[PDF] Procedures, September 2016 - Government Attic

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Procedures, September 2016 - Government Attic

FNARS is a High Frequency (HF) radio system providing communications transport between nationally­ distributed ground stations in times of degraded or destroyed telecommunications capabilities within the normal communications infrastructure FNARS was developed to serve two purposes: l

fNARS and Regional Association2019-2021 3119

Oct 01, 2019 · Jan 15-16, 2021 MARS Winter Meeting Lombard, IL March 2-3, 2021 PNWARS Spring Meeting Portland, OR March 10-11, 2021 SWARS Annual Meeting San Antonio, TX March 16-17, 2021

Non-Federal Outreach and Technical Assistance Offerings

The FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) is a nationwide High Frequency (HF) Automatic Link Establishment radio network that provides backup communications through the capabilities of voice, chat, and phone patch during continuity activations FNARS also enables provision of real-time situational

7 CHAPTER 7 Authorized Frequency Usage

FNARS Program Manager DHS/FEMA MWEOC 19844 Blue Ridge Mountain Road Mount Weather, VA 20135 Telephone: 540-542-2249 2 National Communications System (NCS) Shared

Authorized Frequency Usage

manager for FEMA National Radio System (FNARS), federal high frequency (HF) radio stations are authorized to communicate with stations operating on the NECN when necessary for coordination in relation to NS/EP response efforts including tests and exercises NECN provides pre-designated and ad hoc frequencies to support NS/EP response efforts


FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) The FEMA Na5onal Radio System (FNARS) is a na5onwide High Frequency (HF) Automa5c Link Establishment (ALE) network that provides backup communica5ons during con5nuity events that may impact the government’s ability to execute its essen5al func5ons FNARS provides real-5me situa5onal


La FNARS, fédération d’organismes qui accompagnent les personnes en situation de pauvreté et de précarité, est reconnue comme l’un des grands réseaux français de lutte contre les exclusions En Rhône-Alpes, plus d’une centaine d’associations adhérentes accueillent et soutiennent

Les accueils de jour en Rhône-Alpes

le baromètre 115 de la FNARS indique qu’en 2014, « près de 104 000 personnes différentes ont sollicité le 115 pour une demande d’hébergement et/ou de prestations sur les 37 départements observés14 » Face à cette demande croissante d’hébergement d’urgence, de massification des formes de pauvreté et d’une absence de réponse

ESF 2 - Communications Annex - FEMAgov

Executive Order 12472 assigns authority to the Director, OSTP, to direct the exercise of the war power functions of the President under § 706(a), (c)–(e), of the Communications Act of 1934,

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Procedures, September 2016 - Government Attic Description of document: Three (3) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Radio System (FNARS) manuals:

FEMA National Radio System Concept of Operations,

March 2017

FEMA National Radio System Standard Operating

Procedures, September 2016

FEMA National Radio System Operators ' Quick

Guide, August 2015

Requested date: 07-July-2017

Released date: 09-November-2017

Posted date: 26-February-2018

Source of document: FEMA Information Management Division

FOIA Request

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November 9, 2017


U.S. Department of Homeland Secmity

500 C Street, S.W. Mail Stop 3172

Washington, DC 20472-3172

Re: FEMA FOIA Case Number 2017-FEFO-01989 This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department

of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), dated July 7,

2017 and received in this office on July 10, 2017. You are seeking:

1-A copy of the FNARS National Radio Network Station Handbook, and a copy of the

table of contents of the FNARS National Radio Network Station Handbook, and

2-A copy

of the

FNARS Handbook or Manual.

A search of the National Continuity Program Directorate (NCP) for documents responsive to your request produced a total of 83 pages. We are granting your request under the FOIA, Title 5

U.S.C. § 552, as amended, and

DHS' implementing regulations, 6 C.F.R. Chapter I and Part 5. After carefully reviewing the responsive documents, I determined that they are appropriate for public release. They are enclosed in their entirety; no deletions or exemptions have been claimed.

