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9 1803 Linear Algebra Exercises - MIT Mathematics

9 18 03 Linear Algebra Exercises 9A Matrix Multiplication, Rank, Echelon Form 9A-1 Which of the following matrices is in row-echelon form? (i) 0 1 1 0 (ii) 1 5

9 1803 Linear Algebra Exercises Solutions

9 18 03 Linear Algebra Exercises Solutions 9A Matrix Multiplication, Rank, Echelon Form 9A-1 (i) No The pivots have to occur in descending rows (ii) Yes There’s only one pivotal column, and it’s as required (iii) Yes There’s only one pivotal column, and it’s as required (iv) No The pivots have to occur in consecutive rows (v

Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra

text is Linear Algebra: An Introductory Approach [5] by Charles W Curits And for those more interested in applications both Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version [1] by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres and Linear Algebra and its Applications [10] by Gilbert Strang are loaded with applications


SERGE LANG’S ALGEBRA CHAPTER 1 EXERCISE SOLUTIONS 5 is then cyclic as well, implying that Gmust be abelian Problem 8 Let Gbe a group and let Hand H0be subgroups (a) Show that Gis a disjoint union of double cosets (b) Let fcgbe a family of representatives for the double cosets For each a2Gdenote by [a]H0the conjugate of aH0a 1 of H0 For

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SERGE LANG’S ALGEBRA CHAPTER 3 EXERCISE SOLUTIONS 3 Since fis injective, M0˘=Imf It remains to show that Kerh˘=M00 Since g is surjective, every m002M00is of the form g(m) for some


EXERCISES AND SOLUTIONS IN LINEAR ALGEBRA 3 also triangular and on the diagonal of [P−1f(T)P] B we have f(ci), where ci is a characteristic value of T (3) Let c be a characteristic value of T and let W be the space of characteristic vectors associated with the characteristic value c What is the restriction operator TW Solution

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TOUS LES EXERCICES DÕALGéBRE ET DE G OM TRIE MP Pour assimiler le programme, sÕentra ner et r ussir son concours El-Haj Laamri Agr g en math matiques et ma tre de conf rences Nancy-Universit

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Mahmut Kuzucuoglu

Middle East Technical University


Ankara, TURKEY

March 14, 2015




0. PREFACE .................................................. 1

1. LINEAR ...................................................??

2. MAP ......................................................??

3. ............................................................??

4. ?? ......................................................??

5. ??? .........................................................??


I have given some linear algebra courses in various years. These problems are given to students from the books which I have followed that year. I have kept the solutions of exercises which I solved for the students. These notes are collection of those solutions of exercises.

Mahmut Kuzucuo˘glu

METU, Ankara

March 14, 2015

M. Kuzucuoglu

1 1956.
.............................................M E T U


Math 262 Quiz IName : Answer Key

ID Number : 2360262

Signature : 0000000

Duration : 60 minutes

(05.03.2008) Show all your work. Unsupported answers will not be graded.1.)LetA=?

0- 

(a) Find the characteristic polynomial ofA. Solution.The characteristic polynomial ofAisf(x) = det(xI-A).So, f(x) =? ??????x-- 

0x+ -

 x-? = (x-)? ????x+ - x-? x+ -? = (x-)(x2-1 + 1) + (1-x-8) = (x-)(x2+ ) + (-x) = (x-)(x2+ -) = (x-)(x-1)(x+ 1) (b) Find the minimal polynomial ofA. Solution.We know that the minimal polynomial divides the characteristic polynomial and they same the same roots. Thus, the minimal polynomial forAismA(x) =f(x) = (x-)(x-1)(x+ 1). (c) Find the characteristic vectors and a basisBsuch that[A]Bis diagonal. Solution.The characteristic values ofAarec1= ,c2= 1,c3=-1.


?0 -

0- 

0 -1

0 0 0?

?,-x-y+ z= 0 y-z= 0?z= y x=-y

Thus,α1= (-1,1,)is a characteristic vector associated with the characteristic valuec1= .

A-I=? ?1 -

0- 

?1 -

0- 

0 0 0?

?,x+ y-z= 0 -y+ z= 0?y= k z= k x=-k

Thus,α2= (-,,)is a characteristic vector associated with the characteristic valuec2= 1.


0- 

0 1-1

0 0 0?

?,x+ y-z= 0 y-z= 0?x=-t y= t z= t

Thus,α3= (-,,)is a characteristic vector associated with the characteristic valuec3=-1.

Now,B={α1,α2,α3}is a basis and[A]B=?

? 0 0 0 1 0

0 0-1?

?is a diagonal matrix. (d) FindA-conductor of the vectorα= (1,1,1)into the invariant subspace spanned by(-1,1,). Solution.SetW=<(-1,1,)>and denote theA-conductor ofαintoWbyg(x).Since m A(A) = 0we havemA(A)α?W.Thus,g(x)dividesmA(x).Hence, the possibilities forg(x) arex-,x-1,x+ 1,(x-)(x-1),(x-)(x+ 1),(x-1)(x+ 1).We will try these polynomials. (Actually, the answer could be given directly.) Now, (A-I)α=? ?0 -

0- 

?1 1 1? -8? ?/?W?g(x)?=x-, (A-I)α=? ?1 -

0- 

?1 1 1? ?/?W?g(x)?=x-1, (A+I)α=?

