[PDF] La dysfonction érectile chez les patients hémodialysés au

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Cancer urothélial infiltrant de vessie Place de la

ABC metaanalysis Collaboration, Lancet 2003, 361: 1927-1934 - ABC metaanalysis Collaboration, Eur Urology 2005, 48: 202-206 1 - Méta-analyse ABC collaboration

Technique des biopsies prostatiques - The Lebanese Urology

Lidocaïne 1 10 cc M Rom et al Urology, 2012 Bloc prostatiqueguidé par Doppler Lidocaine 2 2cc Akpinar H et al Urology, 2009 Gel intra rectal Lidocaine 2 Skripas et al, Prostate cancer 2012 Gel 20 mn avant Infiltration Lidocaine 1 2 x 8 cc Yun et al, J Urol, 2007 Gel puis infiltration Lidocaine 1 + Naropaine O,75

The Benefits of Computed Tomographic Colonography in Reducing

Image processing and interpretation was performed by using a Viatronix V3D Colon workstation (Viatronix Inc , Stony Brook, NY) Image interpretation was made primarily by using 3D images, with secondary use of 2-dimensional (2D) images We selected a Viatronix workstation by taking advantage of its then unique ability to provide rapid visual

Le point sur 10 Scattoni V, et al Head to Head comparison

Congress of the European Association of Urology, 2011 March 8 Stephan C et al Comparative Assessment of Urinary Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 and TMPRSS2:ERG – Gene Fusion with the serum [-2]proPSA - Based phi for Detection of Prostate Cancer Clin Chem 2013; 59:1,280-288 9 Lazzeri M, et al Serum isoform [-2]proPSA derivatives significantly

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preprocedural measurements or incorrect interpretation of the preprocedural data – for example, wrong intraocular lens placed due to wrong biometry or using wrong dataset from correct biometry Includes: implantation of an intrauterine contraceptive device different from the one in the procedural plan

La dysfonction érectile chez les patients hémodialysés au

sectional study conducted by the team of Urology with the hemodialysis unit of University Hospital of Cotonou on 58 hemodialysis patients The abridged International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) was used for the assessment of ED A pre-established questionnaire was used to gather data on the epidemiological profile of patients


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