You have the right to

appeal if you disagree with FEMA' s response. The procedure for administrative appeals is outlined in the DHS regulations at 6 C.F.R. § 5.8. In the event you wish to submit an appeal, we encourage you to both state the reason(s) you believe

FEMA's initial determination on your FOIA request was erroneous in your correspondence, and include a

copy of this letter with your appeal. Should you wish to do so, you must send your appeal within

90 days from the date

of this letter to fema-foia@fema.dhs.gov, or alternatively, via mail at the following address: FEMA

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Information Management Division (FOIA Appeals)

500 C Street, SW, Seventh Floor, Mail Stop 3172

Washington, D.C. 20472-3172

As part of the 2007 amendments, the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) was created to offer mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies. You may contact OGIS in any of the following ways:

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Telephone: 202-741-5770/Toll-free: 1-877-684-6448

Facsimile: 202-741-5769

Provisions of the FOIA allow us to recover part of the cost of complying with your request. In this instance, because the cost is below the $25 minimum, there is no charge. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter, you may contact FEMA at (202)

646-3323, or you may contact FEMA's Public Liaison in the same manner. Please reference the

subsequent case identifier: FEMA 2017-FEFO-01989.




Eric Neuschaefer

Digitally signed by ERICA NEUSCHAEFER

DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government ou=Department of

Homeland Security, ou=FEMA, ou=People, cn=ERIC


0.9.2342.19200300.1 00.1.1 =0647718256.FEMA


Chief, Disclosure Branch

Information Management Division

Mission Support

Enclosure(s): Responsive Documents (83 pages)

FEMA National Radio System


of Operations

March 2017

FEMA National Continuity Programs Continuity Communications Division

Communications Architecture and Integration FEMA


D ate

Version Approver Summary of Changes

01/2015 1 TC Official writing of document.

04/2015 2

TC Rewording of body and formatting of entire document.

03/2016 3

TC Edit to support Out-of-Band activation and suppo1ting sections.

06/2016 4

TC Edit and incorporation of review comments.



TC Revision based on FNARS changes.

11/2016 6

TC Minor edits.


7 TC Updates to include security accreditation package inf01mation; minor edits


of Operations March 2017

FEMA National Radio System


Page 2 of 83

FEMA National Continuity Programs Continuity Communications Division

Communications Architech1re and Integration

Executive Summary

-FEMA The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) carries out its mission to suppott our citizens and first responders to ensure Americans work together to build, sustain, and improve our capabilities to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards that could potentiaJ ly befall the Nation. To effectively collaborate a nd coordinate the management and implementation of

federal, state, and territorial government resources and capabilities requires a resilient, survivable

communications platform, independent from but interconnected with normal communications infrastructure. FEMA's National Continuity Programs Directorate (NCP), in accordance with Presidential Policy


40 (PPD 40), National Continuity Policy, maintains the FEMA High Frequency Continuity

System (FHFCS), a suite

of unclassified High Frequency (HF) radio communications systems designed to provide resilient capabilities across the full spectrum of potential hazards. The FEMA National Radio

System (FNARS) is a key component

of the FHFCS portfolio, and is suppmted with commercial-off-the sbelf (COTS) equipment installed at the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center (MWEOC), Federal Regional Centers (FRCs), Regional Offices (R.Os), the Mobile Emergency Response Support

(MERS) detachments, as well as the emergency operations centers (EOCs) of the 50 states, the District of

Columbia, and the U.S. Territories.

FNARS provides the FEMA Administrator and executive leadership with resilient voice and messaging capabiliti es for command, control, and communications (C3); continuity of operations (COOP) of FEMA

assets and resources; and communication, coordination, and collaboration with Regional Administrators

and state/territorial emergency management pa1tners in response to all hazards.

This Concept

of Operations (CONOPS) serves as the foundation for the development of FNARS operational plans and procedures, and will be reviewed and updated as necessaty to ensure it is accurate, current, and provides appropriate guidance to ensw-e the program demonstrates maximum benefit to the

Nation's continuity and security.


of Operations ii March 2017

FEMA National Radio System (FNARS)


Page 3 of 83

FEMA National Continuity Programs Continuity Communications Division

Communications Architecture and Integration

Table of Contents


1.0 Introduction ........................................................................

........................................................... 5

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................

................... 5

1.2 Mission ........................................................................

.................................................................. 6

1.3 System Overview and Capability ........................................................................

.......................... 6 2.0

FNARS Networks .......................................................................................................................

.. 7

2.1 National Radio Network ........................................................................................................

