[PDF] Hydrocèle of spermatocèle

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Hydrocelectomy through the inguinal approach versus scrotal

the spermatic cord and the hemiscrotum containing the hydrocele sac was given an upward push until the hydrocele sac emerged at the inguinal wound (c) Aspiration of the hydrocele fluid under vision through the inguinal wound (d) Delivery of the testis into the inguinal wound and eversion of the tunica vaginalis completed


tubercle After giving incision spermatic cord pulled up without disturbing the external inguinal wing Aspiration was done for the draining of fluid from tunica vaginalis through 20 cc syringe Tunica vaginal was excised leaving 1 cm margin from testis and epididymis as well as protecting the testis from blood supply and for hemostasis

Hydrocèle of spermatocèle

2 Figuur 1 Hydrocèle Figuur 2 Spermatocèle Behandeling Bovengenoemde afwijkingen geven meestal geen klachten, ze zijn pijnloos Behandeling is daarom ook niet noodzakelijk

Microdenervation of the Spermatic Cord for Chronic Scrotal

Purpose: Microdenervation of the spermatic cord is an effective treatment for men with intractable scrotal content pain We evaluated a single center experi-ence, analyzing patients in whom prior surgical attempts had failed to correct pain who subsequently underwent microdenervation of the spermatic cord

Microsurgical Denervation of the Spermatic Cord for Chronic

The anterior spermatic cord fascia is opened for 3 to 4 cm to expose the cord contents (fig 2) Micro-Doppler ultrasound is used to identify the location of arterial flow The testicular, cremasteric, and deferential arteries and branches are identified and secured with micro-vessel loops The internal spermatic veins are ligated and divided

Policy &#:188810 SUBJ ECT: Testicular Scan ritten: Reviewed

Aug 08, 2018 · eles, hydroc nd legs fully by a towel at the testes them Plac the flow stu first tracer mode imag 8 10 7 /19 be evaluate torsion ically The e therapy ca n can allow eles, testicu abducted placed over do not over e the camer dy, take an e (128 x 12 d testicular n be rapidly one to lar fractures The penis is the thighs lap The a head as

Résultats hémodynamiques et cliniques de la dissection, as

tion n'a pas montr6 d'hydroc~le ; I'ECCD n'a jamais r6v6- 16 de r6cidives de la varicocble, et a toujours permis d'i- dentifier l'artbre spermatique La comparaison des volu- mes testiculaires mesur6s avant et six mois apr6s la chirur- gie montre une absence de modification du c6t6 droit (Fig-

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