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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque • Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque • Deuxième niveau mèu na•Tiveesioir • Quatrième niveau • Cinquième niveau ITSC-12, Lorne (Aus), 26 Feb- 4 Merch 2002 IASI Main characteristics Pixel diameter 12 km au nadir Sample 25 km au nadir Field of view ± 50°

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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxième niveau Troisième niveau Quatrième niveau Cinquième niveau LA POLLUTION ATMOSPHERIQUE LES PHENOMENES DE DIFFUSION Rémy LAGACHE Responsable Environnement LRPC Lille – CETE Nord Picardie

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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxième niveau Troisième niveau Quatrième niveau Cinquième niveau Se déplacer en Picardie Une nouvelle donne territoriale ? Amiens, 9 avril 2009 Une rupture dans l’évolution de la mobilité urbaine ? Les enseignements des dernières EMD

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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxième niveau Troisième niveau Quatrième niveau Cinquième niveau Partenaires: - CETE Nord Picardie (pilote) - CLERSE-CNRS (F Héran) - Région Nord pas de Calais - Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine - ADAV

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxième niveau Troisième niveau Quatrième niveau Cinquième niveau Formation DIR – Juin 2007 Xavier HERVAIS Contrôle d’exécution Rappels de Béton Armé et principes de ferraillage

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre - Eclipse

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxième niveau Troisième niveau Quatrième niveau Cinquième niveau

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxième niveau Troisième niveau Quatrième niveau Cinquième niveau Claire MARCOTTE Club OA - 21 juin 2012 Évaluation des ouvrages existants

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CLIQUEZ ET MODIFIEZ LE TITRE Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque 1 – PR ÉSENTATION DU LOT ET DES OBJECTIFS Le territoire est compris entre 500 et 900 mètres d’altitude et s’étend sur 1018 hectares Il est principalement composé de forêts résineuses et pour partie inclus dans un périmètre Natura 2000

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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre • Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque • Deuxième niveau • Troisième niveau • Quatrième niveau • Cinquième niveau 2 Cadre opérationnel 2 3 Consultation auprès des professeurs 1er moment • Début octobre 05 : discussion des résultats obtenus

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Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Eclipse MDT Papyrus Collaborative

Work tristan.faure@atos.net

Papyrus tutorial - Collaborative work

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Collaborative work within Papyrus

Split your model Work with restrictions on the model Reassemble your model Model loading policies Handle UML profiles and stereotypesAgenda 2

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0MDT Papyrus provides a way to◦Split a model into multiple parts

◦Manage resources loading These points allow users to◦Make team work possible on a model ◦Work on huge models ◦Adapt model loading according to their contextCollaborative work within Papyrus 3

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Control action◦Comes from EMF

◦Enables exporting a part of the model into a new file ◦Several files for several users, still one modelSplit your model 4

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Some relevant views for collaborative workPapyrus environment

Project Explorer view:

Physical view of the model

Model Explorer view:

Logical view of the

opened file

Papyrus notification


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Activated on structural element such as Package

Perform control action to export the model partControl action 6

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Once control is done, model part is exported◦New files are created

◦Icon appears on the exported packageControl action 7

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0You can open the model part as a single part◦Part's content is visible onlyOpen part of the model


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Notification to be aware of◦You can't control a model part from a file that does

not contain this partNotification with control 9

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0You are now able to split your model◦Each user works on a model part

◦Add restrictions to go beyond on the team workSplit the model 10

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Adding restrictions enables to◦Forbid modifications on a wrong model part

◦Avoid conflict situation with model merging

There are several ways to add restrictions◦A possible choice is the pessimistic mode with SVNRestrictions on model parts


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0The aim is to use locks for synchronization◦A user needs to lock files to work on it

◦Locked files are read-only for other team membersWork in pessimistic mode with SVN 12

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Right click on the folder in the Project Explorer view◦Team menu and Set Property menu item

◦Then commit changesConfigure lock on SVN 13

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0You need to lock files you want to work onWork on model part


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0If you try to modify an unlocked fileModel restrictions

Change the name


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Uncontrol action◦Enables to reassemble a part of the model into the

initial file ◦One file for one modelReassemble your model 16

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Available on controlled element only

Reassemble element content into the initial fileUncontrol action 17

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Notification to be aware of◦You can't uncontrol a model part from a file that

did not contain this partNotification with uncontrol 18

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Why change model loading ?◦Avoid unneeded model part loading

◦Improve model loading performance ◦Quickly open a part of a huge modelModel loading 19

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Several model loading policies◦Available in papyrus preferences (window menu)Loading policies


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0A sneak peek at loading policies ◦Try with a relevant case:

 Load the additional resources. Controlled resources are not loadedLoading policies: example 1

Unreachable elements

in Model Explorer viewUnable to display shapes in the editor

Unresolved tabs for unloaded diagrams


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Another relevant case◦Ask the user if a resource has to be loaded

First set this policy in preferences Then open the notification view: Window > Show View > OtherLoading policies: example 2 22

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Open the model◦All the referenced resources are listed in notification view

◦Choose "Yes" to load the resource you wantLoading policies: example 2

23The choice is saved and will be

reset at Application restart.

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Resource is loaded on the fly and model is updatedLoading policies: example 2


Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Some constraints exist on UML profiles◦Profile application must be visible from stereotype

elements ◦Profile application on a model is not visible from a model part ◦Profile application is duplicated on controlled element to handle this constraintManage UML profiles 25

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Let's start applying Ecore profile on a model

26Apply UML profile


4Select Profile tabApply Profile

Profile is appliedSelect Profile

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Then apply stereotype on the element

27Apply stereotype

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Controlled model part now has profile applied

Stereotype is still visible on the element

28Control model part with stereotypes

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0Duplicated profiles are unapplied when

uncontrol action is performed The tool asks the user to load all the needed resources if policy is not suitable for profile duplication

29Manage UML profiles

Papyrus | © 2011 by Zeligsoft, Atos, CEA LIST, and LIFL; made available under the EPL v1.0All these features are coming with papyrus

0.8.0 release

Have a look at the other tutorials◦Papyrus tutorials page Visit MDT Papyrus home page◦Papyrus home page

30Additional information
