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freeman66 (May 13, 2020) Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIME We consider all other cases according to the signs of aand b Case 1: b>0;a>0 In order to prove the theorem, there are two parts: rst, to show the existence of these integers q;r, and second, to show their uniqueness For the existence, for each n 0 de ne r n= a nb Let S= n jr

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AMC/AIME Handout

Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIME


freeman66For: AoPS Date:

May 13, 20200

1 2 3 4 5

67891011It's time for modular arithmetic!"I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain." -

Pierre de Fermat

freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMEContents

0 Acknowledgements3

1 Introduction4

1.1 Number Theory

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Bases

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3 Divisibility

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 Introduction to Modular Arithmetic

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Modular Congruences7

2.1 Congruences

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Fermat's Little Theorem and Euler's Totient Theorem

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Exercises

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Residues10

3.1 Introduction

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.2 Residue Classes

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.3 Exercises

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4 Operations in Modular Arithmetic


4.1 Modular Addition & Subtraction

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.2 Modular Multiplication

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.3 Modular Exponentiation

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.4 Modular Division

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.5 Modular Inverses

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.6 The Euclidean Algorithm

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Chinese Remainder Theorem


5.1 Linear Congruences

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5.2 Chinese Remainder Theorem

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5.3 Chinese Remainder Theorem

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6 Worked Out Examples24

7 Problems29

A Appendix A: List of Theorems, Corollaries, and Denitions 30

freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIME§0Ackno wledgementsThis was made for the Art of Problem Solving Community out there! I would like to thank Evan Chen for his

evan.sty code. In addition, all problems in the handout were either copied from the Art of Problem Solving

Wiki or made by myself.Art of Problem Solving Community

Evan Chen's Personal Sty File

freeman66's Website - Say Hi! And Evan says he would like this here for evan.sty: Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003 Copyright (c) 2020 Evan Chen [evan at evanchen.cc] https://web.evanchen.cc/ || github.com/vEnhance He also helped me with the hint formatting. I do honestly think that Evan is a L


And nally, please do not make any copies of this document without referencing this original one. At least cite

me when you are using this document. 3 freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIME§1Intro duction

§1.1Numb erTheo ry

Number theorydeals with the properties and relationships between numbers, especially positive integers.Denition 1.1

(Prime & Composite)|If an integer has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself, it is

said to beprime; otherwise, it is said to becomposite.Note that 1 is considered composite.Denition 1.2

(Multiples & Factors)|An integerais said to be amultipleof another integerbif there

exists an integerksuch thata=kb. The integerbhere is said to be called afactoror adivisorofa.From this, we see that ifais a multiple ofb, thenbis a factor ofa.Denition 1.3

(Prime Factorization)|Any integerNcan be written as the product of the primes it is divisible by. Theprime factorizationofNis N=Y p2Pp ei= 2e13e25e3:::;

wherePis the set of positive primes andfeigis a sequence of integers determining how many times theith

prime number can be divided out ofN. For example, 144 = 2232and 35 = 5171.§1.2Bases To understand the notion ofbase numbers, we look at our own number system. We use the decimal, or

base-10, number system. To help explain what this means, consider the number 2746. This number can be

rewritten as 123410= 1103+ 2102+ 3101+ 4100:

Note that each number in 1234 is actually just a placeholder which shows how many of a certain power of 10

there are. The rst digit to the left of the decimal place (recall that the decimal place is to the right of the 6, i.e.

2746.0) tells us that there are six 100's, the second digit tells us there are four 101's, the third digit tells us there

are seven 102's, and the fourth digit tells us there are two 103's.

Base-10 uses digits 0-9. Usually, the base, orradix, of a number is denoted as a subscript written at the right

end of the number (e.g. in our example above, 274610, 10 is the radix).

To learn how toconvertbases, readthis .

§1.3Divisibilit y

Let us rst formally denedivisibility.Denition 1.4

(Divisibility)|Leta;b2Z. We say thatbdividesaif there exists an integerksuch that a=kb. The numberbis called adivisororfactorofa, and the numberais called amultipleofb. We writebjato denote thatbdividesa.Theorem 1.5(Division Theorem)

Leta;b2Zwithb6= 0. Then there exist unique integersq;r2Zsuch thata=bq+rand 0r 4

freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMEWe consider all other cases according to the signs ofaandb.

