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FUTUR - triathlon-batteriescom

4 TriCOM FUTUR Chargers Intelligent Charging Our overarching design goal, regardless of whether our products are used individ-ually or in a group, is always to conserve natural resources and reduce the environ-mental impact Regardless of whether the new high effi-ciency TriCOM FUTUR is used in combina-tion with the patented Futur charging pro-

The Future Tenses

The Future Tenses 1 The Future Tenses I Theory There are a number of ways to express that something happens in the future These are the most frequently used options


se réalise), le verbe qui dépend de « si » est au présent, les autres sont au futur (ou au présent, ou à l'impératif) On a donc généralement : SI + présent + futur Par exemple : S'il fait beau demain, nous irons à la plage On mangera ensemble, si tu arrives à l'heure Je partirai en voyage si je réussis mes examens 12


The futur proche is is commonly used in spoken French (more than futur simple) You can use the futur proche, for an action which is imminent or in the near future Le train va arriver The train → is going to arrive You can also use futur proche, to express more distant future events, with a time specified Ils vont habiter au Japon dans

Passé, présent, futur

Complète les phrases avec le mot qui convient Demain soir – Maintenant – Aujourd’hui – Plus tard – Hier – Autrefois _____, il est une heure

Future Tenses Exercise - WordPresscom

Future tenses Exercise Answers 1 The train arrives at 12:30 2 We are going to have dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday 3 It will snow in Brighton tomorrow evening (or is going to snow)

The Future of HR in the New Reality

HR was already facing a dilemma before the pandemic More than half of all leaders surveyed in summer 2019 for the KPMG Future of HR 2020 report said that the HR

The future of Arctic security

The future of Arctic security The geopolitical pressure cooker and the consequences for the Netherlands Dick Zandee Kimberley Kruijver Adája Stoetman

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