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OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI)

Note: Selection was made based on how far the sectors' score were from the world average score, as a percentage difference i e (STRI country, sector - STRI world average, sector ) / STRI world average, sector

Argentina country note - OECD Skills For Jobs

The OECD Skill Needs Indicators measure the degree of shortage (positive values) and surpluses (negative values) for a range of dimensions, such as Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge areas

Roundtable and Service Design Perspectives - itf-oecdorg

Cite this work as: Sochor, J (2021), “Piecing Together the Puzzle: Mobility as a Service from the User and Service Design Perspectives”, International Transport Forum Discussion Papers, No 2021/08, OECD Publishing, Paris


service flows continues to be challenging and the availability of high quality, detailed information on international trade in services remains inadequate for the needs of economic analysis and policy-making To address the information gaps, the OECD and WTO developed a transparent

Start-ups, killer acquisitions and merger control – Note by

Start-ups, killer acquisitions and merger control – Note by the United States 11 June 2020 This document reproduces a written contribution from the United States submitted for Item 2 of the 133rd OECD Competition Committee meeting on 10-16 June 2020 More documents related to this discussion can be found at

Supporting people and companies to deal with the COVID-19 virus

Most OECD countries provide workers with financial compensation during sick leave Often, the initial period is covered by the employer, in the form of continued wage payment for a period of 5-15 days in most OECD countries, but up to several weeks or months, e g in Austria, Germany or Italy and even 2 years in the Netherlands

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[PDF] Eléments nécessaires :

[PDF] livre noir - SNUipp 31

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[PDF] Corrigé métropole BTS Eco Droit 2014 modifié - Bankexam

[PDF] Rédiger une note argumentée et structurée en droit