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Package leaflet: Information for the user REPEVAX Suspension

1 What REPEVAX is and what it is used for 2 What you need to know before REPEVAX is given to you or your child 3 How and when REPEVAX is given 4 Possible side effects 5 How to store REPEVAX 6 Contents of the pack and other information 1 What REPEVAX is and what it is used for REPEVAX (Tdap-IPV) is a vaccine


Repevax ® : - known hypersensitivity to any residual substances from manufacture (formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, streptomycin, neomycin, polymixin B and bovine serum albumin) Precautions Individuals with an unstable or progressive neurological disorder including poorly controlled epilepsy , immunisation should be

Package leaflet: Information for the user REPEVAX

1 What REPEVAX is and what it is used for 2 What you need to know before REPEVAX is given to you or your child 3 How and when REPEVAX is given 4 Possible side effects 5 How to store REPEVAX 6 Contents of the pack and other information 1 What REPEVAX is and what it is used for REPEVAX is a vaccine


Pertussis PGD v04 00 Valid from: 01/04/2019 Expiry: 31/03/2021 Page 1 of 16 PHE publications gateway number: GW-139 PATIENT GROUP DIRECTION (PGD) Administration of low dose diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated

The Use of Pertussis Vaccine in Adults - TRAVAX

pertussis in the U K using Repevax The vaccine is licensed for this use but it would be outwith the recommendations of the Green Book and would be at the discretion of the vaccinator Travellers should discuss this with their GP in the first instance 5 The vaccine would not normally be supplied free to travellers A private

GARDASIL [Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (Types 6, 11, 16

Adsorbed (Tdap)], and Repevax [Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (acellular, component) and Poliomyelitis (inactivated) Vaccine, (adsorbed, reduced antigen(s) content)] GARDASIL has not been studied in clinical trials with vaccines other than the ones listed Use with Common Medications

PHE – A visual guide to vaccines - GOVUK

Repevax dTaP/IPV Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio 3 years 4 months and pregnant women from 16 weeks gestation Gardasil HPV Cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 (and genital warts types 6 and 11) Boys and girls aged 12 to 13 years (school year 8) Zostavax Shingles Shingles 70 years mmunisation

Routine childhood immunisations schedule from June 2020

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio dTaP/IPV Repevax or Boostrix-IPV Upper arm Measles, mumps and rubella MMR (check first dose given) MMR VaxPRO2 or Priorix Upper arm Boys and girls aged twelve to thirteen years Cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 (and genital warts caused by types 6 and 11) HPV (two doses 6-24


Hepavax-Gene® inj Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA) DESCRIPTION The vaccine is a liquid containing highly purified, non-infectious particles of hep-atitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), produced by DNA recombinant technology in

Thermostabilité des vaccins - WHO

WHO/GPV/98 07 5 1 Importance de la chaîne du froid Une attention scrupuleuse à la conservation et à la manipulation est nécessaire pour garantir l’activité optimale des vaccins

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