0- 

?1 1 1? 0 ?/?W?g(x)?=x+ 1, (A-I)(A-I)α=? ?0 -

0- 

-9 -9? ?/?W?g(x)?= (x-)(x-1), (A-I)(A+I)α=? ?0 -

0- 

0 ?10 -1 ?/?W?g(x)?= (x-)(x+ 1), (A-I)(A+I)α=? ?1 -

0- 

0 ?1 -1 -0? ?=-1α1?W?g(x) =x2-1.

2.)Find a×matrix whose minimal polynomial isx2.

Solution.For the matrixA=?

?0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0?

?we haveA?= 0andA2= 0.Thus,Ais a×matrix whose minimal polynomial isx2.

3.)Prove that similar matrices have the sameminimalpolynomial.

Solution.LetAandBbe similar matrices, i.e.,B=P-1APfor some invertible matrixP.For anyk >0we haveBk= (P-1AP)k=P-1AkPwhich implies thatf(B) =P-1f(A)Pfor any polynomialf(x).LetfAandfBbe the minimal polynomials ofAandB,respectively. ThenfA(B) = P -1fA(A)P=P-1OP=Oimplies thatfBdividesfA.On the other hand,O=fB(B) =P-1fB(A)P gives usfB(A) =O.Hence,fAdividesfB.Therefore, we havefA=fB.


1. Math 262 Exercises and Solutions

(1) LetAbe a 3×3 matrix with real entries. Prove that ifAis not similar overRto a triangular matrix thenAis similar over

Cto a diagonal matrix.

Proof.SinceAis a 3×3 matrix with real entries, the characteristic polynomial,f(x),ofAis a polynomial of degree

3 with real coefficients. We know that every polynomial of

degree 3 with real coefficients has a real root, sayc1. On the other hand, sinceAis not similar overRto a tri- angular matrix, the minimal polynomial ofAis not product of polynomials of degree one. So one of the irreducible factor, h,of the minimal polynomial ofAis degree 2.Thenhhas two complex roots, one of which is the conjugate of the other. Thus, the characteristic polynomial has one real root and two complex roots,c1,λand¯λ. The minimal polynomial over complex numbers is (x- c

1)(x-λ)(x-¯λ) which implies thatAis diagonalizable over

complex numbers. (2) LetTbe a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed fieldF.Letfbe a polynomial over F.Prove thatcis a characteristic value off(T) if and only if f(t) =cwheretis a characteristic value ofT. Proof.Lettbe a characteristic value ofTandβbe a non- zero characteristic vector associated with the characteristic valuet.Then,Tβ=tβ, T2β=T(Tβ) =T(tβ) =tTβ=t2β, and inductively we can see thatTkβ=tkβfor anyk≥1. Thus, for any polynomialf(x) we havef(T)β=f(t)βwhich means, sinceβ̸= 0,thatf(t) is a characteristic value of the linear operatorf(T). Assume thatcis a characteristic value off(T).SinceFis algebraically closed, the minimal polynomial ofTis product of linear polynomials, that is,Tis similar to a triangular op- erator. If [P-1TP]Bis triangular matrix, then [P-1f(T)P]Bis


also triangular and on the diagonal of [P-1f(T)P]Bwe have f(ci),whereciis a characteristic value ofT. (3) Letcbe a characteristic value ofTand letWbe the space of characteristic vectors associated with the characteristic value c.What is the restriction operatorT|W. Solution.Every vectorv∈Wis a characteristic vector.

Hence,Tv=cvfor allv∈W.Therefore,T|W=cI.

(4) Every matrixAsatisfyingA2=Ais similar to a diagonal matrix. Solution.A satisfies the polynomialx2-x.Thus, the min- imal polynomial,mA(x),ofAdividesx2-x,that ismA(x) =x ormA(x) =x-1 ormA(x) =x(x-1).

IfmA(x) =x, thenA= 0.

IfmA(x) =x-1, thenA=I.

IfmA(x) =x(x-1), then the minimal polynomial ofA

is product of distinct polynomials of degree one. Thus, by a Theorem, the matrixAis similar to diagonal matrix with diagonal entries consisting of the characteristic values, 0 and 1. (5) LetTbe a linear operator onV.If every subspace ofVis invariant underTthen it is a scalar multiple of the identity operator. Solution.If dimV= 1 then for any 0̸=v∈V,we have

Tv=cv,sinceVis invariant underT.Hence,T=cI.

Assume that dimV >1 and letB={v1,v2,···,vn}be a basis forV.SinceW1=⟨v1⟩is invariant underT,we have Tv

1=c1v1.Similarly, sinceW2=⟨v2⟩is invariant underT,we

haveTv2=c2v2.Now,W3=⟨v1+v2⟩is also invariant underT. Hence,T(v1+v2) =λ(v1+v2) orc1v1+c2v2=λ(v1+v2),which gives us (c1-λ)v1+ (c2-λ)v2= 0.However,v1andv2are linearly independent and hence we should havec1=c2=λ. Similarly, one can continue with the subspace⟨v1+v2+v3⟩


and observe thatT(v3) =λv3. So for anyvi∈ B,we have Tv i=λvi.Thus,T=λI. (6) LetVbe the vector space ofn×nmatrices overF.LetAbe a fixedn×nmatrix. LetTbe a linear operator onVdefined byT(B) =AB.Show that the minimal polynomial ofTis the minimal polynomial ofA. Solution.LetmA(x) =xn+an-1xn-1+···+a1x+a0be the minimal polynomial ofA,so thatmA(A) = 0.It is easy to see thatTk(B) =AkBfor anyk≥1.Then, for anyB∈Vquotesdbs_dbs13.pdfusesText_19