[PDF] Some Linear Algebra Notes

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Mathematics Department Stanford University Math 61CM/DM

Math 61CM/DM { Basic algebraic structures The purpose of this handout is to provide some basic de nitions and a brief discussion of some key ideas and objects in algebra One main new idea you will be studying in class is the notion of a eld This is a concept which generalizes the algebraic properties of the real numbers

Math 54 - Linear Algebra and Di erential Equations

Use this de nition to show that for constant mass systems (systems where mass doesn’t change with respect to time), the force becomes F= m dv dt: This is known as the equation of motion of the body Solution: Plugging in P= mvgives F= dP dt = d(mv) dt = dm dt v+m dv dt: Now, since mis constant, dm=dt= 0, we conclude F= m dv dt: Exercise 2 (2


Proof Expand the equation 1 2 [m t;m t] = 0 in powers of tand collect terms by tn for n= 0, 1, and 2 We will get the following t0: 1 2 [m 0;m 0] = 0; t1: dm 1 = 0; t2: dm 2 + 1 2 [m 1;m 1] = 0: The rst equation is always satis ed, because the original multiplication is asso-ciative, see Remark 4 The other two equations explain both

The geometry and algebra of master equations, BV operators

Now enumerate the boundaries by a set S Then de ne s t 0by gluing the boundaries s and t The new enumeration is by (S nfsg) q(T nftg) Self{gluing If s;s02S we can de ne s;s0 and the surface obtained by gluing the boundary s to the boundary s0 Notice that the genus of the surface increases by one Remark With both these structures, one does

Binary Logic and Boolean algebra - Dublin City University

de morgan’s theorems 1 ab = a + b this states that the inverse (i e ) of a product [and] is equal to the sum [or] of the complements 2 a + b = a b this states that the inverse (complement) of a sum [or] is equal to the product [and] of the complements two very important theorems these theorems can be extended to cover several variables:

Some Linear Algebra Notes

Example: Determine the values of x and y so that vw= 0 and vu= 0, where v= 2 4 x 1 y 3 5;w= 2 4 2 2 1 3 5;and u= 2 4 1 8 2 3 5: Def 1 7: If A = (a ij) is an m x p matrix and B = (b ij) a p x n matrix they can be multiplied

Math 1553: Introduction to Linear Algebra

The equation y = 1 x is animplicit equationfor the line in the picture It also has aparametric form: (x;1 x) Similarly the equation x + y + z = 1 is an implicit equation One parametric form is: (x;y;1 x y) x y z What is an implicit equation and a parametric form for the xy-plane in R3?

Math 2280 - Assignment 2

Solution - If we divide both sides of the above differential equation by x we get: y′ = y x +2 r y x This is a homogeneous equation If we substitute v = y x we get y = xv, and consequently y′ = xv′ + v, so the differential equation becomes: xv′ +v = v +2 √ v We can rewrite the differential equation directly above as: x dv dx = 2 √ v

Introduction Braiding and -matrix

Equation (1) is called the braid relation, and it allows one to de ne a representation of the braid group B N(C) on N-fold tensor products V N using ˙ Let : V V V V denote the ip map, (v w) = w v Let v 1;:::v N be a basis for V We collect the coe cients of ˙into an N2 N2 matrix R; thus, the entries of Rare de ned by the equation: (2) ˙(v

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