[PDF] Overcoming Depression Workbook (PDF version)

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The Coping with Depression Course was modified in the early 1980s for use with depressed adolescents (Clarke and Lewinsohn, 1986) and subsequently has been substantially revised (Clarke, Lewinsohn, and Hops, 1990) The current Adolescent Coping with Depression Course consists of sixteen 2-hour sessions conducted over an eight-week period


THE DEPRESSION PREVENTION COURSE Muñoz Depression Prevention Course 1998 iv Introduction to the 1998 Edition This is the 1998 version of the Depression Prevention Course The original version was developed in 1983 for the Depression Prevention Research Project It is intended to be used by

Overcoming Depression Workbook (PDF version)

Depression is o^en called the “common cold” of mental health problems Almost all of us experience at least a mild depression from 4me to 4me and an es4mated one-third of adults will experience a significant depression in their life4me There are many types of depression A person with Persistent Depressive Disorder will be


“Welcome to the first session of the Depression Prevention Course What we would like to do today is to review the purpose of the course, to introduce ourselves, and then to begin to cover some of the ideas that we will be studying “This course is part of a research program which is studying people’s mood, especially depression

Anxiety & Depression Student Workbook

By the end of this course, you will have received a lot of information and at times it may feel overwhelming Remember that like any skill (e g , learning to ride a bike), the skills you will learn in Anxiety and depression Reduction Workshop take time and practice to master At times, you may encounter obstacles and/or find it


ADOLESCENT COPING WITH DEPRESSION COURSE Gregory Clarke, Ph D Peter Lewinsohn, PhD Hyman Hops, Ph D With Consultation by Bonnie Grossen, Ph D Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research 3800 N Interstate Ave Portland OR 97227

Adolescent Coping with Depression (CWD-A)

The CWD-A course was originally adapted from the adult version of the Coping with Depression course In modifying the course for use with adolescents, in-session material and homework assignments were simplified, experiential learning opportunities (e g , role plays) were enhanced, and problem-solving skills were added to the curriculum

A Psychoeducational Approach to the Treatment of Depression

of Depression: A Meta-analysis of Lewinsohn's "Coping With Depression" Course PIM CUIJPERS Trimbos-institute, Netherlands Institute for Mental Health and Addiction The Coping With Depression course is a cognitive behavioral treatment for unipolar depression

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