[PDF] Extending the satellite data record of tropospheric ozone

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Diffraction theory: application of the fast Fourier

diffracting object in terms of a Fourier series As was pre-viously done in grating theory,4 it is now possible to re-duce the Maxwell equations to a first-order differential set that must be numerically integrated Of course the numerical treatment requires truncating the Fourier se-ries of the field, a process that has created great numeri-

Multi-Resolution Fourier Analysis Part I: Fundamentals

Heisenberg inequality widely known for its applications in quantum mechanics [28], signal processing [29] and various other theories [30]) the resolution in angular fre-quency and observation time cannot be arbitrarily small, i e , T 12 (5) 3 Multi-Resolution Fourier Analysis 3 1 Double Resolution Fourier Analysis

FT-IR Spectroscopy Applied for Surface Clays Characterization

ries For the FT-IR spectroscopy, it is still a discussion about the technique procedure, the nature of bound be- tween the clay surface and the organic molecule after ad- sorption or grafting In this paper, we intend to give some recommendations for these questions The study presented in this paper is a review aimed at uti-

Forensic applications of X-ray fluorescence microscopy

The applications discussed in this article are typical of the many varied micro-XRF analyses made in typical forensic laborato-ries around the world The advantages of the technique are numerous Compared with traditional bulk XRF, it is immediately applicable to the many microscopic parti-cles and fragments of evidence which are


Preface The 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applica-tions (AIMSA 2006)washeldinVarnaonthe BlackSeacoastduring September, 12–15, 2006 The AIMS

Extending the satellite data record of tropospheric ozone

Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES), a Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) on the Aura satellite, flying since 2004, was specifically designed with a focus on map-ping the global distribution of tropospheric ozone (Beer, 2006) The extremely high spectral resolution (0 1cm1 apodised) of the TES instrument enables profiling of tropo-

Testing the impact of stratigraphic uncertainty on spectral

els to be preserved For robust applications of the power spec-trum in further studies, we suggest providing a strong control of the measurement of the sample position A density of 10 samples per putative precession cycle is a safe sampling den-sity for preserving spectral power and significance level in the Milankovitch band

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