[PDF] DGDDI Brexit Presentation EU Smart border - EN - vF

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The Smart border webinar - BREXIT - Présentation - Douane

Sending the transit crossing border notification 66 33 00 Notification of arrival 11 Migratory Controls Flow to be controlled Exportation / TransitExportation / Transit 55 Potential customs controls Disembarking : Exit Notification and Clearance of the Export Accompanying Document (EAD) Flow Separation 88 Transit w/o SPS / Good to Release

Information and general conditions

If you want to report something, please use the ‘Customs notification (Kennisgeving Douane)’ form You can find the form on douane nl You can read how to submit the form in the authorisation Administrative obligations It is important that you maintain good administrative records General rules about the administrative obligations can be found

Manual Notification Import Documentation Port of Rotterdam

FWV Document number: Douane 39 number (e g D39-123456789) Yes in writing * Due to a correct functioning in the systems, the codes DIN and DEN and DI and DE will continue to exist for the time being until 2018-2019

CUSTOMS CLEARANCE IN FRANCE The new Union Customs Code - Douane

notification of arrival • The Code sets out (§3) new more-stricter conditions for granting this waiver 31 31 Confirmed and additional benefits


A re-export notification does not contain the security and safety data but it has to contain the particulars necessary to discharge the free zone procedure or to end the temporary storage Re-export notification is not subject to the time limits referred to in Article 244 UCC DA


2 3 IE008 ARRIVAL NOTIFICATION REJECTION On receipt of an invalid IE007 (Arrival Notification) message from an ACP trader, the NCTS will automatically submit this message to the trader This message details the error(s) in the IE007 data submitted 2 4 IE009 CANCELLATION DECISION

Annex COVID-19 Trade and trade-related measures (As of 14

1-Annex COVID-19 Trade and trade-related measures (As of 14 April 2020) CONFIRMED INFORMATIONa Member/ Measure Source/Date Status Observer Albania Temporary export prohibition on certain drugs


V 4 Notification of recovery of duties and other charges under the Union transit procedure and transit in accordance with the TIR Convention V 5 Recovery of other charges for goods placed under transit in accordance with the ATA Convention or the Istanbul Convention V 6 Recovery of other charges for goods placed under temporary admission

Declarations and notifications by Liechtenstein and

susceptibles de constituer une infraction en matière d'accises, de taxe à la valeur ajoutée ou de douane " Notification concernant l'article 13, paragraphe 2 "Conformément à l'article 13, paragraphes 1 et 2, de la convention d'extradition de l'UE, laPrincipauté de

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