[PDF] Interpretation of Laboratory Results - Michigan

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WESTERN BLOT RESULTS SUMMARY FOR INTERPRETATION There are two test result interpretations enclosed Note one is CDC and one is XYZ The interpretations (positive or negative) of the CDC and XYZ test results may not match The Western blots interpretation by me, is the following I have typed out for you

brenner Understanding the Western Blot

interpretation of Western blotting, and should help most patients navigate their way through some of the medical and scientific terminology associated with the assay First of all, it should be noted that the Western blot is usually performed as a follow-up to an ELISA test, which is the most commonly employed initial test for Lyme disease

Interpretation of CLA Test Results Western Inhalant Panel

Interpretation of CLA® Test Results Western Inhalant Panel Provided by Vivian Saper, MD Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Director of Hitachi Chemical Diagnostics Test results from the CLA-1™ Luminometer are provided in Luminometer Units (LU), which are in turn grouped into Class results

Interpretation of Laboratory Results - Michigan

o The syphilis IgM Western blot test is run on babies who are posi ve for either the treponemal or nontreponemal test to dis nguish between the baby and mother’s an bodies A reac ve result for the child on the IgM Western blot test suggests congenital or primary infec on with TP, the syphilis organism

Figure 1 Interpretation of “Paraneoplastic Antibody

A physician’s test selection and interpretation, diagnosis, and patient management decisions should be based on his/her education, clinical expertise, and assessment of the patient Figure 1 Interpretation of “Paraneoplastic Antibody Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Western Blot, Basic (Test Code 93876) Panel”

Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Test Result Interpretation in

Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Test Result Interpretation in Patient Portal Examples of Positive Test Results What does it mean if I have a positive or detected test result? If you have a positive or detected test result, it is very likely that you have COVID-19 Therefore, you should isolate yourself to avoid spreading the virus to others

Explanation of Lyme Disease Laboratory Testing

The western blot test is designed to be “specific,” which means that most of the time it will be positive only if a person has been truly infected The western blot test is more specific for the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria than the ELISA A negative western blot test usually indicates that the ELISA test was a false positive There are

Soil Test Interpretation Guide - Oregon State University

Management Guide (Western Oregon) (EM 8978); Sweet Corn Nutrient Management Guide (Western Oregon) (EM 9010) Post-harvest soil nitrate testing can be used in some cropping systems to determine whether N supplied from all sources (fertilizer, irrigation water, organic amendments) was excessive Interpretation

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