[PDF] Récits de vie, récits d’esclaves - LeWebPédagogique

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Olaudah Equiano: The Middle Passage (1791)

Olaudah Equiano: The Middle Passage (1791) The slave trade was part of the commercial network commonly referred to as the “triangular trade” because the most common round-trip routes (there were several) roughly resembled a triangle One version involving the slave business began in New England, where vessels carrying rum

Caitlin Sautter African History Dr Onyeji 22 October 2007

Olaudah Equiano was kidnapped at age eleven, treated as a brute, and sold in to slavery His psychological development was impacted by the torturous conditions he rienced Equiano came to see himself differently than his native men and the Europeans Equiano and his sister were tied up, stuffed in large sacks, and separated Feeling im-

Pasco County Schools

This portrait of Olaudah Equiano dates from the 1780s The iron shackles shown at the right were used to bind slaves during the slave trade The Atlantic Slave Trade FL NGSSS SS 912 W 4 15 Explain the origins and impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade Terms, People, and Places Olaudah Equiano Middle Passage triangular trade mutiny

LEurope et le monde au XVIIIe siècle

Travail préliminaire préparé à la maison par les élèves : compléter la fiche d'identité d'Olaudah Equiano à partir d'un résumé de sa vie 1ère séance : La capture d'Olaudah Equiano Après avoir présenté les conditions de la capture d'Olaudah Equiano, il s'agit d'effectuer une visite

The Transatlantic Slave Trade - dentonisdorg

(Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, 1789) After the British goods had been exchanged for slaves, the slaves were taken across the Atlantic to the Caribbean or to the East Coast of America This journey was called the 'Middle Passage' Accounts of goods traded for slaves, Dicky Cove, 1700 April 18: Traded

US History DBQ Essay Directions: The following question

Olaudah Equiano also known as Gustavus Vassa, was one of the most prominent Africans involved in the British movement of the abolition of the slave trade His autobiography depicted the horrors of slavery and helped influence British lawmakers to abolish the slave trade through the Slave Trade Act of 1807

Chapter 4: Slavery, Freedom, and the Struggle for Empire, to

I Olaudah Equiano II Slavery and the Empire A The Triangular Trades 1 A series of triangular trade routes crisscrossed the Atlantic 2 Colonial merchants all profited from the slave trade 3 Slavery became connected with the color black and liberty with the color white B Africa and the Slave Trade 1

Narrative of the life of Fr Douglas - Fastef

found in Olaudah Equiano’s contrasting his early life in Benin, in present-day Iboland, Nigeria, where he was treated with humanity, with his life as an adolescent captive, first, and, second, as a slave at the mercy of his merciless and money-grubbing owners who regarded him as a saleable commodity

Récits de vie, récits d’esclaves - LeWebPédagogique

3 Quels éléments décrits par Olaudah Equiano et Ottobah Cugoano que retrouve-t-on dans le document 2 ? 4 Les informations fournies par le document 3 sont-elles fiables ? Justifie ta réponse 5 Rédige un résumé pour raconter à tes camarades les conditions dans lesquelles s’effectue la capture des esclaves

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