........ 7

2.2 Regional Radio Networks (RRNs) ................................................................................................ 7

2.3 Activation Authorities ........................................................................

........................................... 8

2.4 Activation Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 8

2.5 Conditions for Activation ........................................................................ ...................................... 9

2.6 Activation/Deactivation Procedures ............................................................................................ 10

2.6.1 Activation ........................................................................

.................................................... 10

2.6.2 Deactivation ..........................................................................................

............................... 11

2. 7 Protective Measures ........................................................................

............................................ I 5 2.8 Outage Reporting ........................................................................ ................................................ 15

3.0 Roles and Responsibiliti

es ........................................................................ .................................. 15 3.0.1 FEMA High Frequency Continuity System (FHFCS) PMO (System Owner) .................... 15

3.0.2 National Watch Center ........................................................................................................ 16

3.0.3 FEMA Operations Center .......................................................

............................................. 16

3 .0.4

MERS Operations Centers ........................................................................ .......................... 17

3 .1 Operational Capabilities .............................................................................................................. 17


.1.1 Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center.. ................................................................. 17

3 .1.2 Federal Regional Centers .................................................................................................... 17

3 .1.3 FEM.A Regional Offices ...................................................................................................... 18

3 .1.4 Mobile Emergency Response Support Detachments ........................................................... 18

3 .1.5 State

and Territo1y Emergency Operations Centers ............................................................ 19


Test and Exercise Program ............................................................................................ 19

4.1 Scope ........................................................................

................................................................... 19

4.2 Test Procedures ........................................................................

................................................... 19

4.3 Preparation for and Conduct of the Tests .................................................................................... 20

Concept of Operations iii March 2017

FEM.A National Radio System (FNARS)


Page 4 of 83

FEMA National Continuity Programs Continuity Communications Division

Communications Architecture and Integration


4.4 TestRepoiting ............................................................................................................................. 20

5.0 Conclusion

....................................................... 20

6.0 Approval ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Appendix A -FHFCS Signed .................................................................................................................. 22

Appendix B -FNARS Supporting Documentation ................................................................................. 23

Appendix C -Authorities and References ............................................................................................... 25

Appendix D -COGCON Matrix ............................................................................................................. 26

Appendix E

-NOAA Space Weather Scales ........................................................................................... 27

Appendix F -Acrony1ns .......................................................................................................................... 28

Appendix G -Point

of Contact. ............................................................................................................... 31

Table of Figures

Figure 1 -FNARS National Radio Network (NRN) ............................................................................ 12

Figure 2 -FNARS Regional Radio Networks (RRNs) ........................................................................ 13

Figure 3 -FNARS Activation Workflow ............................................................................................. 14

Figure A-1 -Signed FHFCS Letter ......

................................................................................................ 22

Figure D-1 -COG CON Matrix ............................................................................................................ 26

Figure E-1-NOAA Space Weather Scales ......................................................................................... 27

List of Tables

Table 1 -NRN Pa1ticipants by Region ................................................................................................

... 7 Table 2 -FRC-Assigned RRN Stations .................................................. ............................................... 8 Table 3 -FEMA Regional Offices ....................... ................................................................................ 18

Table 4 -MERS Locations ...........................................................................................................

........ 18 Table 5 -FNARS Pruticipation Entities ........................... .................................................................... 19 Table 6-NRN and RRN Weekly Test Schedule .................................................. ............................... 20

Table 7 -Test Report Recipients

.......................................................................................................... 20

Table B-1 -FN ARS Documentation .................................................................................................... 24

Concept of Operations iv March 2017

FEMA National Radio System (FNARS)


Page 5 of 83

FEMA National Continuity Programs Continuity Communications Division

Communications Architecture and Integration

1.0 Introduction

FEMA FNARS is a High Frequency (HF) radio system providing communications transport between nationally distributed ground stations in times of degraded or destroyed telecommunications capabilities within the normal communications infrastructure. FNARS was developed to serve two purposes: l. Enable command, control, and communications (C3) among the agency and its elements throughout continuity events; and

2. Communicate and coordinate with disaster response and recove1y mission partners from FEMA

Headquarters (HQ), FEMA Regions, states, and territories in support of the continual performance of the National Essential Functions (NEFs). FNARS is a key component of the FEMA High Frequency Continuity System (FHFCS), a suite of HFquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34