Case 1:b >0;a >0. In order to prove the theorem, there are two parts: rst, to show the existence of these

integersq;r, and second, to show their uniqueness. For the existence, for eachn0 denern=anb. LetS=frnjrn0g, that is,Sis the set of those rnthat are nonnegative. Note thatr0=a >0, soSis nonempty. By the Well-Ordering Principle,,Shas a minimum element, sayrk=akb. Thena=kb+rk, by denition. Moreover,rk+1=a(k+1)b=rkb < rk, sork+1=2S, sincerkis the minimum ofS. But this implies thatrk+1<0, sorkb <0, and hencerk< b. Therefore, we have found integersk;rksuch thata=kb+rkand 0rk0r;r0< b, we have thatb < r0r < b. Note, ifqq0>0, thenb(qq0)> b, which is impossible. If qq0<0, thenb(qq0)Case 2:b <

0;a >0. Note that any presentation ofa=qb+ralso impliesa= (q)(b) +r. The choice of

q;rare both exist and are unique by Case 1.

Case 3:b >

0;a <0. By Case 1, we have a uniqueq;rsuch thata= (q)b+r, with 0r < b. Hence

there is a uniqueq;rsuch thata=qbr, with 0r < b. Ifr= 0, this is sucient for the problem. Ifr6= 0, we can writea= (q1)b+ (br), then, and 0< br < b. Uniqueness will follow by an argument identical to that in Case 1.

Case 4:b <

0;a <0. By Case 2, we have a uniqueq;rsuch thata= (q)b+r, with 0r < b. Proceed

as in Case 3 to construct a solution fora.Denition 1.6 (Quotient & Remainder)|Leta;b2Z, withb6= 0 and letq;rbe numbers such that a=qb+r, wherer < b. We say thatqis thequotientofadivided byb, and theris theremainderofa divided byb.Denition 1.7 (Greatest Common Divisor)|Leta;b2Z. An integerdis called agreatest common divisor ofa;b, frequently abbreviated as a gcd ofa;bif the following two conditions are met: •djaanddjb, and •ifqjaandqjb, thenqjd.Theorem 1.8(Existence of GCD)

Leta;b2Z. Thenaandbhave a gcd.Proof.First, if bothaandbare 0, then 0 is a gcd foraandb, since 0 is divisible byqfor everyq2Z.

Ifais negative, we can replaceawithawithout impacting the divisibility properties ofa. Likewise, ifbis

negative, we can replace it withb. Hence, we may proceed assuming that bothaandbare nonnegative, and at

least one ofa;bis nonzero. Wolog, suppose thata6= 0. DeneX=fn2Njn=au+bvfor someu;v2Zg. Notice thata=a1 +b0 anda >0, soa2X. Therefore,X6=;, andXis a subset ofN, so by the Well Ordering PrincipleXhas a minimum. Letd=min(X).

Claim 1.dja.


freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMEProof of Claim 1.By the Division Theorem, there exist uniqueq;r2Zsuch thata=qd+r, and

0r < d. Moreover, asd2X, there existu;v2Zsuch thatd=au+bv. Hence, we have

r=aqd =aq(au+bv) = (1qu)a+ (qv)b: Hence, ifr >0, we must haver2X. However, sincer < d, we cannot haver2X, sinced=min(X). Therefore,r= 0, soa=qdanddja.By the same technique, we can establish the following claim:

Claim 2.djb.

Hence, we have thatdis a common divisor to bothaandb. It remains to establish the second property for a

gcd, namely, that ifqjaandqjb, we also haveqjd. To that end, suppose thatqis a common divisor ofaandb, so that there exist integersk;`such thata=kq andb=`q. Then we have d=au+bv=kqu+`qv=q(ku+`v); and thusqjd.

