[PDF] December 8, 2010 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T8

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April 1,2010 to March31, 2012 CIVIL SERVICE MASTER AGREEMENT Province of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union 003 11 CNS CivilAgreement Cover ReSz 1/18/11 11:23 AM Page 2

Budget Assumptions and Schedules - Government of Nova Scotia

The Province of Nova Scotia is tabling a budget in fiscal 2010–2011, with a deficit of $222 1 million This is the first year of a four-year fiscal plan to return to a balanced budget Total revenues for 2010–2011, including government business enterprises’ net income of $348 6 million, are projected to be

GeoNOVA Annual Report 2010 - Nova Scotia

Government of Nova Scotia • Communications efforts focused on: continued redesign of www geonova ca; Hosting Spring Into Geomatics Conference in May, 2010 which was attended by over 150 geomatics participants (Keynote: Chief Information Officer for Nova Scotia, Holly Fancy)

Back to balance involving both tax increases and spending cuts

April 7, 2010 Nova Scotia Budget 2010 3 trol and cost-savings opportunities The government also intends to cut the total number of civil servants by 10 by 2013 through attrition and voluntary departures, and keep wage increases to under 1 In all, expenditure management efforts are projected to

December 8, 2010 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T8

Dec 10, 2010 · Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T8 Dear Minister More: On behalf of tens of thousands of employers in Nova Scotia, we are writing to follow up on our meeting yesterday Based on your suggestion, please consider this letter our response to your invitation to propose amendments to clarify government’s intent with respect to Bill 100 and its

Scotia Civic Address File Strategy

addresses for Nova Scotia Current, accurate, and always available M I S S I O N Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relation’s mission is to build, maintain and distribute a common electronic representation of location‐based addresses We are driven by a commitment to enhance government decision‐


NOVA SCOTIA TEACHERS UNION VOLUME 48, NUMBER 7 MARCH 2010 Mailed under Canada Post Publications Agreement Number 40063555 ISSN 0382-408X Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 3106 Joseph Howe Drive Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA B3L 4L7 reduce spending The question for the public education system: where does the Government cut from

Government Records Act - Nova Scotia Legislature

Government Records Committee 6(1)There shall be a Government Records Committee consisting of (a) the Provincial Archivist; (b) the Deputy Minister of Finance and Treasury Board or such other officer of the Department of Finance and Treasury Board as the Deputy Minister may designate; (c) the Auditor General of Nova Scotia or such other

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