration in Nice, France Eighty-six people


©2018 Business France 2016 Croissance PIB ( ) 2017 Note envt des affaires 34,5 3 004 1,2 4,3 A4 Sources : Coface, 2018 ©2018 Business France

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Now deceased ISIS


Muhammad al-Adnani,

called for supporters in the West to conduct attacks using any means possible, including vehicles.Inspire, 2nd issue, featured a two-page article instructing operatives to weld steel blades to pickup trucks for targeting pedestrians at crowded locations.

This vehicle was dubbed

"the ultimate mowing machine." (U) FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION



FALL 2010SEP 2014

August 17, 2017:

Assailants used a

white van to drive into pedestrians at a popular shopping area in

Barcelona, Spain, killing

14 and wounding 100.

August 18, 2017:

Assailants drove a

car through a police roadblock along a beach in Cambrils, Spain, striking pedestrians and police engaged and killed occupants.



AUG 2017

Inspire Guide, 2nd issue,

provided post-attack analysis of the July 2016 vehicle-ramming attack in Nice, France.

July 14, 2016: Mohamed

Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove a

large, rented refrigeration truck into pedestrians gathered on a promenade display at the Bastille

Day celebration in Nice,

France. Eighty-six people

died in the attack and hundreds were wounded.

JUL 2016


Rumiyah, 8th issue,

provided a short article and graphic highlighting the March 2017 vehicle- ramming attack in

London, England.

April 7, 2017: Rakhmat

Akilov used a stolen

30-ton commercial truck

to target pedestrians in a busy shopping area in Stockholm, Sweden, killing 4 people and injuring 15. According to multiple media outlets,

Swedish law enforcement

undetonated explosives in the truck.

APR 2017


Rumiyah, 9th issue,

provided a graphic of vehicle-ramming attacks using trucks. It provided guidance on vehicle and target selection and the recommended methods for vehicle acquisition.

MAY 2017

November 28, 2016:

Abdul Ali Artan used his

personal vehicle to strike pedestrians on a sidewalk at Ohio State University, injuring 11 people.Rumiyah, 3rd issue, recommended using load-bearing trucks to cause mass casualties during events that draw large crowds.NOV 2016


December 19, 2016:

Anis Amri stole a 25-ton

commercial truck and drove it into pedestrians at a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany, killing 12 people and wounding 48.

DEC 2016


June 3, 2017: Khuram

Butt, Rachid Redouane,

and Youssef Zaghba rammed into pedestrians on the London Bridge.

The assailants followed

the vehicle attack by targeting shoppers at the nearby Borough Market in

London, England,

with knives.


JUN 2017

Inspire Guide, 5th issue,

analyzed the March 2017 vehicle-ramming attack in London, England.

March 22, 2017: Khalid

Masood used a rental

car to target pedestrians who were walking on the Westminster Bridge in London, England, killing 4 people, and injuring 40. After abandoning the vehicle,

Masood proceeded to

the Parliament building where he used a knife to stab and kill a British


MAR 2017

(U) OVERVIEW: (U//FOUO) OCIA assesses the increase in the number of vehicle-ramming attacks since

January 2016 indicates Foreign Terrorist

Organization (FTO) messaging efforts are

probably resonating with violent extremists and will most likely continue in the near term.

FTO-inspired violent extremists will probably

continue to plan and engage in vehicle- ramming attacks against Western-based mass gathering and public venues since this tactic often requires minimal training, expertise, and preoperational planning. Since January 2016, eight FTO-inspired vehicle-ramming attacks have three common characteristics among these attacks: targeting of public venues or mass gatherings; use of secondary weapons; and lack of observable indicators immediately before the attack. The Commercial Facilities Sector is at the greatest risk of attack from FTO-inspired vehicle- ramming operations because of the recurring presence of mass gatherings at these locations, the potential for adverse economic impacts, and the media attention these types of attacks regularly receive. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYUNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U) The contents below are UNCLASSIFIED.

Foreign Terrorist Organization-Inspired Vehicle-Ramming Attacks Present Persistent Threats to Commercial Facilities Sector(U//FOUO)National Protection and Programs Directorate


September 2017



ɵ(U) Establish liaison and regular communication with Federal, State, and local law enforcement; emergency responders; public health organizations; and Commercial Facilities Sector stakeholders to enhance information exchange, clarify emergency response, track threat conditions, and support investigations.

ɵ(U) Conduct consequence analysis and security audits before an event, including assessments of other activities and operations

in the vicinity (e.g., airports, chemical plants, government buildings, pipelines, rail lines) that may affect the event.

ɵ(U) Procure the necessary equipment to respond to a crisis. Maintain a cache of first-aid supplies and distribute them

throughout the facility or special event venue. ɵ(U) Conduct threat, vulnerability, and risk assessments. ɵ(U) Identify and designate ingress and egress routes for emergency vehicles. ɵ(U) Evaluate vehicle traffic patterns near the location (facility, mass gathering site, special event venue, etc.). Design and implement strategies to reduce vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian safety. (U)


ɵ(U) Maintain an adequately sized, equipped, and trained security force. Conduct law enforcement and security officer

patrols around drop-off and pick-up points at locations where large numbers of people are concentrated in restricted spaces.

ɵ(U) Incorporate security awareness and appropriate response procedures for security situations into vendor and organizer

employee training programs. ɵ(U) Conduct employee background checks and ensure the event staff has proper identification and credentials.

ɵ(U) Conduct mass casualty incident training that emphasizes a wide range of possible scenarios and weapons, incorporating

complex and simple tactics. (U)


ɵ(U) Restrict all vehicular traffic through controlled and secure "pedestrian-only" areas, including separate ingress and egress routes for delivery vehicles away from events. ɵ(U) Use remote parking and shuttle services to keep vehicles away from critical assets or mass gatherings.

ɵ(U) Establish clear standoff zones. Bollards, barriers, and barricades can be used to increase standoff distances between

large crowds and vehicles. ɵ(U) Evaluate the need for physical barriers (natural and man- made). If appropriate, pre-position physical barriers around the perimeter of densely populated locations.

ɵ(U) Remove all unauthorized vehicles.



ɵ(U) Evaluate, design, and implement a monitoring, surveillance, and inspection program. Use, maintain, and regularly review appropriate physical security measures, such as electronic access control systems, silent alarms, and closed-circuit television cameras in a manner consistent with applicable Federal and State laws. ɵ(U) Deploy security force to inspect sensitive or critical areas for signs of security issues. ɵ(U) Screen all delivery and service vehicles and personnel. ɵ(U) Inspect packages, briefcases, backpacks, and parcels. (U)


ɵ(U) Implement a public awareness and vigilance campaign that provides information for reporting and responding to potential terrorist activity (e.g., public service announcements, television ads, social media).

ɵ(U) Install systems that provide communication with local law enforcement and emergency responders.

ɵ(U) Provide simple and straightforward means, such as texts, audio, or email dissemination, to communicate the presence of

a potential threat or emergency.quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18