Therefore,dmeets the denition of a gcd fora;b, and thus a gcd must exist.Theorem 1.9(Properties of GCD)

Leta2Z. Then

•gcd(a;0) =a. •gcd(a;1) = 1. •For allk2Z, gcd(a;ka) =aThere also exists theleast common multiple:Denition 1.10 (Least Common Multiple)|Theleast common multipleof two numbersa;bis, like

the greatest common factor, dened by its name. It is the smallest multiplemin whichajmandbjm.Theorem 1.11(Product of LCM and GCM)

For integersa;b,

gcd(a;b)lcm(a;b) =ab:What happens when gcd(a;b) = 1? We call thatcoprime, orrelatively prime:Denition 1.12

(Coprime)|Leta;b2Z. We say thataandbarecoprime, ifaandbshare no common factors. That is to say,aandbare coprime ifgcd(a;b) = 1. We writea?bto denote thataandbare coprime.6 freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMETheorem 1.13(Coprime Conditions)

Leta;b2Zbe nonzero, and letd= gcd(a;b). Then

ad andbd are coprime. •Writea=dkfor somek2Z. Then fory2Z, ifaj(dy), thenkjy.§1.4Intro ductionto Mo dularArithmetic

Let us start with a motivating example.Remark 1.14.When learning a new topic, try to nd themotivationbehind every idea. This will allow you to

realize when to use what idea!Example 1.15 Suppose it is 1 : 00 now. What time will it be exactly 1000 hours from now?Solution.

The key to solving this problem is realizing that the times will repeat themselves every 12 hours. In

other words, the time will be 1 : 00 whenever the number of hours from now is a multiple of 12:

What is the multiple of 12 that is closest to 1000? After some experimentation, we see that the closest multiple

is 996, so 996 hours from now it will be 1 : 00 as well. Thus, exactly 1000 hours from now the time will be

5 : 00:

For example, because 4;16;1000;and 4252 all share the same remainder when divided by 12, the following

equation is valid:

41610004252 (mod 12):

§2Mo dularCongruences

Let us start with a problem involving congruences:Example 2.1

We have a clock with six numbers on its face: 0;1;2;3;4;and 5. The clock only hand moves clockwise from

0 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 and back again to 0.

1. What n umberis the hand p ointingat after 12 tic ks? 2. What n umberis the hand p ointingat after 28 tic ks? 3. What n umberis the hand p ointingat after 42 tic ks? 4. What n umberis the hand p ointingat after 1337 tic ks?7

freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMESolution.We start by listing the rst 30 numbers in the list and the rst 30 positive integers side by side:

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 507 8 9 10 1112

1 2 3 4 5 0 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 2 3 4 5 0 19 20 21 22 23 24

1 2 345 0 25 26 272829 30We can see that the answers to parts 1 and 2 are0and4, respectively. We can also notice that each number on

the left grid is the remainder of each number on the right grid when divided by 6. Hence, we see that the answer

to part 3 is the remainder when 426, which is 0, and that the answer to part 4 is 13376, which is 5.§2.1Congruences Denition 2.2

(Congruence)|Two integers are said to beequivalent(orcongruent) moduloaif their

dierence is a multiple ofa.We shorten "modulo" to "mod", and use the symbolto denote congruence. For example,

120 (mod 6) and 3216 (mod 4):

For integersxandy,yx(moda) if and only ifmjxy. Hence, for an integerz, we havexy=za.

Isolatingzgives usz=xya

. Ifzis an integer, thenyx(moda).Theorem 2.3(Congruence Condition) for positive integersxandy,xy(moda) if and only if x=z1a+w, and y=z2a+w, wherez1,z2, andware integers, and 0w < a.Example 2.4

How many positive integers less than 12 are relatively prime to 12?§2.2F ermat'sLittle Theo remand Euler's T otientTheo rem

Solution.We know that 1;5;7;and 11 are relatively prime to 12, so the answer is 4.

What if we replaced 12 with 100? Or what if we used 10000? That would take averylong time. So instead

we useEuler's totient function:Denition 2.5 (Euler's Totient Function)|The totient function(n) is dened as the number of positive integers less thannthat are relatively prime ton.Remark 2.6. Denitions are very important. If we had dened it by the theorem, it would be so much harder to relate it to relatively prime. There also would have been no motivation for this idea.8 freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMETheorem 2.7(Euler's Totient Function)

Ifn=pe11pe22pemm, then(n)

(n) =n 11p 1 11p 2 11p m :Now for a few identities: •For primep,(p) =p1, because all numbers less thanpare relatively prime to it. •For relatively primea;b,(a)(b) =(ab). •In fact, we also have for anya;bthat(a)(b)gcd(a;b) =(ab)(gcd(a;b)).

