[PDF] fouad ali el himma

The party of authenticity and modernity (PAM): trajectory of

the PAM’s founding father: Fouad Ali El Himma Fouad Ali El Himma: the friend of the king Fouad Ali El Himma is one of the closest advisers of King Mohammed VI and considered ‘the friend of the king’ 2 He was chosen to study with the then Crown Prince at the Royal College from an early age and followed him throughout university


which was founded in 2008 by Fouad Ali El Himma, a close friend and adviser to King Mohammed VI and whose dislike of the Islamists is well known When Mohammed VI ascended to the throne in 1999, he inherited from his father, Hassan II, a system that generates and exploits unruly party poli-

Security Council - MINURSO

Fouad Ali El Himma, Moroccan Minister Delegate of the Interior, Khalihenna Ould Errachid, Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, and Mohamed Yassine Mansouri, Director General of the Direction of Studies and Documentation, who provided some details on the autonomy proposal being prepared by Morocco


Authenticity and Modernity (PAM), founded by Fouad Ali El himma—a friend of the king—swept the local elections as well as took the lead in the second chamber of the Moroccan parliament PAM’s win prompted political figures to abandon their parties and join the new party in droves, to take advantage of PAM’s

The “February 20” Movement - POMED

and Fouad Ali El Himma, personal friend of the King and founder, in 2008, of a political party, which, with the help and support of the State and the justice system, became the largest party in the kingdom The slogans also called for the resignation of the current Prime Minister, Abbas El Fassi, which family

KAS Democracy Report 2009

support of the newly founded party of the former deputy minister of the interior, fouad Ali el Himma, which actually recently withdrew its support of the government The state powers and the division between them are as follows: ecutive power: As mentioned above, the king has the executive power in the political system ex of rocco

Pays et Capitales du Monde Argentine :Buenos Aires

parti créé par Fouad Ali El Himma, juste après les élections législatives de 2007, par la fusion de cinq partis politiques marocains Parti de l'unité et

Partis politiques marocains - AlloSchool

parti créé par Fouad Ali El Himma, juste après les élections législatives de 2007, par la fusion de cinq partis politiques marocains Parti de l'unité et

Marrocos: entre a transición sen fin e a encrucillada das

Se ben o Istiqlal apostou por Chabat e a USFP por Lachgar, o PAM optou por Ilyas El Omari quen, de facto, xa manexaba o partido na sombra, ao ser a persoa de confianza de Fouad Ali El Himma, fundador do partido, antigo home forte do país, conselleiro real e amigo íntimo de Mohamed VI

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