[PDF] PRT54459-20170220104703 - ACLVB

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FGTB-ABVV / ACV-CSC / CGSLB-ACLVB these measures have been

FGTB-ABVV / ACV-CSC / CGSLB-ACLVB You will find here a summary of the social and economic measures to face the coronavirus crisis Most of these measures have been negotiated on a bipartite between social partners or on a tripartite basis with the government The most important measures concern probably the temporary unemployment Social


3 aanzienlijk geëvolueerd, maar er zijn ook veel nieuwe funces ontstaan, zoals alle funces met betrek - king tot informasering, om maar een voorbeeld te noemen

PRT54459-20170220104703 - ACLVB

Landbouw-service, Agro-service Title: PRT54459-20170220104703 Created Date: 2/20/2017 10:47:03 AM

Herstructurering - ACLVB

ACLVB Herstructurering Ford en toeleveranciers 5 37 Indien de werknemer overlijdt vóór hij ontslagen wordt omwille van de sluiting van het bedrijf, hebben dan

Trade union practices on non-discrimination and diversity 2019

ACLVB/CGSLB General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium B&EMM Black and ethnic minority members CAO Collective agreements CCOO Workers' Commissions in Spain CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CGIL Italian General Confederation of Labour CGT General Confederation of Labour in France

Ik ben kandidaat op een ACLVB-lijst

LIBERALE VAKBOND ACLVB SOCIALE VERKIEZINGEN 2012 Ik ben kandidaat op een ACLVB-lijst kandidaatstelling brochure A5 NL-FR indd 1 14/09/2011 13:41:48

Green - PSI

unions (ACV, Vlaams ABVV and ACLVB) and the envi-ronmental movement (BBL); the Trades Union Congress (TUC) UK; the European Metalworkers Federation (EMF) which became IndustriAll in the course of the project integrating manufacturing workers from the metal, chemical, mining, energy and textile sectors; and the

Social protection at the heart of the EU-AU relations

WSM, ACV-CSC, ACLVB-CGSLB and ITUC-Africa, on the occasion of the 5th EU-AU summit, wish to highlight the importance of social protection as a key strategy to realise the sustainable and inclusive development of our societies 2 For us, social movements and trade unions from South Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi,


CGSLB-ACLVB (Belgium) Christliche Iniative Romero (Germany) CIGL (Italy) CISL (Italy) CITUB- Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria CNSLR - FRATIA (National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania) CNV (Netherlands) CONFEDERDIA (Italy) ELA-STV (Spain) EMWU - European Migrant Workers Union (Germany) F S A TERRA (Romania)

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