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The Emery Trophy was presented to the winning team by General David M Shoup, retired Commandant of Marines and Honorary President of the American Chess Foundation The new individual champion was recognized by President John­ son in a presentation by Major Hugh G Robinson, Army Aide at the White House


Prof Alden H Emery Jr (1925-2009) Alden Emery, a beloved faculty member for generations of ChE students, passed away on February 7, 2009 Prof Emery joined Purdue ChE in 1954, immediately after completing his PhD degree from the University of Illinois, and remained active in all aspects of the school’s programs until his retirement in 1995


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Meeting Minutes - Denver

Laddie Somorin, Financial Manager of Denver EDO’s Fiscal Team, reported on fiscal performance in the 2018 Program Year (PY18) and the first quarter (Q1) of PY19 DWS fully expended PY17 WIOA funding and more than 70 of PY18 WIOA funding as of the end of PY18

In the matter of an arbitration Settlement of Investment Disputes

8 account on the chess clock, and obviously we would be 9 sensible about that 10 So I think that's all I can really say, I'm afraid, 11 about Mr Avidan at the moment, unless there's anything 12 else I can help with 13 THE PRESIDENT: Yes, actually two things

Annual Report and Financial Statement 2018

chess and even a clairvoyant service at one stage The number of sports offered peaked in the late 60s and then they gradually declined until netball was the last to leave having its final year in 2008 While we don’t know the numbers back in 1958, we know that a decade later there were 21 teams and about 240 players

Table of Contents Chapters: I-l Opening 11-17 Sports III-41

(front row) Kent Helms, Tim Shea, Scott Emery, Ronnie demons, Damon Glass; (second row) Coach Jay Allen, Mark Reardanz (manager), Erik Garrido, Matthew Moron, Grant Hoskin, Curtis Remier, Joe Johnson, Tim Cheever, Assistant Coach Mike Wood High School Basketball W M A 35 3 5 23 24 45 34 27 62 40 Damon ington control Kent H JUNIOR VARSITY

Health Administration

This edition is dedicated to Grant, Kate, and Emery Aidan, who always believe in me DEDICATION 73274_Morrison_FM qxd 9/10/09 2:20 AM Page iii

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