[PDF] Richard Steigmann-Gall

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Codirecteurs / Codirectors Serge Durflinger, Université d’Ottawa

Histoire sociale / Social History publishes arti - cles, research notes, book reviews, and other sub-missions that contribute to social history in Can-ada and elsewhere The journal is interested in all types of social phenomena, whether cultural, pol-itical, economic, or demographic, without meth-odological, temporal, or geographic restrictions

Project MUSE - He was determined to go: Underage Soldiers

Histoire sociale/Social history Les publications Histoire sociale / Social History Inc Volume 41, Number 81, Mai-May 2008 pp 41-74 10 1353/his 0 0009 ARTICLE View Citation Abstract As many as 20,000 underage soldiers served overseas in the First World War, but their service has o2en

Restructuring the Historical Framework Michelle Emi Smith

Why I Killed Canadian History: Towards an Anti-Racist History in Canada Histoire Sociale/Social History, 33, 79-103 Tupper, J A , & Cappello, M (2008) Teaching


Histoire sociale/Social history, Volume 44, Number 87, Mai-May 2011, pp 175-177 (Article) 3XEOLVKHG E\ /HV SXEOLFDWLRQV +LVWRLUH VRFLDOH 6RFLDO +LVWRU\,QF DOI: 10 1353/his 2011 0011 For additional information about this article Access provided by University of Toronto Library (27 May 2015 16:22 GMT)

What’s Your History - Project MUSE

• Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics • Civil War History • Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal • Early Modern Women • Enterprise & Society • French Colonial History • Genocide Studies International • Hawaiian Journal of History • Histoire sociale / Social History • History in Africa

Richard Steigmann-Gall

“Michael Kater, Hitler Youth,” Histoire sociale – Social History 40 (2007): 234-36 “Karla Poewe, New Religions and the Nazis,” H-German (May 2007) “Manfred Gailus, Protestantismus und Nationalsozialismus: Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Durchdringung des protestantischen Sozialmilieus in Berlin and Kevin Spicer, Resisting the

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