[PDF] hakima el haite

Dr Hakima el Haité - Liberal International

This week, LI President Dr Hakima el Haité and collegues called on African mobile phone companies to take an active role in cobating COVID-19 The article featured in l’Opinion by Hakima el Haité, Gilbert Noël Ouedraogo, Joël Ruet, Ibrahima Guimba Saidou, Hamed Diame Semega READ ARTICLE Dr Hakima El Haité, Mr Hans Van Baalen


President, Hakima El Haité, have been hard at work promoting a liberal climate perspective - The following are a collection of the highlights of LI's work in this field REMINDER: WIPP Index is open Join us in strengthening and promoting women in politics through ensuring that your party participates in

Climate Action Now - UNFCCC

H E Ms Hakima El Haite and H E Ms Laurence Tubiana The 2015 Paris Agreement, for the very first time in history, unites the world in action on climate change and on the push for sustainable development and economic transformation It calls for a paradigm shift as we move from

Biographie de Mme Hakima El Haite, ministre déléguée chargée

Mme Hakima El Haite, que SM le Roi Mohammed VI a nommée, le jeudi 10 octobre 2013, ministre déléguée auprès du ministre de l'Energie, des mines, de l'eau et de l'environnement, chargée de l'Environnement, est membre du bureau exécutif du Mouvement Populaire (MP), présidente de la

Ministers and top officials call for a new global initiative

Hakima El Haite, Minister of Environment, Morocco “Together, we commit to ensuring that people – their livelihoods, wellbeing, and particularly their health – are at the centre of the response to climate change ” The Ministerial high-level meeting on Health, Environment and Climate Change took place on 15 November 2016 in Marrakech

Climate Action Now - UNFCCC

H E Ms Hakima El Haite and H E Mr Inia Seruiratu 5 Purpose of this Summary for Policymakers 6 Key message 7 Benefits of integration 8 Land-use related mitigation benefits 8 Urban-environment related mitigation benefits 9 Integrating adaptation, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction 10 Overcoming obstacles to integration 12

FINAL ISSUE E llti - IISD Reporting Services

every time challenges arise, Hakima El Haité, Minister for the Environment, Morocco, stressed the role of innovation in finding solutions to decrease the emissions gap, making COP 22 the “COP of action, solutions and hope ” Underscoring that since the Paris Agreement momentum for climate action is growing, Laurence Tubiana, Founder,

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