•Ifpis prime andn1,then(pn) =pnpn1:There isn't much to learn about the Totient Function, since it appears very rarely. Let us turn to its relation

withmodular arithmetic. There are always the problems that ask for the last two/three/four/etc. digits of

some large operation (for example, 10243. Even using a calculator won't help. So instead, we use the following

methods:Theorem 2.8(Fermat's Little Theorem) Letpbe a prime number andabe an integer relatively prime top. Then a p11 (modp):Remark 2.9. However, remember: only use powerful techniques when you have to. If the problem is nd the last digit of 24, the following methods will beoverkill.Let's try an example:

Example 2.10

Find the remainder when 2

304is divided by 7.Solution.Using Fermat's Little Theorem witha= 2 andp= 7, we get


61 (mod 7):

Note that


304= 230024= (26)5024;

so (2

6)502415016162 (mod 7):

Notice how Fermat's Little Theorem doesn't directly answer the problem, but by taking out all the 26s, we were

able to get our answer. However, this leaves us with an issue - what if the modulo isn't prime? For example, to

nd the last digit, we have to take mod 10, but 10 isn't prime. How can we solve the problem? 9 freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMETheorem 2.11(Euler's Totient Theorem)

Letaandnbe relatively prime integers. Then


(n)1 (modn):Remark 2.12.Notice that this is a generalized form of Fermat's Little Theorem.Let's turn to an example:

Example 2.13

Find the last two digits of 3

83.Solution.We know that this is the same as taking mod 100. Using Euler's Totient Theorem witha= 3 and

n= 100, we get 3 (100)1 (mod 100): Using the formula for nding(n), we get(100) = 40. Thus, 3

401 (mod 100):

Notice that


83= 38033= (340)233;

so (3

40)233122727 (mod 100);

so the last two digits are 27.§2.3Exercises Exercise 2.14.How many numbers under 1000 are relatively prime to 1000?

Exercise 2.15.Find the value of(12) and(1001).

Exercise 2.16.Find the last two digits of 31284.

Exercise 2.17.

Find the last two digits of 640+840. (Note: this question is hard! You cannot apply any of the theorems listed above on your rst step, since 6 and 8 are not relatively prime to 100)

Exercise 2.18.Find((1000)).

Exercise 2.19.

Jimmy takes a one digit number to the fourth power and the last digit is 1. He takes it to the fth power and the last digit is 3. What is his number?§3Residues

§3.1Intro duction

We say thatbis the modulo-aresidue ofcwhencb(moda), and 0b < a. 10 freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIME§3.2Residue Cl asses

We begin with a problem.Example 3.1

List the integers between -70 and 70 whose modulo 12 residues are 10.Solution.An integer is congruent to 10 mod 12 if it can be written as 12a+ 10 for any integera. This gives us

the inequality

70<12a+ 10<70:

Subtracting 10 from all sides gives us

80<12n <60;

and dividing by 12 gives 623
< n <5:

Thus, we have

n=6 : 12(6) + 10 =62 n=5 : 12(5) + 10 =50 n=4 : 12(4) + 10 =38 n=3 : 12(3) + 10 =26 n=2 : 12(2) + 10 =14 n=1 : 12(1) + 10 =2 n= 0 : 12(0) + 10 = 10 n= 1 : 12(1) + 10 = 22 n= 2 : 12(2) + 10 = 34 n= 3 : 12(3) + 10 = 46 n= 4 : 12(3) + 10 = 58 Hence, all integersbsuch that70< b <70 andb10 (mod 12) are f62;50;38;26;14;2;10;22;34;46;58g:We can now dene a residue class.

Denition 3.2

(Residue Class)|The integers congruent tox(moda) are known as aresidue class.

(Residue classes are also known as equivalence classes or congruence classes.)For example,f62;50;38;26;14;2;10;22;34;46;58gis a residue class of 10 (mod 12).



freeman66(May 13, 2020)Modular Arithmetic in the AMC and AIMEExercise 3.3.Determine the modulo-9 residue of each of the following.

1. 11 2. 45
3. 23
4. 434
5. 42

1337 Exercise 3.4.Write each of the following integers in the form 3a+b, whereaandbare integers and

0b <3.

1. 43
2. 4 3. 100
4. 98
5. 42
6. -34 7. 1337
Exercise 3.5.Show that ifxy(moda) andyz(moda), thenxz(moda).§4Op erationsin Mo dularArithm etic §4.1Mo dularAddition & Subtraction Theorem 4.1(Modular Addition and Subtraction)

Leta1;a2;b1;andb2be integers such that
