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explosion rang mournful resonated sombre detonation echoed discordant reverberated sonic boom 1 An explosion of thunder tore split the vault-like silence 2 Thunder echoed in the sky and shattered the shrine-still silence 3 The mournful thunder tore the womb-like silence apart 4

Martial Cures for bad dreams - Extra Resources

sombre and serious turis: this is incense from resin of the Boswellia sacra bush, commonly known as frankincense This was grown in the south of Arabia and the east of Africa and imported to Rome through Syria It was costly and the acervos (‘heaps’) of this adds to the impression of Martial’s impoverishment

The history and legacy of the United States Naval

The sailors were reluctant to leave and the sombre ceremony was reported in the local press [1] The last of the personne l left on 17 December 1992 and ownership of the naval houses, emptied facilities and land was transferred to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) [2] 3 Station description

Context Line-by-Line Analysis

sombre tone) but those that are included are hugely descriptive For example, the use of the adjective ‘intoxicated’ gives the reader a depth of understanding about both the son’s mindset heading into war (enthusiastic) and the narrator’s trepidation regarding the son’s mindset Quote: “ After you'd gone I went into your bedroom,

Paul Reveres Ride

and sombre and still And lo as he looks, on the belfry’s height, A glimmer, and then a gleam of light He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns, But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight A second lamp in the belfry burns A hurry of hoofs in a village-street, A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,

The Death of the Moth Virginia Woolf

butterfl ies nor sombre like their own species Nevertheless, the present specimen, with his narrow hay-coloured wings, fringed with a tassel of the same colour, seemed to be content with life It was a pleasant morn-ing, mid-September, mild, benignant, yet with a keener breath than that of summer months


5 The description of the narrator’s train ride (lines 59 through 66) supports a theme of (1) confusion (3) persecution (2) isolation (4) deception 6 The description in lines 73 through 82 suggests that the bazaar symbolizes (1) excessive greed (3) false promise (2) future wealth (4) lasting love 7 It can be inferred from the text that the


The description of the approaching clouds as “sombre,” “sinister,” and “sullen” (313) suggests an atmosphere of foreboding, yet the alliteration of these words also introduces a poetic tone The conversation between father and son in the final part of this section contrasts, yet does not conflict, with the rather formal

The Use of Bodies - joaocamillopenna

the middle of the film, the detailed and merciless description stops and moitié du chemin de la vraie vie, nous étions environnés d’une sombre

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