[PDF] Community Charter of the Fundamental Socma~ Rights of orkers

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2 ETS 163 – European Social Charter (revised), 3 V 1996 Preamble The governments signatory hereto, being members of the Council of Europe, Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is the achievement of greater unity between

European Social Charter (revised)

The Revised European Social Charter was ratified by Lithuania on 29 June 2001 The time limit for submitting the 7th report on the application of this treaty to the Council of Europe was 31 October 2009 and Lithuania submitted it on 6 November 2009 On 30 March 2010, a letter was addressed

European Social Charter European Committee of Social Rights

The European Social Charter was ratified by the United Kingdom on 11 July 1962 The time limit for submitting the 29th report on the application of this treaty to the Council of Europe was 31 October 2009 and the United Kingdom submitted it on 19 November 2009 This report concerned the accepted provisions of the following articles belonging to the

European Social Charter (revised)

The role of the European Committee of Social Rights (the Committee) is to rule on the conformity of the situation in States Parties with the Revised European Social Charter (the Charter) The Committee adopts conclusions through the framework of the reporting procedure and decisions under the collective complaints procedure

Community Charter of the Fundamental Socma~ Rights of orkers

Community Charter of the Fundamental Socma~Rights of orkers The Social Charter will illustrate this leap forward in the social dimension It willshow ourpolitical willto build a social Europe, in accordance with the essential subsidiarity and also with variety Declaration by President Delors on 8 December 1989 at the European Council

European Pillar of Social Rights - European Commission

5 The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, first proclaimed at the Nice European Council on 7 December 2000, safeguards and promotes a number of fundamental principles that are essential for the European social model The provisions of this Charter are addressed to the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies


Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (3) The European Social Charter establishes that all workers have the right to just conditions of work It recognises the right of all workers to a fair remuneration sufficient for a decent standard of living for themselves and their families Article 4 of the Charter recognises the role of freely

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