[PDF] Will Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Change Education?

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The Paris Club and International Debt Relief

economic situation to the Paris Club To date (December 2013), the Paris Club has reached 429 agreements with 90 debtor countries Since 1983, the total amount of debt covered in Paris Club agreements—rescheduled or reduced—is approximately $573 billion As several emerging economies including Brazil, China, and India developed robust aid

The Many Faces of Facebook: Experiencing Social Media as

Session: Managing Social Media CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2 on individual sensemaking and use, although there has been

Visual Challenges in the Everyday Lives of Blind People

Session: Design for the Blind CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2117 mobile and social question and answer (Q&A) behaviors, and

Intercultural competences: conceptual and operational

Intercultural Competences - 5 individuals and communities manage encounters with cultural others is under scrutiny Hence the growing awareness among policy-makers and civil society

TALIS 2013 Technical Report - OECD

This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the OECD

Carbon and inequality: from Kyoto to Paris

Carbon and inequality: from Kyoto to Paris 2 Abstract This study presents evolutions in the global distribution of CO 2e emissions (CO 2 and other Green House Gases) between world individ-uals from 1998 and 2013 and examines di&erent strategies to ’nance a global climate adaptation fund based on e&orts shared among high world

Quantifying the Invisible Audience in Social Networks

Quantifying the Invisible Audience in Social Networks Michael S Bernstein1;2, Eytan Bakshy2, Moira Burke2, Brian Karrer2 Stanford University HCI Group1 Facebook Data Science2

Pensions at a Glance 2013: OECD and G20 Indicators

This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official

Does Slacktivism Hurt Activism?: The Effects of Moral

- 3 - Unfortunately, little is known about whether and how slacktivism may affect participants’ choice of whether to partake in subsequent civic actions

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