[PDF] sites airbus france


Main Sites Airbus Locations Sourcing Locations EU-Country Non EU-Country SITES AND LOCATIONS AIRBUS MAIN SITES Registered Office Netherlands: Leiden Headquarters France: Toulouse AIRBUS LOCATIONS FRANCE Bezons Blagnac Bordeaux Bourges Brest Cazaux Choisy-le-Roi Cognac Elancourt La Courneuve Le Bourget Les Ulis Lyon Marignane Méaulte Mérignac


Avec ses nouvelles cabines, Air France entend offrir une nouvelle expérience à bord de ses Airbus A330 : 36 sièges en Business, 21 sièges en Premium Economy et 167 sièges en Economy Ainsi, 15 appareils seront entièrement revisités d’ici 2020 grâce à un investissement de 140 millions d’euros

AIRBUS and the environment

sites, but the operational life, end of life and recycling potential of our products ” “The environment is everybody’s business Airbus and our customers are in the same boat Exchanging experience is important We give airlines the means to do their job better; in return, they tell us how we can help them do that ”

Air France Horizon 2030

Air France modernise sa flotte court, moyen et long-courrier : • c ommande de 60 Airbus A220-300 qui remplaceront progressivement la flotte A318 et A319 ; • réception de 28 Airbus A350-900 dont le premier a rejoint la flotte le 27 septembre dernier ; • 9 Boeing 787 en flotte ; • sortie des Airbus A380 d’ici 2022 50

11 Presentation of the Company 1183 - Airbus - Home

In terms of nationalities, 37 3 of Airbus’ employees are from France, 32 1 from Germany, 9 4 from the UK and 9 8 from Spain US nationals account for 1 9 of employees The remaining 9 6 are employees coming from a total of 127 other countries In total, 92 1 of Airbus’ active workforce is located in Europe on more than 100 sites

Global KPI for ICT sites

7-8 June, 2017 ETSI Workshop “Making Smart Cities Sustainable", in Bordeaux, France of ICT sites 5 Airbus Operations Data Centres en Europe 7-8 June, 2017 Page

Case Study: Airbus

the nacelle was limited Airbus has long been working to more accurately simulate noise radiation from the nacelle “When FFT created the Actran consortium in 1999, the Acoustic Department of Airbus-France decided to be part of it and to support the development of the first version of Actran software We are currently using it for design of

European Aviation Safety Agency

Jul 14, 2014 · TCDS No : EASA A 064 AIRBUS Page 1 of 97 Issue: 14 A318, A319, A320, A321 Date: 14 July 2014 European Aviation Safety Agency EASA TYPE-CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET No EASA A 064 for AIRBUS A318 – A319 – A320 – A321 Type Certificate Holder: AIRBUS 1 Rond-point Maurice Bellonte 31707 BLAGNAC FRANCE

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