[PDF] Ferhengoka bîst hejmarên Kurmancî • 277

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30 years since the death of Jacques Brel: his life, his art

Brel’s most famous song “Ne me quitte pas ” This artistic masterpiece was translated into more than 15 languages and heard all over the world In the US alone, more than 270 versions of “Ne me quitte pas” were recorded €€€This song (See video) depicts a lover promising the impossible to

Ferhengoka bîst hejmarên Kurmancî • 277

(t ) göz pÈnarÈ kemifii (f ) unguis, os lacrymal (î ) lachrymal bone 3531-HESTIYÊ KEMAXÊ, bnr HESTIYÊ QORIKÊ 3532-HESTIYÊ KORTIKA ÇAV(t ) göz çukuru kemifii (f ) ethmoide

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