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AIDE-MÉMOIRE ON AEFI INVESTIGATION Purpose: This aide-mémoire proposes a systematic, standard-ized process to investigate reported serious adverse events fol-lowing immunization (AEFI) and ascertain the underlying cause of the AEFI by: n confirming a diagnosis and timing n identifying details of vaccine(s) administered

Aide Memoire - OCHA

Nov 22, 2010 · The Aide Memoire is both a record of these major normative developments and a platform for the Security Council to build upon in the future Based on a compendium of relevant Security Council language adopted since 1993, the Aide Memoire lists the main issues pertaining to the Protection of Civilians following a thematic presentation, and proposes

Aide-MéMoire - WHO

The MoH has ultimate responsibility for ensuring an adequate supply of safe blood and blood products and their safe and rational use The MoH should establish a sustainable


AIDE-MÉMOIRE Organized and hosted by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Co-organized by Finance Center for South-South Cooperation (FC-SSC), Hong Kong, China Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), Vienna, Austria


4 Aide-Memoire Glossary of Case Processing Modalities, Terms and Concepts Applicable to RSD Where operations are using case processing modalities, terms and concepts that are not listed in this Glossary which match, or are substantially similar to, the descriptions in this Glossary, they are encouraged


AIDE MEMOIRE FOR GMP INSPECTION OF MANUFACTURERS COMPLIANCE WITH COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/161 FOR SAFETY FEATURES 20 June 2019 Page 4 of 9 Uploading of information in the repositories system At what point in the batch release process is the data uploaded? Is the data sent to the serialisation partner’s server

Diplomatic Communications - Harvard University

• Aide-memoire—A diplomatic note An informal summary of a diplomatic interview or conversation that serves merely as an aid to memory It does not begin with a formula of courtesy, but it must indicate clearly in the first two lines to which ambassador, minister, or mission it is being addressed

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